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Building ReUse Committee Presentation Outline & Storyboard

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Presentation on theme: "Building ReUse Committee Presentation Outline & Storyboard"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building ReUse Committee Presentation Outline & Storyboard
Third Revision December 3, 2013 Jamie Toale, Chair Pat Slattery, Vice-Chair Damon McQuaid, Clerk Deb Seeley, Member Dave MacDonald, Member Steve Raboin, Member Ron Albert, Member Todd Blake, Member Joe Levine, Member

2 Committee Members Jamie Toale, Chair Pat Slattery, Vice-Chair
Damon McQuaid, Clerk Joe Levine Ron Albert Dave MacDonald Steve Raboin Todd Blake Deb Seeley

3 Special Thanks John Londa, Director of Facilities
Lunenburg Public Schools J. Scott Curley, President All State Abatement Professionals J.M Lord, Principal Maple Rock Marketing & Project Development John Londa was an enormous help to the committee with assessments of existing costs and required capital expenditures for Town owned properties. Scott Curley provided detailed estimates on costs of asbestos abatement or demolition and Jay Lord provided valuable insight on possible commercial uses of the properties and the process for preparing RFP templates. Both Scott and Jay assisted at NO Cost to the Town.

4 ReUse Taskforce Charter
Identify space requirements for potential combined municipal operations Identify Costs to convert municipal space Identify 5 and 10 year capital costs to retain existing buildings, including Town Hall, Ritter Memorial, and Eagle House Identify appropriate options for sale or lease of facilities Identify potential reuse or market for any buildings deemed surplus as a result of consolidation As part of the discussion of the proposed Middle High School building project, the Board of Selectmen created a Building ReUse Committee and assigned them the tasks of : Reviewing the Town’s Space needs for municipal services Reviewing long & short term repair and maintenance costs, and Identifying property and buildings that could be surplus. If surplus properties are identified, detailed marketing plans for those properties should be developed.

5 Property and Buildings Reviewed
Eagle House - Senior Center Brooks House Ritter Building T.C. Passios Town Hall I would like to review each of the properties, beginning with the Eagle House – Senior Center

6 Next Slide

7 Eagle House – Senior Center
Size – 4,000 sq. ft Land – TBD Annual Cost $8,900 – Maintenance $12,200 – Utilities Revenue – $0 Cost to Repair $33,000 – in FY 15 Capital Plan – (Flooring, HVAC, Sprinklers) The Eagle house has been determined to be suitable for current and future needs per the Director and the COA The Eagle house building is approximately 4,000 square feet. It sits on the School Campus, behind the TC Passios building and the Library. The exact dimensions of the land plot would need to be determined if a land parcel currently part of the Eagle House and TC Passios were to be marketed. It costs approximately $21,000 per year to run and requires average maintenance costs. The Eagle house has been determined to be suitable for current and future needs per the Director and the Council On Ageing.

8 The Brooks House Next Slide

9 Brooks House Size – 3,900 sq. ft. Land - ~1.5 acres TBD Annual Cost
$1,000 - Maintenance $5,000 – Utilities Revenue – $6,000 (tenant covers yearly cost) Cost to Repair - ( no significant maintenance work planned) Building currently underutilized Would require significant investment to be retrofitted for public access as a municipal office The Brooks House is approximately 3,900 It sits on the School Campus, in front of the TC Passios building and next to the Library. The exact dimensions of the land plot would need to be determined if the land parcel were to be marketed. The current tenant covers the annual operating costs and no maintenance or repair is planned. The building is currently underutilized but would require significant investment to be retrofitted for public access as a municipal office

10 The Ritter Building Next Slide

11 Ritter Building Size – 6,000 sq. ft
Land – 1.1 acres (plus available space from old Police and Fire Complex) Annual Cost $8,165 - Maintenance 10,790 – Utilities Revenue – $0 Cost to Repair $21,000 – HVAC –(per FY15 Capital Plan) $43,500 – future – windows and chimney repair Currently houses Land-Use Departments 6 employees 6,000 sq. ft. Yearly cost of $20K $20- 65K Future repair The Ritter Building is approximately 6,000 square feet. It sits on 1.1 acres, but the exact dimensions of the land plot would need to be determined if the land parcel were to be marketed. It costs approximately $20,000 per year to operate and is scheduled for $20-65,000 of repairs over the next 3 – 5 years. The Ritter houses six employees in the various “Land-Use” departments of the Town.

12 The T.C. Passios School Building
Next Slide

13 TC Passios Size – 57,459 sq. ft. Land - ~8 acres Annual Cost Revenue –
$60,000 - Maintenance $60,000 – Utilities ($37K for current use) Revenue – $36,000 – PACC, FLLAC Cost to Repair and Maintain $2.5 mil – Repair and Maintenance (Roof, Fire Alarm, Electrical Distribution and Sprinkler) $120K – Yearly operations Estimated From John Londa’s White Paper and capital projections Total “Tear Down” $933,550 Cost of Asbestos To Abate - $503K To Demolish - $423K Regulated Waste Materials - $7.5K Partial work (if Possible) $875 per sq. ft. abatement * All costs are estimated in 2013 dollars The T.C. Passios building is approximately 57,500 square feet and sits on a plot estimated to be 8 acres. The Passios building costs $120,000 per year to run and is currently generating $36,000 in “income from short term tenants PACC and FLLAC (Collaborative) John Londa estimates that over $2.5 million would be required to make long term repairs to keep the building for long term use. Total demolition of the building would cost over $900,000 due to asbestos and any partial abatement or construction could cost $875 per square foot up to approximately $500,000 (in 2013 dollars)

