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Read Page 639 Read Significance and Introduction

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2 Read Page 639 Read Significance and Introduction
World War I Read Page 639 Read Significance and Introduction

3 Causes of WWI Nationalism Imperialism Militarism Systems of Alliances

4 Nationalism What is it? Created a desire to unite all people of one nation under one government Why could this be a problem?

5 Imperialism What is imperialism? How could this lead to war?
When countries fought over colonies Example: Africa Germany vs. France in Morocco Compromised, but usually one party was unhappy

6 Militarism Definition: the glorification of armed strength
Many leaders believed: Only the use of force can solve problems among nations Or scare tactics…. Many nations had reserve forces They could be mobilized at any time Mobilization: Organized for combat Every country wanted to be stronger than the one next to it

7 Worksheet/Time to Work


9 System of Alliances Otto von Bismarck created Germany
Feared French revenge… For? What was the Triple Alliance? This treaty upset the balance of power in Europe What is the balance of power?

10 French Treaties What happened with Russia at this time?
France became uneasy Created the Triple Entente Who was in this alliance? An entente is a friendly agreement or understanding between nations What is the problem with these alliances?

11 The Assassination of the Archduke
Serbian Nationalists wanted to make a Slavic State Austria-Hungary owned many Slavic states What situations added to this tension? (Before the assassination) What set off “the powder keg”? Who killed the Archduke of Austria- Hungary?

12 What was THE Ultimatum? Read Page 643 Did the Serbians agree?
Did the Serbians think that Austria-Hungary would compromise? What did they do? What was the mobilization crisis?

13 Mobilization of Europe
Serbia mobilized Austria-Hungary mobilized Russia mobilized Germany mobilized France mobilized

14 Britain gets Involved What was a belligerent?
Belgium had promised to stay out of the war The other powers agreed not to attack Belgium BUT Germany needed to go through Belgium Forced Britain to enter the war Expansion of the war Japan joined France and Britain Italy joined them as well The Ottoman Empire joined Germany See map on page 645

15 WWI Review – Take out a piece of paper…
How did WWI start? What were the 4 reasons? What was the spark of WWI? Who are the Central powers and the Allied powers? How did Britain get involved in WWI?

16 Assignment Worksheet


18 World War I Basic Facts Began in 1914
People thought it would be a quick war WRONG! The Belligerents were? Central Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers Great Britain, France, Russia, Greece, Romania, and Serbia

19 Advantages Central (German) Advantages: Allied Advantages:
Well-trained Well-organized Well-equipped Geographic Advantage – See page 645 Allied Advantages: More soldiers Greater industrial potential Controlled the seas – blockade or starve Central Powers

20 Innovations in Warfare
What era was happening before WWI? Machine Gun Rapid-fire spray of bullets caused many deaths Made advances costly Created trench warfare…

21 Brand New Weapons Tank (British) Airplane Armored vehicle with guns
Through armed guards and barbed wire Airplane Slow and tough to fly Created dogfights Primarily used for observation and dropping explosives

22 Brand New Weapons Ctn. Submarine or U-boat (German)
Damaged Allied shipping Poison gas (German)

23 Warfare in the 1900s Who originally fought as soldiers in wars?
What was different about the fighting men in WWI? Women filled the jobs at home What is propaganda? Ideas, facts, or rumors spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause


25 The War from 1914-1918 What was the German’s goal in the war?
A quick end and to not fight on both sides What happened at the Battle of the Marne? Trenches What was Russia doing on the eastern front? Attacking Budapest and a water port Were the Russians winning? Haha… nope What was the Gallipoli campaign? An attempt to get supplies to Russia


27 Naval Warfare British blockaded North Sea Germany sent U-boats
See page 644 At first to keep Germans from getting allies Later to starve them and their economy Germany sent U-boats Sunk ships sending food and ammunition to the British What was the story of the Lusitania? German response? One major sea battle in the North Sea What was the result? – Use page 644

28 The War of Stalemate What is a stalemate?
A situation where no action can be taken or progress made What is a war of attrition? A slow wearing-down process in which each side tries to outlast the other Example: Page 650 2nd paragraph

29 U.S. Involvement General American attitude? Remain neutral
What unreasonable things did the U.S. want in regards to the war? What is contraband? Why did U.S. trade become one sided? British Blockade How did propaganda affect Americans opinion of the war? What is an atrocity? Were these stories true???

30 U.S. Involvement Ctn. What was the Zimmerman Note?
Letter sent to Mexico asking for an alliance Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare Attacked anything What happened in Russia in 1917? (During a war I might add)…. In 1917 the U.S. enters the war

31 Why did the U.S. Enter the War?
MANY REASONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Propaganda Sinking of U.S. ships Russia becoming a democracy The Zimmerman Note

32 Assignment


34 The Fourteen Points How do we want to end this war? 14 points
No Secret Treaties Freedom of the seas for all Nations Removal of all Economic Barriers or Tariffs Reduction of National Armaments Fair adjustment of all colonial claims Were these accepted?

35 Defeat of the Central Powers
Read through pages 654 – 655 They fall Bulgaria Turks Austria-Hungary And finally Germany 11:11:11 an armistice happened

36 Costs of the War 10 million soldiers dead 20 millions soldiers injured
Which country lost the most men? Estimated $400 billion of damage

37 Reparations What are they? Payment for war damages
What should they include?

38 The Versailles Treaty Germany hated it… Consisted of:
Germany started war (just them) The treaty did not specify reparations $5 billion in reparations in two years Later jumped to $33 billion Germany lost territory Germany was not allowed to build weapons or have an army

39 The League of Nations 2 Aims: What was it like?
Promote international cooperation Maintain peace by settling disputes peacefully and by reducing armaments What was it like? Read page

40 El Fin

41 The End

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