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Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

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1 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings
Sacramento City College EDT 310 EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

2 Objectives Use OSNAP to create precision drawings
Use object snap overrides for single point selections Set running object snap modes for continuous use Describe the Quick object snap mode Adjust aperture size based on point selection needs EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

3 Objectives Use the AutoSnap features to speed up point specifications
Use the OFFSET command to draw parallel lines and curves Divide existing objects into equal distances using the DIVIDE command Use the MEASURE command to set designated increments on an existing object EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

4 Objectives Use Tracking to locate points relative to other points in a drawing Use construction lines to assist in drawing multi-view and auxiliary views EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

5 OSNAP EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

6 OSNAP The OSNAP feature of AutoCAD Means object snap
Refers to the ability to “snap” exactly to a specific point or place on an object. Endpoint of line Midpoint of line Centerpoint of circle EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

7 AutoSnap Visual cues indicate when AutoCAD has selected an OSNAP.
Endpoint Cue A square when the cursor is placed near the object. Midpoint Cue A triangle when the cursor is placed near the object. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

8 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

9 The Object Snap Modes Object snap modes determine the point to which the cursor snaps. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

10 Setting Running Object Snaps
EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

11 Setting Running Object Snaps
Set the running object snaps. “Preset” object snap modes AutoCAD automatically activates them at all point selection prompts. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

12 Setting Running Object Snaps
Set by 1. OSNAP at Command: prompt 2. Pick Object Snap Settings button from the Object Snap toolbar EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

13 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

14 Object Snap Modes EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

15 Object Snap Modes Endpoint - finds the nearest endpoint of a line, arc, elliptical arc, spline, ellipse, ray, solid or multiline. Midpoint - finds the middle point of any object, having two endpoints, such as a line, arc, elliptical arc, spline, ellipse, ray solid, xline or multiline. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

16 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

17 Object Snap Modes Center - locates the center point of a radial object, including circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, radial solids. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

18 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

19 Object Snap Modes Quadrant - picks the closest of the four quadrant points that can be found on circles, arcs, elliptical arcs, ellipses, and radial solids. Intersection - picks the closest intersection. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

20 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

21 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

22 Object Snap Modes Apparent Intersection - selects a visual intersection between two objects that appear to intersect on the screen, but may not intersect in 3d space. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

23 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

24 Endpoint Object Snap Endpoint Object Snap
This snap setting is often selected as a running object snap Type END at the prompt Pick the Endpoint button Select Endpoint from the cursor menu Prompt is a small square EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

25 Midpoint Object Snap Midpoint
Finds and picks the midpoint of a line, polyline, or arc. Type MID at the prompt Pick the Midpoint button Select Midpoint from the cursor menu Position cursor near the midpoint of the object Prompt is a small triangle marks the midpoint where the line will snap EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

26 Center Object Snap Center option
Snaps to the center point of a circle, doughnut, ellipse, elliptical arc or arc Type CEN Pick Center button Pick Center from the cursor menu Locate the cursor near the object whose center is to be located Prompt is a small circle EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

27 Quadrant Object Snap A quadrant is a quarter section of a circle, doughnut, ellipse, elliptical arc or arc. The Quadrant object snap mode finds the 0o, 90o, 180o and 270o positions on these objects. Move cursor near one of these locations to snap to them EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

28 Intersection Object Snap
The Intersection Option is used to snap to the intersection of two or more objects. Type INT Pick Intersect Button Pick Intersection from the cursor menu A small ‘x’ marks the intersection Only appears when the cursor is close to the intersection point of the two objects EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

29 Intersection Object Snap
If the cursor is near an object but not close to an actual intersection, the SnapTip reads Extended Intersection AutoCAD finds a projected intersection point of the two objects. Very useful when two objects do not intersect. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

30 Apparent Intersection OSNAP
The apparent intersection is the point where two objects appear to intersect based on the currently displayed view. Three-dimensional objects that are far apart may appear to intersect on the screen. This is a valuable option when working with 3D drawings. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

31 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

32 Perpendicular Object Snap
Allows you to draw one object perpendicular to another object Type PER at the selection prompt Pick Perpendicular button Pick Perpendicular from the cursor menu EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

