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Chapter 3 The Molecules of Cells.

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1 Chapter 3 The Molecules of Cells

2 Concept Check This lysozyme protein molecule is found in tears and protects the eye from bacterial infections. Which of the following best describes the outside of the molecule? The R-groups on the surface of the molecule are mostly hydrophobic. The R-groups on the surface of the molecule are mostly hydrophilic. The R-groups on the surface of the molecule are mostly non-polar. The R-groups on the surface of the molecule are constantly changing between non-polar and polar as the protein chain bends and folds. Answer: 2

3 Answer This lysozyme protein molecule is found in tears and protects the eye from bacterial infections. Which of the following best describes the outside of the molecule? 2) The R-groups on the surface of the molecule are mostly hydrophilic.

4 Concept Check When proteins are heated, they usually denature. If moderate heat was applied to this molecule of DNA what part of the molecule would break down or break apart first? (Use your knowledge of chemical bonds.) The nucleotides along each side would break apart. The sugar-phosphate backbone would separate from the nitrogen bases. The nitrogen base pairs would separate in the interior of the molecule. Answer: 3

5 Answer When proteins are heated, they usually denature. If moderate heat was applied to this molecule of DNA what part of the molecule would break down or break apart first? (Use your knowledge of chemical bonds.) The nitrogen base pairs would separate in the interior of the molecule.

6 Interpreting Data The amino acid “R” groups interact to create the three-dimensional structures of proteins. Some amino acids have hydrophilic side groups; others have hydrophobic side groups. In the hydrophilic group, some “R” groups are acids and others are bases: Acid “R” groups end with a carboxyl group. Basic “R” groups end with an amino group.

7 Interpreting Data -COOH -COO- -NH2 - NH3+
Interpreting Data The key to a protein’s function is its shape. The shape can be altered (or denatured) under unfavorable conditions. The pH of the solution is an important factor in determining protein shape. Depending on the pH of the solution, carboxyl groups and amine groups may or may not be charged. -COOH COO- -NH NH3+

8 Interpreting Data This graph indicates how the charge on an amino acid “R” group can be determined by the pH of the solution. The green line across the middle of the graph represents the neutral pH of most cells. At neutral pH (7), which of the following amino acids carry charge? Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Lysine All of the above Answer: 4

9 Answer This graph indicates how the charge on an amino acid “R” group can be determined by the pH of the solution. The green line across the middle of the graph represents the neutral pH of most cells. At neutral pH (7), which of the following amino acids carry a charge? All of the above

10 Interpreting Data At an acidic pH of 3, which of the following amino acids carry a charge? Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Lysine All of the above Answer: 3

11 Answer At an acidic pH of 3, which of the following amino acids carry a charge? Lysine

12 Interpreting Data At a basic pH of 12, which of the following amino acids carry a charge? Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Lysine Both 1 and 2 Answer: 4

13 Answer At a basic pH of 12, which of the following amino acids carry a charge? Both 1 and 2

14 Strongly A B C D E Strongly
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