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Hewitt/Lyons/Suchocki/Yeh Conceptual Integrated Science

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1 Hewitt/Lyons/Suchocki/Yeh Conceptual Integrated Science

2 This lecture will help you understand:
Momentum Impulse Impulse–Momentum Relationship Conservation of Momentum Work Energy Power Potential Energy Kinetic Energy The Work-Energy Theorem Kinetic Energy and Momentum Conservation of Energy Machines Efficiency

3 Momentum Momentum—is inertia in motion
defined as the product of mass and velocity: momentum = mv p = mv “umph”

4 Momentum Momentum = mass  velocity or
Momentum = mass  speed (when direction is unimportant) p = mv high mass or high velocity  high momentum high mass and high velocity  higher momentum low mass or low velocity  low momentum low mass and low velocity  lower momentum

5 Momentum

A moving object has A. momentum. energy. speed. all of the above. D. all of the above.

A moving object has A. momentum. energy. speed. all of the above. D. all of the above.

8 When the speed of an object is doubled, its momentum
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR When the speed of an object is doubled, its momentum A. remains unchanged in accord with the conservation of momentum. doubles. quadruples. decreases. B. doubles.

9 When the speed of an object is doubled, its momentum
CHECK YOUR ANSWER When the speed of an object is doubled, its momentum A. remains unchanged in accord with the conservation of momentum. doubles. quadruples. decreases. B. doubles.

10 Impulse Impulse—the product of force and contact time.
Equation for impulse: Impulse = I = force  time = Ft = ∆p = m∆v great force for long time  large impulse same force for short time  smaller impulse

11 Units p = mv = kg*m/s I = Ft = N*s = (kg*m/s2)*s = kg*m/s
So the units are the same for both

When the force that produces an impulse acts for twice as much time, the impulse is A. not changed. doubled. increased by four times. decreased by half. B. increased by twice.

When the force that produces an impulse acts for twice as much time, the impulse is A. not changed. doubled. increased by four times. decreased by half. B. increased by twice.

14 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
The change in momentum of an object is equal to the force applied to it multiplied by the time interval during which the force is applied.

15 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
Equation: Impulse = change in momentum or Force  time =  momentum greater force, greater change in velocity  greater change in momentum same force for short time  smaller change in momentum same force for longer time  more change in momentum

16 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
Cases of momentum changes: Increasing Momentum Apply the greatest force for the longest time to produce the maximum increase in momentum Examples: Long-range cannons have long barrels for maximum range A golfer follows through while teeing off

17 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR A cannonball shot from a cannon with a long barrel will emerge with greater speed, because the cannonball receives a greater A. average force. impulse. both of the above. neither of the above. B. impulse.

18 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
CHECK YOUR ANSWER A cannonball shot from a cannon with a long barrel will emerge with greater speed, because the cannonball receives a greater A. average force. impulse. both of the above. neither of the above. Explanation: The force on the cannonball will be the same for a short- or long-barreled cannon. The longer barrel provides for a longer time for the force to act and therefore a greater impulse. (The long barrel also provides a longer distance that the force acts, providing greater work and greater KE of the cannonball.) B. impulse.

19 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
Cases of momentum changes: Decreasing Momentum The impulse with the longer time that decreases momentum has a smaller force. Examples: Driving into a haystack versus a brick wall Jumping into a safety net versus onto solid ground

20 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR A fast-moving car hitting a haystack or hitting a cement wall produces vastly different results. Both experience the same change in momentum. the same impulse. the same force. A and B. D. Both A and B.

21 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
CHECK YOUR ANSWER A fast-moving car hitting a haystack or hitting a cement wall produces vastly different results. Both experience the same change in momentum. the same impulse. the same force. A and B. Explanation: Although stopping the momentum is the same whether done slowly or quickly, the force is vastly different. Be sure to distinguish between momentum, impulse, and force. D. Both A and B.

22 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR When a dish falls, will the change in momentum be less if it lands on a carpet than if it lands on a hard floor? (Careful!) A. No, both are the same. Yes, less if it lands on the carpet. No, less if it lands on a hard floor. No, more if it lands on a hard floor. A. No, both are the same.

23 Impulse–Momentum Relationship
CHECK YOUR ANSWER When a dish falls, will the change in momentum be less if it lands on a carpet than if it lands on a hard floor? (Careful!) A. No, both are the same. Yes, less if it lands on the carpet. No, less if it lands on a hard floor. No, more if it lands on a hard floor. Explanation: The momentum becomes zero in both cases, so both change by the same amount. Although the momentum change and impulse are the same, the force is less when the time of momentum change is extended. Be careful to distinguish between force, impulse, and momentum. A. No, both are the same.

