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Ultrasound of the Hip: Sonoanatomy

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Presentation on theme: "Ultrasound of the Hip: Sonoanatomy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultrasound of the Hip: Sonoanatomy

2 Ultrasound of Hip Sartorius Rectus femoris Iliopsoas Labrum Acetabulum
Joint capsule Iliofemoral ligament Femoral head

3 Ultrasound of Hip Iliopsoas Rectus femoris Iiopsoas tendon
Joint capsule Labrum Acetabulum Acetabulum Femoral head

4 Ultrasound of Hip Iliotibial tract Gluteus medius Gluteus maximus
Gluteus minimus Greater trochanter

5 Ultrasound of Hip Iliotibial tract Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius
Greater trochanter Gluteus minimus

6 Ultrasound of Hip Iliotibial tract Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus
Gluteus maximus Greater trochanter

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