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How to Avoid Crimes and Being Offended in the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Avoid Crimes and Being Offended in the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Avoid Crimes and Being Offended in the Internet

2 International Safe Internet Day Organizing Safe Internet Day 22/02/2012 Applying the questionnaire Safe Internet Day on a group of 50 people

3 in school community and local community

4 Holding school classes concerning the safety in the internet held by the ICT teacher


6 The ICT teacher held some courses about the safety on the Internet to several classes from our high school.

7 The next survey shows the average of what the 50 people we interviewed from Pitesti, Romania, think about safety on the internet. Enjoy !


9 1.Have you ever shared your personal details with anyone on-line? a)Yes b)No

10 2. Do you use anti-virus protection ? a)Yes b)No

11 3.Do you think your anti-virus protection is good enough? a)Yes b)No


13 5.Do you know what a firewall is ? a)Yes b)No

14 6.Do you know how a firewall works ? a)Yes b)No

15 7.How often do you make backups ? a)At least once a week b)At least once a month c)Rarely d)Never

16 8.How often do you delete your temporary files? a)At least once a week b)At least once a month c)Rarely d)Never

17 9.How often do you change your passwords ? a)At least once a week b)At least once a month c)Rarely d)Never


19 To sum up: Of the people we interviewed, 80% never shared personal information over the Internet 90% use an anti-virus protection 60% think anti-virus protection is enough 40% never underwent a cyber attack 66% dont know how a firewall works 40% think they are safe on the Internet 43% rarely change their password

20 Thank you for watching ! The presentation was made by : Octavian Catusanu Botlung Rafael Colegiul Economic Maria Teiuleanu

21 The end !

22 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. How to Avoid Crimes and Being Offended in the Internet- Multilateral Comenius Project

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