14 Town Hall Next Slide

15 Town Hall Size – 6,500 Sq. ft. Land – 0.15 acre Annual Cost
$8,665 – Maintenance $20,464 – Utilities Revenue – $ 32K per year for cell transmitter rental in clock tower Cost to Repair and Retrofit $ ? mil (depending on decision to renovate, expand and retrofit or only repair) $30K yearly operations The Town Hall is 6,500 square feet and sits on 0.15 acres It costs approximately $30,000 per year to run and derives $32K per year in revenue for cell transmitters located in the clock tower Plans have been drawn up in the past to repair and renovate the building at costs ranging from $2 - $10 million With renovation, all Town municipal offices could be co-located in the Town Hall . Costs would depend on extent of work planned but could be done in the $1-2.5 million range

16 Findings and Recommendations
Eagle House Meets current and future needs No Action I will discuss the committees recommendations for each of the properties we were asked to review. The Eagle House requires no action at this time. It meets the needs of the Senior center now and will continue to do so in the future.

17 Findings and Recommendations
Eagle House Meets current and future needs Brooks House Underutilized. Cost would be prohibitive to repurpose No Action Market property for sale (RFP process) The Brooks House is underutilized and the cost to bring up to code as a municipal building would be prohibitive

18 The Brooks House sits on a prime location and if a parcel were to be marketed as the 1.5 acres shown on Mass Ave, It should be very attractive as a commercial property. Estimates are that a bank for instance may pay as much as $500K for this property.

19 Findings and Recommendations
Eagle House Meets current and future needs Brooks House Underutilized. Cost would be prohibitive to repurpose Ritter Building Underutilized. Employees could be relocated No Action Market property for sale (RFP process) The Ritter Building is also underutilized and the six employees could be moved into a renovated Town Hall.

20 A parcel of land that would include the current Ritter and the former Police and Fire property could be marketed as approximately 1.1 acres at the intersection of Massachusetts and Lancaster Avenues. A restaurant or other “Town Center” entity should be interested in this property. A full RFP (request for proposal) process would be used to determine the best use of this parcel Ritter Building Proposed Plot Plan

21 Findings and recommendations (Cont.)
T.C. Passios $2.5 mil cost to repair and maintain $120K yearly operating cost OR $933,550 Demolition Market property or building for sale (RFP process) in one or several parcels Possible buyers FLLAC Day Care Facility Senior Care or Assisted Living Other appropriate development The T.C. Passios building is the property with the highest cost to the Town. The $120,000 annual cost along with the $2.5 million costs to repair and maintain 57,459 square feet for on-going municipal use is not justified. Currently municipal activities that are handled in Town Hall, the Ritter and Brooks House use only 16,400 square feet today. And it is projected that the 21 non school Town employees could be housed in a renovated Town Hall. [TH=14, Ritter=6,Brooks=1,TCP=11] 32 The almost $1 million cost to demolish the building for use as fields or open space is also hard to justify

22 The TC Passios property could be marketed for sale through the detailed RFP (Request for Proposal) process The developer proposals could be for appropriate uses in one or several parcels and could be in conjunction with the Brooks House property or as a stand alone

23 This proposed drawing shows the TC Passios property configured into three separate offerings of 15,000 SF, 9,375 SF and 12,700 SF with proposed parking in the middle of the “complex” Marketed as one or several properties, the Passios might be of interest to developers or buyers such as: FLLAC or other “school” Day Care Facilities Senior Care or Senior Assisted Living Office Space OR Other appropriate Development

24 Findings and recommendations (Cont.)
Town Hall Cost to Repair and Retrofit for complete municipal offices $1.2 – 2.5 million over 3-5 years $30K yearly operating cost Make commitment to retrofit and repair Town Hall to house municipal offices now housed in other “reuse” buildings Town Hall renovation costs would be offset by savings on operating costs, ongoing maintenance and reduced capital expenditures as well as sale proceeds from surplus properties (TCP, Ritter and Brooks) It is the recommendation of the Building ReUse Committee to Make a long-term commitment to retrofit and repair Town Hall to house municipal offices now located in other “reuse” buildings Next Slide

25 While the repair, renovation and retrofit costs would be significant, we recommend that the Town offset the costs with any savings on operating costs, ongoing maintenance and reduced future capital expenditures on surplus buildings. Next Slide

26 Any income from sales of “surplus” buildings would also go toward Town Hall renovation.

27 Next Steps Communicate findings and recommendations so they can be considered during the town School Building discussions and decisions. Develop a “go to market plan” for the marketable properties . Create RFP template for discussion with current stakeholders, etc. Develop consolidation plan(s) for municipal functions and Town Hall renovation Make bottom line cost and investment decisions and review sale revenue projections, in order to set reasonable short and medium term goals Communicate Findings – A video of this presentation, with any input from tonight’s meeting, will be posted by PACC on their YouTube site and used as the Selectmen and School Committee sees fit. Assign Staff Work – The work of developing a detailed “go-to-market” strategy and RFP templates should be developed for surplus property. A consolidation Plan for Town functions and offices should be built Cost and Investment decisions on Town Hall need to be made

28 Specific Open Items Need for cross-department Record Management plan and process Insure that location for Open Meetings, Voting, PACC television coverage, Superintendent's offices are covered in School building plan Work with School, Zoning and Planning Committees to “package” marketable properties for sale by the Town Need for cross-department Record Management plan and process Insure that location for Open Meetings, Voting, PACC television coverage, Superintendent's offices are covered in School building plan Work with School, Zoning and Planning Committees to “package” marketable properties for sale by the Town

29 Thank You Questions? Thank You

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