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NorthSTAR Data Collection System

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1 NorthSTAR Data Collection System
What data elements does DSHS collect, and what do NTBHA and DSHS look at?

2 Data-The Big Picture The NorthSTAR data system is populated by multiple data sources and systems. These sources provide different data elements including: Enrollment and enrollee demographics (Medicaid and online enrollment system), Client Level Service Claims data (ValueOptions), Client Level Medication Claims data (ValueOptions), Medicaid Pharmacy Data (Vendor Drug), State hospital admission, stay and discharge information (CARE), RDM Clinical assessment information-TRAG, uniform assessment (WebCARE), Substance abuse services intake and outcome (follow up) information (BHIPS) Complaints, Appeals and Adverse Determinations data Satisfaction data (annual now, but looking to do rolling surveys)

3 Data-The Big Picture From this data we can look at aggregate data for system trends, county level trends, provider level trends, and down to individual cases. This aggregate data can be trended at a very high level, down to a relatively localized level. The aggregated data can be helpful for counties to see what is being provided for their residents. HIPAA and 42 CFR, part 2 regulate the sharing of client identifying data.

4 Encounter Data-Very High Level Illustration using FY08 Data
Below is a high level table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year Unduplicated Count of Claimants 2008 53007

5 Same Data-Drilling Down
Now the high level table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08 includes treatment reason, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year SFY Treatment Reason Unduplicated Count of Claimants 2008 Unspecified 1038 Mental Health 34439 Dual Diagnosis 13027 Chemical Dependency 4503

6 Same Data-Drilling Down Some More
More detailed table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, then by month, by treatment reason, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year Month ID SFY Treatment Reason Unduplicated Count of Claimants 2008 200803 Unspecified 92 Mental Health 13285 Dual Diagnosis 4745 Chemical Dependency 1044

7 Same Data-Drilling Down Some More (cont.)
More detailed table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, then by month, by county, by treatment reason, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year County Name Month ID SFY Treatment Reason Unduplicated Count of Claimants 2008 COLLIN 200803 Unspecified 7 Mental Health 1010 Dual Diagnosis 282 Chemical Dependency 37

8 Same Data-Drilling Down Some More (cont.)
More detailed table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, then by month, by county, by treatment reason (Mental Health), by procedure type description received, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year County Name Month ID SFY Treatment Reason Unduplicated Count of Claimants Procedure Type Description 2008 COLLIN 200803 Mental Health 59 Laboratory 3 Outpatient 341 Case Management 7 Observation Room 76 Other Assessment 177 Outpatient - Kids 9 Inpatient Services 22 Community Inpatient 536 Medication Services 2 Emergency Room Services Crises Intervention Services 179 Rehab - Skills Training & Development 71 Rehab - Medication Training and Support 67 Rehab - Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services and/or ACT

9 Same Data-Drilling Down Some More (cont.)
More detailed table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, then by month, by county, by treatment reason Mental Health, by Psychosocial rehab procedure type received, by diagnostic grouping, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year County Name Month ID SFY Treatment Reason Unduplicated Count of Claimants Proc Type Description BH Diagnostic Group 2008 COLLIN 200803 Mental Health 37 Rehab - Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - BIPOLAR 8 AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - MAJOR DEPRESSION 4 AFFECTIVE DISORDERS AND OTHER 18 SCHIZOPHRENIA & RELATED DIS

10 Same Data-Drilling Down Some More (cont.)
More detailed table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, then by month, by county, by treatment reason Mental Health, by psychosocial rehab procedure type received, by diagnostic grouping, by treating provider, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year County Name Month ID SFY Treatment Reason Unduplicated Count of Claimants Proc Type Description BH Diagnostic Group Provider Name 2008 COLLIN 200803 Mental Health 17 Rehab - Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - BIPOLAR LIFE PATH SYSTEMS 2 AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - MAJOR DEPRESSION, and OTHER 8 SCHIZOPHRENIA & RELATED DIS

11 Same Data-Drilling Down Some More (cont.)
More detailed table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, then by month, by county, by treatment reason Mental Health, by psychosocial rehab procedure type received, by diagnostic grouping, by treating provider, by City and Zip Code of Residence, based on paid claims. State Fiscal Year County Name Month ID City Zip Code SFY Treatment Reason Unduplicated Count of Claimants Proc Type Description Provider 2008 COLLIN 200803 ALLEN 75002, 75013 Mental Health 3 Rehab – Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services LIFE PATH SYSTEMS

12 Same Data-Drilling Down Some More (cont.)
More detailed table of unique enrollees served in NorthSTAR in FY08, then by month, by county, by treatment reason Mental Health, by psychosocial rehab procedure type received, by diagnostic grouping, by treating provider, by City and Zip Code of Residence, by Gender, ethnicity, age group, Medicaid status, based on paid claims. Month ID City Unduplicated Count of Claimants Proc Type Description Provider Name Gender Ethnicity Age Group Med Non Med 200803 ALLEN 3 Rehab Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services LIFEPATH SYSTEMS Female WHITE (NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN) 21 to 64 NON- MEDICAID

13 County by County Comparison
Table 1: Number of Medicaid Persons Enrolled in NorthSTAR, Based on County of Residence in Medicaid Record 2007 Distribution by Numbers of persons <200% FPL within Counties Compared to all NorthSTAR Persons <200% FPL FY06 FY09 Percent Change, FY06 to FY09 FY09 Percentage of FY09 Total HUNT 13,066 12,481 -4% 2.5% 2.9% ELLIS 16,558 17,860 8% 3.6% 3.7% COLLIN 33,922 39,701 17% 8.1% 9.5% DALLAS 369,513 405,634 10% 82.5% 78.0% KAUFMAN 12,369 14,125 14% 2.6% NAVARRO 8,724 8,938 2% 1.8% 2.1% ROCKWALL 4,744 5,515 16% 1.1% TOTAL 451,038 491,765 9% 100% 100.0% Table 2: Number of Persons Who Received at Least One Service (Based on County of Residence at the time of Service) 2,010 2,376 18% 3.8% 2,236 2,487 11% 4.0% 4,218 4,770 13% 7.7% 36,434 48,643 34% 78.5% 1,549 1,873 21% 3.0% 1,211 1,308 481 618 28% 1.0% 47,729 61,932 30%

14 What Other Data Does the State Monitor
Expenditures (similar to how we look at people served) Complaints (provider and enrollee) Survey Data Needs Assessment Information from Provider and Other Stakeholder Forums Clinical Outcomes-what happens to individuals-expanded Data Book (Performance Indicator Project)

15 Oversight and Monitoring
Adequate Outreach:  Is NorthSTAR known throughout community (MAXIMUS, Provider Directories, Outreach and Education events) Adequate Accessibility:  Is there a broad array of accessible providers (must have critical mass to support operations) Adequate Provider Reimbursement:  Reimbursement Rates must be at a level that at least covers providers costs. Adequate Services Coordination: Do systems and providers coordinate with one another. Provider operations:  Do providers deliver services that are responsive to the community's needs? Collection of Data: Data must be complete and accurate Monitoring of Data: Comprehensive approach to monitoring performance

16 Questions?

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