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Intonation in English & Arabic

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1 Intonation in English & Arabic
Done by : Fatma Ahmed AbuKaydah (201)

2 Definition of the intonation :
Cook :” the rise and fall of the voice during speech “ Kharma &Hajjaj : “ the distinctive use of pitch , or melody in sentence.

3 Functions of intonation :
In grammatical structure . Clarify the contrast between different question types & the way which question differ from statement . Express speaker’s attitude .

4 The importance of intonation in social interaction :
Turn-talking Information structure Distinguishing the meaning

5 Intonation pattern : two basic patterns : Falling intonation.
Rising intonation .

6 What is falling intonation ?
a pattern in which your voice falls to low pitch by the end of the thought group or statement .

7 What it dose communicate ?
Certainty : You are telling the fact or you are right . Completion : You are done from speaking .

8 Falling intonation : Declarative sentence . WH- question . Commands .

9 What is rising intonation ?
Conveys your impression It use on : Yes – No questions. open choice alternative questions.

10 Types of English intonation :
High – Fall : The voice starts high and falls to law pitch . We use it in : *Polite , friendly verb less . *Polite & affirmative structure . ex. This is diving room .

11 Low – Rise : The voice starts at low or medium pitch and rises to high pitch . We use it in : When expecting agreement in tag- question structure . ex. You like to drink tea , don't you ?

12 Low – Fall : The voice starts medium pitch and falls to low pitch . We use it in : In cold expressions verb less . ex. Good

13 Low –Rise : The voice starts low and rises to medium pitch . We use it in : Friendly & polite expression in an interrogative structure . ex. Do you live near here ?

14 Fall –Rise : The voice starts high then falls then rise . We use it in : Expressing partial agreement ex . He is flying to London .

15 Rise – Fall : The voice starts in medium pitch then rises and then falls . We use it in : Expressing impressions in a form of verb less structure . ex . Fantastic

16 Intonation patterns in Arabic :
The differences between English and Arabic intonation pattern :

17 b) Calling on persons

18 b) Calling on persons

19 activities for teaching English intonation :
Teacher must be aware of different function of intonation . Use conversation in order to turn-talking , supporting , questioning . Have assistant ( record – native speakers)

20 Teacher can use role play and drama activities ( play – stories…..)
Intonation can also teach by fun and games . Teachers can express their attitude and feeling by using intonation .

21 Practice : Say “ Hello “ To a friend you meet regularly .
To a friend you haven’t seen for 10 years . To a friend whom you don’t like .

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