33 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

34 Perpendicular Object Snap
A deferred perpendicular means the calculation of the perpendicular point is delayed until another point is picked. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

35 Perpendicular Object Snap
Perpendicular is calculated from points picked, not as a relationship between objects. Perpendicularity is measured at the point of intersection so it is possible to draw a line that is perpendicular to a circle or an arc. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

36 Tangent Object Snap Tangent Object Snap is similar to the Perpendicular Object Snap Aligns objects tangentially. Type TAN at the selection prompt Pick Tangent from the cursor menu Pick Tangent button EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

37 Tangent Object Snap When creating an object that is tangent to another object, multiple points may be needed to fix the tangency point Until both points have been specified, the object snap specification is for deferred tangency EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

38 Parallel Object Snap Allows you to find any point along an imaginary line that is parallel to an existing line or polyline. Type PAR at the selection prompt Pick Parallel from the cursor menu Pick Parallel button Parallel OSNAP is similar to Extension because it requires more than one selection point. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

39 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

40 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

41 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

42 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

43 Node Object Snap Point objects can be snapped to using the Node object snap mode. The point must be in visible display mode EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

44 Nearest Object Snap Use to specify a point on an object but which cannot be specified from any of the other snap modes. Use when you want an object to touch an existing object, but the location of the intersection is not critical EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

45 Fast Object Snaps EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

46 Using Fast Object Snaps
AutoCAD searches the entire drawing database when using OSNAP’s On a small drawing this occurs quickly. On a large drawing, it may require a lot of time. You can speed up the process using the Quick Object Snap Mode EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

47 Using Fast Object Snaps
Select Quick mode by Picking the Quick button from the Object Snap toolbar Typing in QUI The Quick mode directs AutoCAD to pick the first point that satisfies the object snap mode EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

48 Using Fast Object Snaps
Command: L or LINE From point: QUI, TAN To point: (pick a point on the first circle near the intended point of tangency) To point:(pick a point on the second circle near the intended point of tangency) Command: EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

49 Using the From Option The From point selection mode allows you to establish a relative, polar coordinate or direct distance entry from a specified reference base point. Access by: Selecting snap from button on OSNAP toolbar Select From in the cursor menu type FRO at the point selection prompt EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

50 OSNAP Overrides EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

51 Object Snap Override An object snap override can be obtained from
The Object Snap Override menu activated by [Shift-Right-Click]. The Object Snap toolbar. Typed in from the keyboard. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

52 Object Snap Override OSNAP Overrides
Is the entry of an object snap mode at a point specification prompt. Are active for one point specification only, Override any previously set object snap modes for that entry. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

53 Overriding Running Object Snaps
Is always active if OSNAP is ON. is suspended with an object snap override. To make a single point selection without the effects of any running object snap, enter the None object snap mode EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

54 OSNAP ON/OFF EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

55 OSNAP ON/OFF Object snap On/Off The button at the bottom of the screen
EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

56 Multiple OSNAPs EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

57 Using Multiple Object Snaps
More than one object snap mode can be made active at once. When more than one is active, AutoCAD picks the closest point. This can cause conflicts ! EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

58 Using Multiple Object Snaps
OSNAP Conflict Example CEN and QUA conflict with each other. No matter where you pick a circle, the closest quadrant point is always closer than the center of the circle. So When quadrant and circle are both set active, a quadrant point is always picked. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

59 Using Multiple Object Snaps
OSNAP Conflict Example NEA (Nearest) Conflicts with almost every other mode. Nearest mode always locates the point closest to the current cursor location. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

60 Using Multiple Object Snaps
The Tab key can be used to cycle through available snap points. Press the Tab key repeatedly until the desired point is marked. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

61 Changing the Aperture Size
EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

62 Changing the Aperture Size
When selecting a point with OSNAP, the cursor must be within a specific range to a point before it is located. This square area is called the aperture and is invisible by default To display the aperture, pick the AutoSNAP tab and activate the Display aperture box check box EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

63 Changing the Aperture Size
The aperture size can also be set from the Command prompt Command: APERTURE Object snap target height (1-50 pixels) Command: EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

