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Chapter 6 Features of Georgia Plants & Animals

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1 Chapter 6 Features of Georgia Plants & Animals

2 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $20
Living Things 1 Living Things 2 Living Things 3 Living Things 4 Living Things 5 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20

3 A feature of a plant or animal

4 trait

5 A “super cool” feature that helps a living thing survive.

6 adaptation

7 To go into a kind of deep sleep

8 hibernation

9 To stay alive

10 survive

11 To produce more living things

12 reproduce

13 To travel or move from one place to another and back again

14 migrate

15 This is how birds respond to their environment in the fall.

16 What is migration?

17 This is how some animals such as bears respond to their environments in winter.

18 What is hibernation?

19 Which feature is an adaptation for saving water
Which feature is an adaptation for saving water? Rolled, Waxy Leaves or large, flat green leaves

20 Rolled, waxy leaves

21 Four seeds are the same, except for their color
Four seeds are the same, except for their color. The seeds land on brown soil. Which color seed is most likely to survive? Green, Brown, Red, or White

22 Brown Seed

23 Which is NOT an adaptation. dog catches a cold. bat hibernates
Which is NOT an adaptation? *dog catches a cold *bat hibernates *crab uses its claw *kangaroo carries baby in a pouch

24 dog catches a cold

25 Most animals in Environment A hibernate
Most animals in Environment A hibernate. What does this tell you about the winter in Environment A compared to a summer in Environment A.

26 The winters are much colder than the summers.

27 What adaptation does a turtle have?

28 Answers Vary

29 What adaptation does an eagle have?

30 “Eagle Eye” Claws, etc.

31 A moth has a wing pattern that looks like an owl’s eye
A moth has a wing pattern that looks like an owl’s eye. What is the purpose of this adaptation?

32 To scare away its predators.

33 Animals have certain basic needs.

34 What are food, water, and shelter?

35 Plants have certain basic needs that they must have to survive
Plants have certain basic needs that they must have to survive. What are these 3 needs?

36 What are food, water, and sunlight?

37 What is an example of camouflage?

38 Answers Vary

39 Animals and humans give off a type of gas that plants need.

40 What is carbon dioxide?

41 Plants give off a type of gas that people and animals need.

42 What is oxygen?

43 Plants have their basic parts, which help them stay alive.

44 What are roots, stem, leaves, and the flower?

45 What is an adaptation of a giraffe?

46 Answers Vary

47 A polar bear has white fur and a thick layer of fat
A polar bear has white fur and a thick layer of fat. To what environment is it BEST adapted? *Dry desert *Thick Forest *Warm Grassland *Arctic Tundra

48 Arctic Tundra

49 An adult butterfly had to go through several stages of its life cycle to get to look like a butterfly.

50 What are eggs, caterpillar, pupa, and adult?

51 All but one of these are learned traits: reading, washing your hands, cleaning up after yourself, shape of your toes, typing an a computer.

52 What is shape of your toes?

53 What did you like the best about this science unit?

54 Everything!!!

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