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Projectile Motion (vx =)

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Presentation on theme: "Projectile Motion (vx =)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Projectile Motion (vx =)
vx = vi cosΘ Unit: m/s

2 Projectile Motion (vy =)
vy = vi sinΘ Unit: m/s

3 Centripetal Acceleration
acp = vt2/r Unit: m/s2

4 Newton’s First Law Objects at rest will stay at rest, and objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force.

5 Newton’s Second Law ΣF = ma Unit: N

6 For every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction.
Newton’s Third Law For every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction. F = -F Unit: N

7 Weight W = mg Unit: N

8 Normal Force (horizontal)
N = mg Unit: N

9 Normal Force (incline)
N = mg cosΘ Unit: N

10 Friction f = μ N Unit: N

11 Hooke’s Law F = -kΔx Unit: N

12 Centripetal Force Fcp = macp Fcp = mv2/r Unit: N

13 Gravitational Force Fgrav = GM1M2/ r2 Unit: N

14 Work W = FΔd Unit: J

15 Work (angle) W = FΔd cosΘ Unit: J

16 Power P = W/t P=F Δd/t P=Fv P= E/t 4 equations! Unit: Watt

17 Kinetic Energy KE = ½ mν2 Unit: J

18 Work-Energy Theorem W = ΔKE = ½ m (vf2 – vi2) Unit: J

19 Potential Energy (PE) PE = mgh Unit: J

20 Potential Energy (U) U = ½ k (Δx)2 Unit: J

21 Conservation of Energy
KEi + PEi = KEf + PEf ½ mvi2 + mghi = ½ mvf2 + mghf

22 Momentum p = mv Unit: kgm/s

23 Impulse (Δp =) Δp = mΔv Unit: kgm/s

24 Impulse (J=) J= FΔt Unit: kgm/s

25 Conservation of Momentum (elastic)
m1vi1 + m2vi2 = m1vf1 + m2vf2

26 Conservation of Momentum (inelastic)
m1vi1 + m2vi2 = vf (m1 + m2)

27 Wave Speed (ν) ν = f λ Unit: m/s

28 Frequency f = 1/f Unit: Hz

29 Period T= 1/f Unit: s

30 Angular Frequency (ω) ω = 2πf Unit: rad/s

31 Period of a Mass on a Spring
T = 2π √(m/k) Unit: s

32 Period of a Pendulum T = 2π √(L/g) Unit: s

33 Speed of Sound c = 3.0 x 108 Unit: m/s

34 fperceived = forig (v + vD) v + vs
Doppler fperceived = forig (v + vD) v + vs Unit: Hz

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