64 AutoSnap Settings EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

65 AutoSnap Settings AutoSnap options
Additional visual cues can be turned off The appearance of AutoSnap and functionality can also be changed EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

66 AutoSnap Settings Marker - toggles the AutoSnap marker
Magnet - toggles the AutoSnap magnet When active, the magnet snaps the cursor to the object snap point. SnapTip - toggles the SnapTip display Display aperture box - toggles the display of the aperture box Marker color - changes color of marker Marker size - changes marker size EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

67 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

68 Tracking EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

69 Tracking Tracking allows you to visually locate points in a drawing relative to other points To activate Tracking Pick the Tracking button from the Object Snap toolbar Type TK or TRA at the point selection prompt Pick Tracking from the cursor menu EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

70 Tracking - Example Tracking allows you to visually place a circle at the center of a rectangle EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

71 Tracking - Example Command: C or CIRCLE
3P/2P/TTR/<Center point>: TRA First tracking point: MID (pick one of the vertical lines and move the cursor horizontally) Next point: (pick one of the horizontal lines) Next point: (press Enter to end tracking) Diameter/<Radius><0.2500>: Command: EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

72 Tracking Once started, Tracking remains active until you press [Enter] at a Next point: prompt The cursor locks to the axis you first move along. If you desire to select another axis, move back to the first point, then move in the perpendicular direction EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

73 Polar Tracking Polar tracking works similar to ORTHO but has a wider range of options. ORTHO and Polar cannot be used at the same time. The cursor snaps to preset incremental angles when a point is being located. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

74 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

75 Draw Commands EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

76 The OFFSET Command EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

77 Drawing Parallel Lines/Curves
The OFFSET command can be used to draw concentric circles, arcs, curves polylines or parallel lines Select OFFSET by: Picking Offset in the Modify pull-down menu Pick the Offset button in the Modify toolbar Typing O or OFFSET at the Command: prompt EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

78 Drawing Parallel Lines/Curves
Typing O or OFFSET at the Command: prompt Command: O or OFFSET Offset distance or Through <current> Type a distance or pick a point for the parallel object to be drawn through The last offset distance is shown in brackets EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

79 Drawing Parallel Lines/Curves
When the Select object to offset: prompt first appears the screen cursor turns into a pick box After the object is picked, the screen cursor turns back into crosshairs. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

80 Drawing Parallel Lines/Curves
Object snap modes can be used to assist in drawing an offset. Example: a existing circle and a line. You desire to draw a concentric circle that is tangent to the line. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

81 Drawing Parallel Lines/Curves
Command: O or OFFSET Offset distance or Through <current>: QUA of (pick the existing circle) Second point: PER to (pick the existing line) Select object to offset: (pick the existing circle) Side to offset?: (pick between circle & line) Select object to offset: Command: EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

82 The DIVIDE Command EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

83 Dividing an Object The DIVIDE command divides objects into an equal number of segments. The DIVIDE command does NOT physically break an object into multiple parts. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

84 Dividing an Object Select DIVIDE by:
Selecting DIVDE from the Point cascading menu of the Draw pull-down menu Type DIV or DIVIDE It places point objects or blocks at the locations where the breaks would occur EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

85 Dividing an Object Command: DIV or DIVIDE
Select object to divide: (pick the object) <Number of segments>/Block: (enter the number of divisions and press [Enter] EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

86 Dividing an Object The Block option of the DIVIDE command allows you to place a block at each division point. A Block is a previously drawn symbol or shape. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

87 The PDMODE System Variable
EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

88 PDMODE System Variable
The PDMODE system variable controls the appearance of the dots. Values range from 0 to 4. 0 = point. 1 = nothing drawn. 2 = cross is drawn. 3 = x is drawn. 4 = | is drawn. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

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93 The MEASURE Command EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

94 Dividing Objects at Specific Points
The MEASURE command places points a user-specified distance apart. The MEASURE command does NOT physically break an object into multiple parts. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

95 Dividing Objects at Specific Points
Select by: Picking Measure from the Point cascading submenu of the Draw pull-down menu Typing ME or MEASURE at the Command: prompt EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

