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Telefónica UK – Jan 2016 Moving beyond rapid authoring

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1 Telefónica UK – Jan 2016 Moving beyond rapid authoring
Asi DeGani Rich Brook Telefónica UK – Jan Moving beyond rapid authoring


3 Learning Content Management System
The solution? LCMS Learning Content Management System

4 Web based Problem: people developing stuff on their own machine
Solution: cloud based authoring solution which means all the content is online and can be accessed without need for software

5 Stakeholder Management
Problem: only able to get content to sign-off when published, finished. Solution: allow stakeholders to access content as it is being built

6 Creating an Eco System Problem: any change/update incurs cost with external learning suppliers Solution: Get them to use your LCMS, transferring ownership of content

7 Consistency Problem: I want pink, I like pink, pink is my favourite colour… Solution: The templates you build will be consistent throughout, eg on brand

8 Branding Problem: Your company changes its brand or your company changes its company Solution: The templates are all based on branded skins which allows major changes to be made (almost) with one click

9 Branding MG Problem: Your company changes its brand or your company changes its company Solution: The templates are all based on branded skins which allows major changes to be made (almost) with one click

10 Branding MG Problem: Your company changes its brand or your company changes its company Solution: The templates are all based on branded skins which allows major changes to be made (almost) with one click

11 Branding MG Problem: Your company changes its brand or your company changes its company Solution: The templates are all based on branded skins which allows major changes to be made (almost) with one click

12 Updates Problem: The new iphone has launched and we need to update hundreds of pages that include the old version Solution: the digital repository set up means that there’s one asset which is deployed out to many places – needing only one change

13 Technical issues free Problem: Internal and suppliers using the wrong setting to publish or using their own software Solution: everybody uses the same version of the same software and as its cloud based all at the same time

14 V3 V2.0 Version control V1.3 With added You’ll never need sugar
Problem: our learners access the content in a varied way Solution: the content is backward compatible and not flash based The new and improved With added sugar You’ll never need anything else!

15 Multi-device learning
Problem: learners have less access to PCs, and a move towards laptops and tablets Solution: ALL content is built in html5 allowing a responsive user experience

16 Stakeholder management
Content Team comments

17 This is where we are now

18 Speeding up ‘Rapid’ Learning System Size Build Time Ratio
High Speed Internet LCMS 10 pages with a test 5 days (with extra 5 days development) 1 spd McAfee Multi Access 5 pages with a test 2.5 days 2 spd NSPCC Module 1 46 pages with a test 12 days 3.8 spd Learning System Size Build Time Ratio Business Essentials Overview Storyline 11 pages with a test 5 days 2.2 spd Box 5 pages and test 4 days 1.25 spd McAfee

19 Any questions?

20 Who we are Asi DeGani Richard Brook

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