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Identifying Kingdoms 1.

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1 Identifying Kingdoms 1

2 Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Animals are composed of eukaryotic cells. They are also multicellular and heterotrophic (they ingest/eat for nutrition). Animal Cell

3 What is the distinguishing characteristic of the animal kingdom?
Animals are mobile and can freely move around.

4 Kingdom Plantae (Plants) autotrophic (they make their own food).
Plants are composed of eukaryotic cells. They are also multicellular and autotrophic (they make their own food). Plant Cell

5 What is a primary feature of members of the plant kingdom?
Plants can perform photosynthesis to make their own food.

6 Plant cells have three key features:
1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ Chloroplasts for photosynthesis Large central vacuole Cell wall made of cellulose Central Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Wall

7 Kingdom Fungi (Fungus)
Fungi are composed of eukaryotic cells. They are mostly multicellular and heterotrophic (they absorb nutrients). Fungal Cell Yeasts are single-celled species of fungi.

8 What is an important fact about the fungus kingdom?
Fungi serve as plant decomposers.

9 What is important about how fungi gain nutrition?
Fungi typically secrete enzymes to digest complex nutrients, then they absorb simple nutrients through root-like structures called hyphae. All of the hyphae form the fungus’ mycelium.

10 Kingdom Protista (Protists)
Protists are composed of eukaryotic cells. They can be unicellular or multicellular and they can be heterotrophic or autotrophic. Images by 柑橘類

11 What do many protist cells have that allow them to move?
Flagellum Cilia Cilia or flagella make protists motile.

12 What makes multicellular protists unique?
They lack specialized tissues like roots or leaves.

13 Kingdom Protista (Protists)
Protista is one of the most diverse kingdoms. The only thing that can be said of ALL protists is that they are all made of one or more eukaryotic cells!

14 Kingdom Eubacteria (Bacteria)
Bacteria are composed of prokaryotic cells. They are unicellular, but they can be heterotrophic or autotrophic. The prefix eu- means true. Eubacteria are True Bacteria!

15 What do many bacterial cells have that allow them to move?
Flagella allow them to move.

16 Kingdom Eubacteria (Bacteria)
A bacterium has genetic material in the form of DNA, but it does NOT have a nucleus. This is why it is classified as a prokaryote. No nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles!

17 Kingdom Archaea (Archaebacteria)
Archaea are composed of prokaryotic cells. They are unicellular, and they can either be heterotrophic or autotrophic.

18 The kingdom Eubacteria
What kingdom are members of archaea very similar to and once mistaken for? archaea eubacteria The kingdom Eubacteria

19 What unique places were members of Kingdom Archaea first found?
Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park Rio Tinto, a very acidic river outside of a mine in Spain Very extreme environments (hot springs, salt lakes, acidic water, etc.)

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