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Director, Assessment and Accountability

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1 Director, Assessment and Accountability
ACT Testing Protocol Cathy C. McNeal, Ed.D. Director, Assessment and Accountability May 5, 2016

2 ACT has Specific Test Security Principles that Must Be Followed for ACT Quality Core End of Course - Computer Based Test Format, ACT Aspire - Computer Based Test Format, and ACT Plus Writing - Paper Test Format

3 ACT has Acceptable and Unacceptable Seating Arrangements

4 ALSDE Administrative Code (290-040-020-
ALSDE Administrative Code ( ), the Alabama Student Assessment Program Handbook Provides Test Security Procedures for All ALSDE Assessments All HCS Building Test Coordinator, Test Administrators, Proctors, and Monitors are trained on the duties and responsibilities of each participating staff member in the ALSDE Student Assessment Program Handbook. Test Security procedures promulgated by the Alabama State Board of Education (ALSDE) and published in the Alabama State Board of Education, State Department of Education, Administrative Code ( ), the Alabama Student Assessment Program Handbook, and the test administrator manuals may result in disciplinary action by the local board of education and/or revocation of the teaching certificate by the ALSDE. Copy of ACT Alerts and Manuals are posted on the website and given a hard copy during each assessment training. Assessment roles and responsibilities are explained and discussed for each assessment. Clear statements are made regarding dismissal procedures and breaks. Explanation is give of the importance of adhering to standardized testing. Information on when, when, and from what portal the online assessment will be set up for students. IT and Assessment works together with ACT to ensure that all test platforms are loaded correctly and test are cached to the server before the assessment. Each Teacher signs: Test Security Agreement FERPA Agreement Alabama Ethics in Test Administration

5 AP Exams are National Exams with Set Dates May 3-13, 2016
AP Exams must be administered on the established schedule. AP teachers are prohibited from entering an exam room in a subject area in which they teach. AP teachers may not serve as AP coordinators, proctors, assistants, readers, or scribes at an exam in their subject area. Huntsville City Schools teachers can serve as test administrators, proctors, readers, or scribes at an exam in their subject area.

6 TEST Icons are displayed on Student Lenovo Desktops
ACT ASPIRE Grade 3-8 and Grade 10 ACT Quality Core End of Course

7 12,224 HCS Students will take ACT Aspire
ACT Aspire - Computer Based Test Format Will Be Administered to 12,224 HCS Students Grade 3 – 8 and Grade 10 – 12,224 HCS Students will take ACT Aspire Reading, Math, Writing, Science, and English

8 Huntsville City Schools Will Administer 14,889 ACT EOC Online Assessments
AAA ASFL Chal. Middle Chapman P8 Columbia Grissom H. Cove Middle Hsv. High Hsv. Jr. Johnson Lee McNair Mountain Gap New Century Westlawn Whitesburg Williams Middle Total Algebra 1 / Algebra 1 B 53 33 92 43 384 397 118 340 104 225 250 64 61 65 27 51 45 2,352 Algebra 2 Trig / Alg 2 Trig Honors 105 341 383 101 2 106 1,089 Biology/ Biology Honors 292 480 466 120 208 129 1,695 Chemistry / Chemistry Honors 298 398 20 135 98 1,078 Geometry / Geometry Honors 12 258 462 1 499 8 133 237 128 5 1,747 Physics 11 40 88 28 7 174 Pre Cal / Pre Cal Honors 157 262 37 36 59 596 English 9 / English 9 Honors 285 461 447 121 212 1654 English 10 / English 10 Honors 275 457 493 117 1567 English 11 160 320 252 94 109 978 English 12 158 327 335 54 152 32 1058 US History 138 297 256 38 115 57 901 55 2,240 4,037 119 4,219 112 944 1,757 969 56 14,889

9 The Biggest Technical Issue is POP UPS
The test platform is written to fade away, go blank, or force close when a POP UP is open on a student’s computer to prevent CHEATING (going out on the internet to look for answers). Note: Huntsville High School gave 463 ACT EOC assessments on May 3, 2016 and only 18 students where thrown out of testing due to Pop Up Blockers. Make Up Test are given to students with technical test irregularities up through May 13, 2016.

10 Students Have Difficulty Scrolling
Reports of students experiencing scrolling issues in the ACT ASPIRE. Students are unable to use the scrollbars within the TestNav application. The two finger touchpad method of scrolling works. The scrollbars work fine when testing is conducted within Internet Explorer.

11 Whitesburg P8 Had Bandwidth Problems on May 2, 2016
Whitesburg experienced 100% bandwidth utilization for extended periods May 2, 2016. This excessive utilization was caused by the streaming of 10 channels of IP video from ETV to the school. IT disabled the ETV stream on May 2, 2016.




15 HCS will review and schedule the 2016-17 school year
Testing Schedule Review for School Year Will Take Place After the Spring Test Window The testing schedule for the school year national exams are set for the following exams. ACT Plus Writing – April 19, 2017 and May 3, 2017 Make Up AP Exams – May 1 – May 12, 2017 HCS will review and schedule the school year ACT Quality Core EOC (May 1 – 25, 2017) and ACT Aspire assessments -Grade 3-8 and Grade 10 (April 3 –May 12, 2017) after the review. All Building Test Coordinators and Principals will have an opportunity for input to the test schedule.


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