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Fundamentals of the Faith

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1 Fundamentals of the Faith
CHRISTIAN MORALS Fundamentals of the Faith

2 Defining Christian Morals
Principles Expressing Conforming Conscience Capable I. Definition: A. Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior; B. Expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior; C. Conforming to a standard of right behavior; D. Sanctioned by or cooperative with one’s conscience or ethical judgment; and E. Capable of right or wrong action. Defining Christian Morals

3 Levels of Living Christian Morals
INSTINCTIVE CUSTOMARY CONSCIENCE CHRISTIAN II. Levels of living. A. INSTINCTIVE - Animal level. As seen in children. Allowing instincts to rule. “New morality” is an example. B. CUSTOMARY - That which is generally accepted by others. C. CONSCIENCE - Making personal clear-cut decisions for oneself. D. CHRISTIAN - New Testament teachings are the final authority (Jn 14:15). Levels of Living Christian Morals

4 Daniel as an Example Your own spiritual decisions
Do I want to follow the Lord? Pressures to conform Religious decisions Moral decisions before the occasion “Little” moral decisions Not really opposed to religion III. The prophet Daniel is a good example. Dan 1:1-13. A. You must make your own spiritual decisions. No one can dictate them to you. B. “How badly do I want to follow the Lord?” This question when answered will always influence your moral decisions. C. There will always be pressures to conform to the standards of the land. D. All major decisions of life, which are life changing, are really religious decisions. E. The time to make moral decisions is before the occasion comes upon us. It is too easy to be swayed by the emotions of the moment. F. Make good “little” moral decisions and they will pave the way for correctly handling the more crucial decisions. G. Many today are not really opposed to religion as much as they are unimpressed with its values. They do not see that the faith of believing people really makes any difference in the way they live. Daniel as an Example

5 The Source of Wrong Ultimate source is Satan
Wrong because God said so. Association Influence Violation of conscience Process of accepting wrong: Hate Dislike Tolerate, then Embrace IV. Source of wrong. A. The ultimate source is Satan. He sinned from the beginning (1 Jn 3:8). B. Wrong because God said so. i.e: murder, stealing, telling lies, adultery, etc. (1 Jn 3:4). C. Association - Environment, either people or places (1 Cor 15:33). D. Influence - (1 Cor 8:9) can cause stumbling (Lk 17:1). E. Violation of conscience (Rom 14:23). F. Process of accepting wrong standards: 1. Hate, 2. Dislike, 3. Tolerate, then 4. Embrace. The Source of Wrong

UNIVERSAL TEST SCRIPTURAL TEST STEWARDSHIP TEST CHARACTER TEST FAMILY TEST PUBLICITY TEST COMMON SENSE TEST FAIRNESS TEST V. Questions to help with moral decisions. “Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil” - 1 Thess 5:14-22. A. THE PERSONAL TEST: Will this make me a better or worse Christian? B. THE SOCIAL TEST: Will doing it influence others to be better or worse Christians? C. THE PRACTICAL TEST: Will the results of my doing this be desirable? D. THE UNIVERSAL TEST: If everyone would do this, would it improve or degrade society? E. THE SCRIPTURAL TEST: Does the Bible endorse it, or is it forbidden by the Word of God? F. THE STEWARDSHIP TEST: Will my doing this constitute a waste of talent God gave me? G. THE CHARACTER TEST: How will doing this affect my moral or spiritual stamina? H. THE FAMILY TEST: Will it bring discredit and dishonor to my family? Will it embarrass them? I. THE PUBLICITY TEST: Would I be willing for friends, fellow Christians, the elders and the preacher to know about it? J. THE COMMON SENSE TEST: Does it agree with just plain, every day, ordinary common sense? K. THE FAIRNESS TEST: Is it honest and is it practicing the “golden rule?” Moral Decisions

7 What Now? Invitation Hear Believe Repent Confess Be Baptized
Remain faithful VII. WHAT NOW? A. If you are not a Christian, become one. 1. Hear God’s word for instruction - Rom 10:17. 2. Believe that God exists and that Jesus is His Son and the Savior of those who obey Him - Heb 11:6. 3. Repent - Acts 2:37,38. 4. Confess Jesus as the Son of God - Rom 10:10. 5. Be baptized (immersed in water) for the forgiveness of sin – Acts 2:37,38. 6. Remain faithful in your Christian life. - Rev 2:10. What Now? Invitation

8 Recognize Repent Remain faithful What Now? Invitation VII. WHAT NOW?
B. If you are an unfaithful Christian. 1. Recognize your lost condition - 2 Pet 2:20,21. 2. Repent and pray for forgiveness - Acts 8:22. 3. Remain faithful in your renewed Christian life - Rev 2:10. What Now? Invitation

9 Grow Remain faithful What Now? Invitation VII. WHAT NOW?
C. If you are a faithful Christian. 1. Grow in your faith and obedience. - 2 Pet 1:3-10. 2. Remain faithful - Rev 2:10. What Now? Invitation

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