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Daily Warm-Up Exercises

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1 Daily Warm-Up Exercises
Day 17 How is angular sand different from rounded sand? Angular sand has sharp edges. Rounded sand is smoother. How is well-sorted sand different from poorly sorted sand? In well-sorted sand, most of the particles are about the same size. Poorly sorted sand includes particles of all different sizes. How does angular sand become rounded? sharp edges get worn off by abrasion What are particles? individual pieces; fragments; bits Daily Warm-Up Exercises Daily Warm-Up Exercises 1

2 Stream Table (Part 3) Investigation 4 My Sediments Exactly

3 Label the plastic tray, the sand, and the dropper in your lab notebook
Procedure: Before the students engage in observing the stream table, instruct the students to label the plastic tray, sand, and eye dropper on their diagrams (page 26 of their lab notebooks – also available on next slide). The teacher can have the students check themselves either by comparing the labeled diagrams with a partner or sharing them as a large class. The key is to insure that students have the ability to make the correlation between the actual stream table and the diagram by having them identify component parts of the stream table in their diagram.   >>>end of exercise<<< 3

4 Captions Exercise 4.4 Exercise 4.4   Image comprehension focus: Captions Goal: To reinforce the role and importance of captions Type of Activity: Teacher Comment Overview: This activity is designed to help the students build their understanding of the role and importance of captions. An understanding of captions , and the fact that they should always be read, even if the viewer thinks he/she knows what the image is depicting, will aid students in developing their image comprehension skills.   Procedure: Introduce the activity with a statement along the lines of “Before we read the reading selection for this part of the investigation, we are going to talk a little bit about captions. Let’s look at a caption from an upcoming section in the Resources book that shows the landing site for the Mars rover to get a sense of what captions tell us” >>>next slide<<< 4

5 What is the purpose of this caption?
Ask the students to turn to p. 60, read the caption to the image and then, using what they have already learned about captions, describe what role it serves (to clarify that the labels indicate the names given to the rocks at the site, some experimentation that has been done at the site and why the scientists named the rocks in the first place.) >>>next slide<<< This portion of the “monster panorama” shows some of the unofficial names given to rocks at the PATHFINDER landing site. Barnacle Bill, Yogi, Scooby Doo, and Lamb have been investigated by the Sojourner rover and its alpha proton X-ray spectrometer. Couch is a large rock on the horizon. The names are used by the Pathfinder team to help identify and keep track of the many rocks at the landing site. 5

6 Look at the bottom image
on page 37 After they have reviewed the role of captions, have them look at the bottom image on page 37 and try to describe the subject of the photograph, without referring to the text (They should struggle since no caption is pictured). After they complete the Grand Canyon Flood! reading, have them return to this slide and write a caption for the image. Have students share their captions and critique them as a means of reinforcing the content of the reading. End by emphasizing the importance of captions in image comprehension. >>>end of exercise<<< 6

7 Models What is a model? A representation of something that is difficult to observe directly: an object or system that is very large, very small, or remote in time and space a process that happens very slowly or quickly a process or system that is dangerous or costly Daily Warm-Up Exercises 7

8 Today's Model Called a stream table
Represents the Colorado Plateau and the Colorado River

9 Stream Table Vocabulary
Erosion -- the removal and transportation of loose earth material Deposition -- the settling out of eroded earth material Sediments -- the particles of earth material that settled out of the water

10 Station 2: Multimedia Stream Table
Station 1: Stream Table Observe the stream table and record observations on Stream-Table Map. Station 2: Multimedia Stream Table Modify one variable for each simulation. Station 3: Resources Book Reading Read Grand Canyon Flood! (pages 64-67).

11 Discuss Observations What were some landforms that were created in the stream table? canyon, delta, meander, plateau What happened to the different-sized particles that were eroded by the water? The smaller, finer particles were carried farther downstream. Daily Warm-Up Exercises 11

12 Discuss Observations What would happen to the earth material if we let the water run for several days? It might completely erode away. In the multimedia stream table, why didn't the bottom layer erode as quickly as the top? The middle layer of clay protected it. Daily Warm-Up Exercises 12

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