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Hip, Thigh, & Leg Muscles Review and Notes Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "Hip, Thigh, & Leg Muscles Review and Notes Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hip, Thigh, & Leg Muscles Review and Notes Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

2 Flexors of the Thigh Iliopsoas (2 parts) S? Rectus f?? Iliacus
Psoas major S? Rectus f?? Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

3 Flexors of the Thigh Iliopsoas (2 parts) Sartorius Rectus femoris
Iliacus Psoas major Sartorius Rectus femoris Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

4 Extensors & Hyperextensors of Thigh
power for walking, running Gluteus ?? H??? group Adductor magnus (posterior part) Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

5 Extensors & Hyperextensors of Thigh
power for walking, running Gluteus maximus Hamstring group Adductor magnus (posterior part) Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

6 Hamstring group B?? f??? S? Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

7 Hamstring group Biceps femoris Semitendinosis Semimembranosus

8 Abductors of Thigh Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Tensor fasciae latae
Deep to gl. medius Tensor fasciae latae via iliotibial tract to lateral epicondyle of tibia (next slide) Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

9 Adductors of Thigh Adductor magnus Adductor longus Adductor brevis
Gracilis Pectineus Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

10 Flexors of the Leg Hamstring group Gracilis Gastrocnemius
Remember "leg" means from knee to ankle. Hamstring group Gracilis Gastrocnemius (next slide) Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

11 Extensors of the Leg Quadriceps group R? f? Vastus l? Vastus m?
Vastus i? Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

12 Extensors of the Leg Quadriceps group Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

13 Plantar Flexors (Extensors of the Foot)
G? S? Fibularis longus Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

14 Plantar Flexors (Extensors of the Foot)
Gastrocnemius Soleus Fibularis longus Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

15 Dorsiflexors (Flexors of the Foot)
T? a? Extensor d? l? Extensor hallucis longus Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

16 Dorsiflexors (Flexors of the Foot)
Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallucis longus Hip-Thigh-Leg.ppt

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