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How do we go there goals setting and strategy

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1 How do we go there goals setting and strategy
12-13 April 2017 How do we go there goals setting and strategy 19/11/2018 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia

2 Five Questions Who we are? Where we are (in which contest we are)?
How we are-perform in the market (SWOT analyses)? Where do we want to go? How do we go there?

3 GW III – Goals / Strategies (mktg Mix)


5 Where to go? The Goal Setting
SWOT Analysis FROM  Saturated Market Well Known Brand/ Image Leadership in innovation Country or Origin low image Poor location Objectives TO Search for new markets Entry in new Areas New innovative products launch Product/ Country repositioning Improve image ……

6 Marketing objectives results, levels of performance, goals to be achieved [Market share, reputation, neighborhood public ...]   to determine the development or allow the survival. Can be qualitatives quantitatives a Have to be: Hierarchized (which is more important, as the second, .. quantifiable (numbers, weights, etc.). realistic consistent

7 examples To become the market leader for new wines in the segment of "professionals" between the age of twenty-five and forty years Improve brand awareness in the target audience. Achieving a market share of 20% Obtaining a level of awareness of of the mark in at least 50% of consumers belonging to the selected target

8 examples results that we intend to achieve within a certain time? (how soon: 3 months, 1 year, 2 years?) Example of marketing objectives: acquisition of x% / market share of number of visitors / distributor in Shanghai in WY sector level of awareness Opening of "n" shops/ achieving a number of outlets launch of the Contest / competition in the web ___ Finalizing the Event ____in collaboration with ______ reaching the market "z" segment acquiring new customers ... No. maintaining customer level

9 About the Goals Reasonable (risk / results)
Compatible (resources / results) adequate (environment / results) Evolutionary (business / market (% segue)

10 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia
About the strategy details the marketing policies for achieving the goals set Marketing and sales description of your strategies for market launch, marketing and the measures planned for sales promotion 19/11/2018 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia

11 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia
Product one single product for all segments or whether you want to adjust the product to meet the needs of individual segments The same product of the origin country or a changed/ adapted/ product? 19/11/2018 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia

12 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia
Pricing The pricing strategy you choose depends on your goal: Do you want to penetrate the market quickly by going with a low price (penetration strategy)? Or do you want to generate the highest possible return from the outset (skimming strategy)? 19/11/2018 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia

13 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia
place The choice of distribution channel is influenced by various factors how many potential customers will you have? Are they companies or individuals? How do they prefer to shop? Does the product require explanation? Is it in an upper or lower price bracket? Basically, you will have to consider whether your company will handle distribution itself, or whether a specialized operation will handle it for you. Direct or multi channel 19/11/2018 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia

14 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia
Third-party retailers. Products are sold via retailers who have good access to potential customer Outside agents. Specialized companies act as agents for the distribution of products from various manufacturers. They take over the function of the in-house sales person. Franchising. A business concept is put into practice independently by a franchisee who pays a licensing fee, whereby the franchiser maintains control of the business policies (McDonald's is an example of this). Franchising enables rapid geographic growth while ensuring control of the sales concept without huge personal investment 19/11/2018 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia

15 How to reach the objective? (define for each stated objective)
Product Service Experience Price and Value to Customer Distribution (direct, franchising, Distributor.) Communcation advertising, web below line, trade fairs) …….….(others)

16 How to reach the objective? (define for each stated objective)
Partnerships Agreements Service sustainability certifications

17 Price: strategy, change the strategy, definition of the price ...
Detailed description of the actions For each strategy going into details Product: new product development, existing product improvement, define ancillary services, brand, packaging, experience, ... Price: strategy, change the strategy, definition of the price ... Channels: strengthening existing channels, change the existing channels, new channels activation, networks and networks, web, ... Communication: classical instruments, innovative means, theme and tone of communication, web, Human Resources, Environment (physical and virtual), Context,

18 And also which Partner Which relationships and with whom? (i.e. a competitor, a distributor, a local chain, ....) which service What form of localization, adaptation to the market culture and local business: Product, in whole or in part, service, technology, methods to serve the market) communication the way to develop relationships with the market (such as the way to conduct business with sellers / distributors / ...)

19 To complete the marketing plan
Not included in Work Group To complete the marketing plan 19/11/2018 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (B) - Loretta Battaglia

20 Quantitative analysis the budget
quantification of the expected results from the decisions contained in the marketing plan evaluate the development of the business operating results evaluate the need for resources (personnel and equipment) needed quantifying the agreed objectives at different levels of the organization check during the course of fire, that what has been decided to be done Made at different levels product Product lines Usage/ Application Client type Location / Area geography ecc. It provides a measure of the effectiveness / efficiency of mktg strategies and related programs of action !!!

21 How to write a marketing plan

22 (% SEGUE)

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