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Oxidative phosphorylation

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1 Oxidative phosphorylation
Oxidative Phosphorylation: electron transport chain and chemiosmosis e- trasport chain embedded in INNER mito membrane Composed of 3 transmembrane H+ pumps Electrons flow through e- chain Loss of energy from e-s powers H+ pump O2 is final electron acceptor, no O2 = no e- chain

2 Electron Transport Chain & ATP Synthase

3 Electron Transport Chain
H+ ions flow back down gradient through ATP synthase ATP synthase harnesses the proton motive force ATP synthase adds a P to ADP to make ATP Do you think the inner mito membrane is permeable to H+ ions? This is the process of chemiosmosis

4 Chemiosmosis

5 Chemiosmosis Chemiosmosis: an energy-coupling mechanism that uses energy stored in the form of an H+ gradient across a membrane to drive cellular work. The e- chain and chemiosmosis together make up the process of oxidative phosphorylation ATP is phosphoralayted Oxygen is necessary ATP/Glucose is 36-38, Oxidative phosphorylation produces alone.

6 ATP Yield / Phase of Respiration

7 Remember Aerobic respiration uses oxygn

8 A few alternatives When O2 is not present

9 Fermentation Production of ATP w/o O2 This is ANAerboic respiration
Glycolysis still in the picture Rember O2 not needed for glycolysis NAD+ is electron acceptor Two common types… Alcohol fermentation Lactic acid fermentation

10 Alcohol Fermentation Pyruvate converted to ethanol, releasing CO2
NADH is oxidized to make NAD+


12 Lactic Acid Fermentation
Pyruvate reduced by NADH So did it gain or loose electrons? Lactate is formed as waste product.


14 Facultative Anerobes Organisms that can do aerobic respiration when possible Can switch to fermentation under aerobic conditions

15 Glycolysis and Citric Acid Cycle
Intermediates of these processes can be diverted into a number of other anabolic pathways Biosynthesis is the production of macromolecules Many other compounds can be used to make ATP in cellular respiration Other sugars Proteins fats

16 Try these on for size… Explain the specific role of glycolysis in cellular respiration. Describe the function of water in cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

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