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MAXI Status and ISS Science

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1 MAXI Status and ISS Science
August 22, 2003 Max-Planck Inst. Masaru Matsuoka NASDA(JAXA* from October 1,2003) Tsukuba Space Center MAXI TMM Overview * Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (=ISAS+NASDA+NAL)

2 Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI)
358 mm GSC GSC SSC - To be placed on the International Space Station in 2008 ? Energy range is 0.5 – 30 keV for combined CCD camera and Gas Slit Camera (SSC:200 cm2 ,GSC: 5350 cm2)

3 MAXI Overview and Scanning Process
Now MAXI is in a final phase for FM. GSC: 2-30 keV SSC: keV Weight: 490 kg MAXI Overview and Scanning Process

4 MAXI Sensitivity Sensitivity (mCrabs) SSC GSC Dwell Time (seconds)
Systematic error level Dwell Time (seconds)

5 MAXI Sensitivity MAXI will monitor extra-galactic objects as well as
Appendix A MAXI Sensitivity MAXI will monitor extra-galactic objects as well as Galactic sources above 1 m Crab. One Orbit (30 sources) O n e D a y ( 1 s o u r c e s ) O n e W e e k ( 1 s o u r c e s )

6 X-ray Nova Light Curves and MAXI Detectability
X-ray spectra are detectable every day Flux (Crab unit) One Crab = 2.4x10-9 erg sec-1 cm-2 Detectable in one day Detectable in one week One m Crab      Time (days after outburst) Tanaka & Shibazaki, Annu. Rev.Astron. Astrophys. 34 (1996), 607

7 SIMULATION of GSC observations
ISS one orbit(90 min)    2 months ~ 1000 sources incld. AGN ~30 Galactic sources

8 MAXI Mission Dynamics of Galactic and Extra-galactic Objects
Close Binary X-ray sources(Black holes, Neutron stars) Active Galactic Nuclei(Giant black holes, Cosmic jets) Creation of Data Base for Variable X-ray Sources hours, days, months, year since 1960 era! Large Scale Mapping of Diffuse X-ray Sky Soft X-ray Sky (Galactic ridge structure with atomic compon’t) CXB (Distribution of distant active galactic nuclei) Fluctuation detection limit: a few 1.5 deg.2 for two years.

9 A Light Curve of An X-Ray Nova during Rising Phase
GS with Ginga-ASM Tsunemi et al . ApJ.L    337 (1989), L81

10 Long-term X-ray Intensity Variations in Cyg X-2
Power Density Spectrum 1990 era X-ray Light Curves 1980 era 1970 era 1960 era Paul et al. Ap.J. 528 (2000), 410

11 Galactic OVII & VIII Map with SSC
MAXI SSC expected counts: counts in 1.5°x1.5° for 2 yr operation. Obs.eff.=0.7 Galactic Soft X-ray Spectra correspond’g to each Sky Region. Markevitch et al ApJ. ROSAT all-sky map of CXB Snowden et al ApJ.

12 AGN Topics Multiwavelength Simultenous Obs. of ~ 100? AGN’s (Long-term variability of Blazars, Sy etc) Radio Opt (MAGNAM etc) Gamma (GLAST etc) TeV Gamma (CANGAROO etc) Connection between BLSy and NLSy and between AGN and BHC Binary AGNs? CXB: Fluctuation in All Sky Background < a few % in 1.5x1.5 deg2 < 0.5 mcrab

13 Multi-wavelength Observations of “Blazar”
- Rapid time-variability as short as 1 day :~ 1016 cm (0.01 pc) - Wide-band spectra from radio to TeV g-ray: acceleration up to 1012 eV Takahashi et al. 2000, ApJL 542, L105 Successful SSC Model Mrk 421 TeV g Mrk 421 Inverse Compton synchrotron RXTE (8-15keV) ASCA(0.5-7keV) SAX EUVE optical X-ray GeV-g radio TeV-g 1 day

14 R-band and X-ray correlation of N3516
Smoothed R-band (advanced) sampling inteval ~ d Maoz et al. 2002, AJ 124, 1988

15 AGN mass estimation from X-ray variability
Hayashida et al 1998 ApJ 500 AGN Cyg X-1

16 AGN mass estimation in comprison with Cyg X-1
Hayashida et al 1998 ApJ 500

17 MAXI/ISS Schedule and ISS Science
1992: ISS completion goal in 1982 ? 2000: ISS completion goal in 1992 ? 2003: ISS-JEM-MAXI completion goal in 1996 2008: present ISS-JEM-MAXI completion goal ? Payloads for ISS (JEM), an omnibus system = Schedule is changeable. = Science should not become out-of-date. = Resources & attitude system are restricted. ASM or Monitor astronomy could be one of reasonable sciences? MAXI is delayed and then Lobster-ISS follows complementarily.

18 Summary ・ Dynamics of Galactic and Extra-galactic Objects: Multi-color Observations. ・ Creation of Data Base for Variable X-ray Sources: Necessity of Continuation of ASM missions. ・ Large Scale Mapping of Diffuse X-ray Sky: Toward better Energy Resolution, Doppler-shift and Absorption etc. ・ MAXI launching time: ready in 2007 with the best ASM sensitivity. But Lobster-ISS will follow complementarily with better sensitivity.

19 Thank you for your attention.

20 ASCA long-look of Blazars
Appendix B ASCA long-look of Blazars ASCA Light Curve Power Spectra 1 day Mrk421 Mrk501 1 day PKS - Every day flares : tvar ~ 105 [s] Steep PSD spectra ( t < tvar) R ~ ctvard~ 1016 [cm] Kataoka et al. ApJ 2001 Tanihata et al. ApJ 2001

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