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Annual cycle of cloud fraction and surface radiative cloud forcing in the South-East Pacific Stratocumulus region Virendra P. Ghate and Bruce A. Albrecht.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual cycle of cloud fraction and surface radiative cloud forcing in the South-East Pacific Stratocumulus region Virendra P. Ghate and Bruce A. Albrecht."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual cycle of cloud fraction and surface radiative cloud forcing in the South-East Pacific Stratocumulus region Virendra P. Ghate and Bruce A. Albrecht (U Miami) Christopher W. Fairall (NOAA ESRL) Robert A. Weller (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

2 Significant Component of Earth’s radiation budget.
20% increase can offset global warming due to doubling of CO2. Strong feedback with ENSO Klein & Hartmann 1993

3 WORS Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI)’s Ocean Reference Station (WORS). Location: 20° S 85° W Continuous observations of surface broadband radiative fluxes and thermodynamic variables since October 2000.

4 Cruise Name Cruise Period EPIC 2001 Oct 9-25 PACS 2003 Nov 11-24 Stratus 2004 Dec 5-23 Stratus 2005 Oct 5-20 Stratus 2006 Oct 9-27

5 Seasonal variation of meteorology at WORS

6 Seasonal Variations: Other Properties
Surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat, LCL, convective velocity scale, and temperature and moisture advection

7 Estimating Low Cloud Fraction fro a Buoy
LW = Measured downwelling longwave radiation at the surface. CF = Cloud Fraction LWcld = Cloud emitted longwave radiation LWclr = Clear sky longwave radiation.

8 Technique LW = Observed at WORS LWcld = σTLCL4
LWclr = f(qsfc,Tsfc,IVsfc); Fairall et al. 2007

9 Technique Evaluation: Ceilometer Observations

10 Model-satellite comparison

11 Seasonal Cycle: Monthly Means
Cloud Fraction Annual cycle Cloud Forcing: Surface radiative fluxes Annual Cycle: Solar -125 to -65 W/m2 IR to 35 W/m2

12 Diurnal Cycle

13 Diurnal Cycle Cloud Fraction
Months Range Phase Mean Night-time DJF 0.33 18 0.68 MAM 0.22 19 0.59 JJA 0.11 0.64 SON 0.23 17 0.79

14 More Detailed Data Sets
Annual Cruises VOCALS field Program Fall 2008

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