24 Conservation of Momentum
In every case, the momentum of a system cannot change unless it is acted on by external forces. A system will have the same momentum both before and after the interaction occurs. When the momentum does not change, we say it is conserved.

25 Conservation of Momentum
Law of conservation of momentum: In the absence of an external force, the momentum of a system remains unchanged. Equation form: (total momentum)before = (total momentum)after

26 Conservation of Momentum
Collisions When objects collide in the absence of external forces, net momentum before collision = net momentum after collision Examples: Elastic collisions Inelastic collisions

27 Conservation of Momentum
Elastic collision is defined as a collision whereupon objects collide without permanent deformation or the generation of heat.

28 Conservation of Momentum
Moving Ball A strikes Ball B, initially at rest. Ball A comes to rest, and Ball B moves away with a velocity equal to the initial velocity of Ball A. Momentum is transferred from Ball A to Ball B.

29 Conservation of Momentum
Inelastic collision is defined as a collision whereupon colliding objects become tangled or coupled together, generating heat.

30 Conservation of Momentum
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR Freight Car A is moving toward identical Freight Car B that is at rest. When they collide, both freight cars couple together. Compared with the initial speed of Freight Car A, the speed of the coupled freight cars is A. the same. half. twice. none of the above. B. half.

31 Conservation of Momentum
CHECK YOUR ANSWER Freight Car A is moving toward identical Freight Car B that is at rest. When they collide, both freight cars couple together. Compared with the initial speed of Freight Car A, the speed of the coupled freight cars is A. the same. half. twice. none of the above. Explanation: After the collision, the mass of the moving freight cars has doubled. Can you see that their speed is half the initial velocity of Freight Car A? B. half.

32 Work CHECK YOUR ANSWER You do work when pushing a cart with a constant force. If you push the cart twice as far, then the work you do is A. less than twice as much. twice as much. more than twice as much. zero. B. twice as much.

33 Energy Energy is defined as that which produces changes in matter.
The effects of energy are observed only when it is being transferred from one place to another or transformed from one form to another. Unit for energy: joule Both work and energy are measured in joules.

34 Power Power is a measure of how quickly work is done or
the rate at which energy is changed from one form to another. Equation for power: Units for power: joule per second, or watt (One watt = 1 joule of work per second)

A job can be done slowly or quickly. Both may require the same amount of work, but different amounts of A. energy. momentum. power. impulse. C. power.

A job can be done slowly or quickly. Both may require the same amount of work, but different amounts of A. energy. momentum. power. impulse. Comment: Power is the rate at which work is done. C. power.

37 Potential Energy Potential Energy
is defined as stored energy due to position, shape, or state. In its stored state, energy has the potential for doing work. Examples: Drawn bow Stretched rubber band Raised ram of a pile driver

38 Potential Energy The amount of gravitational potential energy possessed by an elevated object is equal to the work done against gravity in raising it. Work done equals force required to move it upward  the vertical distance moved (W = Fd). The upward force when moved at constant velocity is the weight, mg, of the object. So the work done in lifting it through height h is the product mgh.

39 Potential Energy Equation for gravitational potential energy:
PE = weight  height or PE = mgh Gravitational potential energy examples: Water in an elevated reservoir The elevated ram of a pile driver

40 Potential Energy CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR
Does a car hoisted for repairs in a service station have increased potential energy relative to the floor? A. Yes. No. Sometimes. Not enough information. A. Yes.

41 Potential Energy CHECK YOUR ANSWER
Does a car hoisted for repairs in a service station have increased potential energy relative to the floor? A. Yes. No. Sometimes. Not enough information. Comment: And if the car were twice as heavy, its increase in potential energy would be twice as much. A. Yes.

42 Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy
is defined as the energy of a moving body Equation for kinetic energy: Kinetic energy = 1/2 mass  speed2 or Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv2 small changes in speed  large changes in kinetic energy

43 Must a car with momentum have kinetic energy?
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR Must a car with momentum have kinetic energy? A. Yes, due to motion alone. Yes, when motion is nonaccelerated. Yes, because speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector quantity. No. A. Yes, due to motion alone.

44 Must a car with momentum have kinetic energy?
CHECK YOUR ANSWER Must a car with momentum have kinetic energy? A. Yes, due to motion alone. Yes, when momentum is nonaccelerated. Yes, because speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector quantity. No. Explanation: Acceleration, speed being a scalar, and velocity being a vector quantity, are irrelevant. Any moving object has both momentum and kinetic energy. A. Yes, due to motion alone.

