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World War I: Alliances.

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1 World War I: Alliances

2 MAIN Causes What Causes Most Wars
Militarism: using force or the threat of force against another nation Entangled system of Alliances (secret) Imperialism: Spreading the political or economic control of one country over another Extreme Nationalism (“Super Patriotism” or love for one’s country)

3 Underlying Causes Rival Alliances Created a “False Sense of Security”
Allied Powers (The “Good” Guys) Triple Entente Great Britain: King George V France: Premier Clemenceau Russia: Czar Nicholas II Italy: Vittorio Orlando United States (joined in April 1917): Woodrow Wilson Central Powers (The “Bad” Guys) Triple Alliance Germany: Kaiser Wilhelm II Austria-Hungary: Emanuel II Many other smaller nations


5 Causes of World War I What Caused World War I Unrest in the Balkans
Bosnians felt abused under the rule of Austria-Hungary Goal: To create a “Greater Serbia” (unite Slavic people) This movement was strongly supported by “Mother Russia”

6 Causes of World War I June 28, 1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria’s heir to the throne) was assassinated by a Bosnian Serb Nationalist while on a good will trip to Sarajevo, Bosnia. This spark would ignite the war.

7 Archduke shot by Gavrillo Princip

8 Causes of World War I Alliance Unfolded:
Austria declared war on Serbia Russia supported Serbia (mother country w/ethnic ties) Germany sided w/Austria & declared war on Russia France was obligated to help Russia & Great Britain to help France By August 5, 1914, Europe was engulfed in war!


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