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Can we mine for diamonds on the Titan’s football field?

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Presentation on theme: "Can we mine for diamonds on the Titan’s football field?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can we mine for diamonds on the Titan’s football field?
What about for talc, quartz, or minerals? Are minerals found anywhere in TN.

2 Geological Investigation:
Determining the Properties of Minerals

3 What makes up rocks? Rocks are made up of different grains or crystals. These crystals can range in size and are called minerals.

4 What is a mineral? Minerals are inorganic compounds that form naturally in the earth. Minerals are a solid element or compound that has a definite composition with a crystal shape.

5 How can we tell minerals apart from each other?
We will use these tests today to determine the identity of unknown minerals. Hematite (We will use this to learn how to do the tests) Talc Rose Quartz Smoky Quartz Halite Galena Magnetite Graphite Feldspar Calcite Gypsum

6 The Streak Test “Streak” is the color of a mineral when it is ground down to a powder.

7 The Hardness Test Hardness Everyday Equivalnt Testers 1 No equivalent 2 Fingernail 3 Copper 4 Iron 5 Glass 6 Penknife Blade 7 Steel File 8 Sandpaper 9 10 Hardness is determined based on what a mineral will or will not scratch using Mohs Scale.

8 Cleavage/Fracture Test
Minerals break in different ways, depending on how strong the bonds are between the atoms of the mineral. When a mineral cleaves in one direction, it appears as smooth surfaces. When a mineral fractures in multiple directions, it breaks unevenly along curved or irregular surfaces.

9 The Luster Test The way a mineral reflects light is called luster.
Metallic Luster: reflects light well shiny looks like metal Non-Metallic Luster: does not look like metal classified as dull, glassy, or pearly

10 Magnetism Test

11 What are the identities of your 2 unknowns??

12 The Acid Test One group of minerals is called carbonates, which contain carbon and oxygen. They tend to be fairly soft and whitish in appearance. Acid makes carbonates fizz and bubble.

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