45 The Work-Energy Theorem
When work is done on an object to change its kinetic energy, the amount of work done is equal to the change in kinetic energy. Equation for work-energy theorem: Net work = change in kinetic energy If there is no change in object’s energy, then no work is done. Applies to potential energy: For a barbell held stationary, no further work is done  no further change in energy Applies to decreasing energy: The more kinetic energy something has  the more work is required to stop it

46 The Work-Energy Theorem
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR Consider a problem that asks for the distance a fast-moving crate slides across a factory floor in coming to a stop. The most useful equation for solving this problem is A. F = ma. B. Ft = mv. C. KE = 1/2mv2. Fd = 1/2mv2. D. Fd = 1/2mv2.

47 The Work-Energy Theorem
CHECK YOUR ANSWER Consider a problem that asks for the distance a fast-moving crate slides across a factory floor in coming to a stop. The most useful equation for solving this problem is A. F = ma. B. Ft = mv C. KE = 1/2mv2. D. Fd = 1/2mv2. Comment: The work-energy theorem is the physicist’s favorite starting point for solving many motion-related problems. D. Fd = 1/2mv2.

48 The Work-Energy Theorem
CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR The work done in braking a moving car to a stop is the force of tire friction  stopping distance. If the initial speed of the car is doubled, the stopping distance is A. actually less. about the same. twice. none of the above. D. none of the above.

49 The Work-Energy Theorem
CHECK YOUR ANSWER The work done in braking a moving car to a stop is the force of tire friction  stopping distance. If the initial speed of the car is doubled, the stopping distance is A. actually less. about the same. twice. none of the above. Explanation: Twice the speed means four times the kinetic energy and four times the stopping distance. D. none of the above.

50 Kinetic Energy and Momentum
Comparison of Kinetic Energy and Momentum Both depend on mass and velocity— Momentum depends on mass and speed. KE depends on mass and the square of its speed. Momentum is a vector quantity. Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity.

51 Conservation of Energy
is defined in everyday language as “to save”—in physics, to “remain unchanged.” Law of conservation of energy: In the absence of external work input or output, the energy of a system remains unchanged. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

52 Conservation of Energy A situation to ponder…
Consider the system of a bow and arrow. In drawing the bow, we do work on the system and give it potential energy. When the bowstring is released, most of the potential energy is transferred to the arrow as kinetic energy and some as heat to the bow.

53 A situation to ponder… CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR
Suppose the potential energy of a drawn bow is 50 joules, and the kinetic energy of the shot arrow is 40 joules. Then A. energy is not conserved. 10 joules go to warming the bow. 10 joules go to warming the target. 10 joules is mysteriously missing. B joules go to warming the bow.

54 A situation to ponder… CHECK YOUR ANSWER
Suppose the potential energy of a drawn bow is 50 joules, and the kinetic energy of the shot arrow is 40 joules. Then A. energy is not conserved. 10 joules go to warming the bow. 10 joules go to warming the target. 10 joules is mysteriously missing. Explanation: The total energy of the drawn bow, which includes the poised arrow, is 50 joules. The arrow gets 40 joules and the remaining 10 joules warms the bow—still in the initial system. B joules go to warming the bow.

55 Machines Machine—a device for multiplying force or changing the direction of force. No machine can put out more energy than is put into it. create energy; it can only transfer or transform energy.

56 Machines Equation: work input = work output
(force  distance)input = (force  distance)output Example: a simple lever small input force over a long distance  large output force over a short distance

In an ideal pulley system, a woman lifts a 100-N crate by pulling a rope downward with a force of 25 N. For every one-meter length of rope she pulls downward, the crate rises A. 50 centimeters. 45 centimeters. 25 centimeters. none of the above. C centimeters.

In an ideal pulley system, a woman lifts a 100-N crate by pulling a rope downward with a force of 25 N. For every one-meter length of rope she pulls downward, the crate rises A. 50 centimeters. 45 centimeters. 25 centimeters. none of the above. Explanation: Work in = work out; Fd in = Fd out. One fourth of 1 m = 25 cm. C centimeters.

59 Efficiency Efficiency—how effective a device transforms or transfers useful energy. Equation for efficiency: a machine with low efficiency  greater amount of energy wasted as heat Some energy is always dissipated as heat, which means that no machine is ever 100% efficient.

A certain machine is 30% efficient. This means the machine will convert A. 30% of the energy input to useful work—70% of the energy input will be wasted. 70% of the energy input to useful work—30% of the energy input will be wasted. as strange as it may seem, both of the above. none of the above. A. 30% of the energy input to useful work—70% of the energy input will be wasted.

A certain machine is 30% efficient. This means the machine will convert A. 30% of the energy input to useful work—70% of the energy input will be wasted. 70% of the energy input to useful work—30% of the energy input will be wasted. as strange as it may seem, both of the above. none of the above. A. 30% of the energy input to useful work—70% of the energy input will be wasted.

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