96 Dividing Objects at Specific Points
Command: ME or MEASURE Select object to measure: (pick an object) <Segment length>/Block: EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

97 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

98 The Block Option The Block option of the MEASURE and DIVIDE commands allows you to place a block at each division point. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

99 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

100 The POINT Command EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

101 Drawing Points CIRCLE command – draws circles
LINE command – draws lines POINT command – draws points Select POINT command by: Draw Toolbar - Point button Draw pull-down menu – Point suboption PO or POINT at the Command: prompt EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

102 Drawing Points Command: PO or POINT
Point: (type point coordinates or pick with pointing device) EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

103 Setting Point Style Two ways to set Point appearance.
PDMODE system variable. DDPTYPE at the Command: prompt. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

104 Setting Point Style Use the PDMODE system variable at the Command: prompt. 32 = circle 64 = square 96 = circle and square EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

105 Setting Point Style A combination of square and circle can be produced. Circle Square Both = = =96 = = =97 = = =98 = = =99 = = =100 EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

106 Setting Point Style DDPTYPE and Point Style dialog box contains 20 different point types. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

107 EDT 310 - Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

108 Construction Lines and Rays (Xlines)
EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

109 Drawing Construction Lines
Construction lines are used for layout purposes. They are not part of the drawing. In manual drafting, they are drawn very lightly or removed so they do not reproduce. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

110 Drawing Construction Lines
AutoCAD has construction lines; XLINES and RAYS. Both commands can be used for similar purposes. XLINE has more options and flexibility. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

111 The XLINE Command EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

112 The XLINE Command XLINE command creates XLINE objects.
An XLINE object is an infinite length line designed for use as a construction line. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

113 The XLINE Command XLINES do not change the drawing extents.
XLINES do not affect zooming operations. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

114 The XLINE Command XLINES can be modified by moving, copying, trimming and other editing operations. TRIM and FILLET change the object type. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

115 XLINES If one end is trimmed, an XLINE becomes a RAY.
EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

116 XLINES To access XLINES
Pick Construction Line button in the Draw toolbar. Pick Construction Line in the Draw pull-down menu. type XL or XLINE at the Command: prompt. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

117 Drawing Construction Lines
The following XLINE Options are available: From point Hor Ver Ang Bisect Offset EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

118 Drawing Construction Lines
XLINE Options: From Point Specify two points that the construction line passes through. The first point = the root point. After the root point is picked, the Through point prompt allows you to pick as many points as you like. XLINES are created between every point picked and the root point. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

119 Drawing Construction Lines
XLINE Options: Hor - horizontal line Draws a horizontal construction line through a single specified point. The line is automatically drawn horizontal and you only have to pick one point. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

120 Drawing Construction Lines
XLINE Options: Ver - vertical line Draws a vertical construction line through the specified point. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

121 Drawing Construction Lines
XLINE Options: Ang - line at a specific angle Draws a construction line at a specified angle through a specified point. The default lets you specify an angle and then pick a point for the construction line to be drawn through. You can also pick two points to describe the angle EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

122 Drawing Construction Lines
XLINE Options: Bisect - draws a construction line that bisects a specified angle Offset - draws a construction line at a specified distance from a selected line object EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

123 Using XLINES - Special Considerations
EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

Are drawn on the current layer. Plot the same as other objects. It is best to set up a special layer for construction lines. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

125 XLINES Color Set construction lines to a color that is “background”.
Recommended color: RED A little difficult to see, makes them “stay out of your way.” EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

126 Rays EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

127 XLINES to RAYS A RAY is considered to be semi-infinite because it is infinite in one direction only. If the infinite end of a ray is trimmed off it becomes a LINE object. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

128 RAY Command The RAY command is limited compared to the XLINE command.
The command allows you to specify the point of origin and a point the ray passes through Ray extends in one direction only EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

129 RAY Command The RAY command can be accessed by:
Picking RAY in the Draw pull-down menu. Typing RAY at the Command: prompt. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

130 XLINES and RAY Commands
Neither the XLINE or the RAY command allow you to UNDO a construction line that you have already drawn. EDT Chapter 6 Object Snap, Geometric Constructions and Multiview Drawings

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