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Roadmap to Managing Weed Resistance

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1 Roadmap to Managing Weed Resistance
Tom Peters Extension Sugarbeet Agronomist North Dakota State Univ / Univ of Minnesota

2 Waterhemp in soybean field, Renville, County, MN

3 How did we get here? Relied on a single herbicide for weed control
Applied reduced rates to save money Applied over large weed to save trips

4 Number of unique herbicides used on >5% of the soybean acreage, 1990 to 2006
1996 – launch of RR Soybean Data from USDA-NAS, Agricultural Chemistry Use Adapted from a slide used by J Norsworthy, Univ of Arkansas

5 Impact of weed escapes Will increase the complexity and cost of weed control Will reduce harvest efficiency Glyphosate will no longer be a stand-alone ‘systems’ approach….in any crop

6 Weed resistance cannot be prevented But it can be delayed
There is a strategy to slow resistance Crop rotations / sequences Manage weeds along field perimeters Back to the future Manage weeds to seeds Equipment cleanout

7 Use at least two and preferably three crops in the sequence; rotate to a different crop each year
Have different planting dates Have different requirements for fertilizer Unique tillage needs Plant residue is managed differently Unique row spacing Discuss with landlords and bankers about the necessity for implementing special practices or rotating into other crops Think strategy. Pick fields or a percent (i.e., 10%) of the operation to be targeted for special treatment

8 Washington County Tunica County Bolivar County Coahoma County
Slide from J Bond, Mississippi State Univ.

9 Perimeter Weed Management

10 Back to the Future Oldies but goodies
Efficacious and inexpensive approaches Treflan/Sonalan, $8.00/A Sencor, $5.95/A Basagran, $13.00/A Row crop cultivation, $8.88/A Think Strategy pick fields or a percent (i.e., 10%) of the operation to be targeted for special treatment Since these materials may not be widely available on short notice, plan ahead, secure supplies early instead of just in time

11 Manage the seed bank…it’s a “Numbers Game”
Minimize "Deposits" and Maximize "Withdrawals” Single waterhemp plant in 2011 (Clay County, MN) estimate of the actual seed number per plant = 142,000 Photo from J Bond, Mississippi State Univ

12 It’s a numbers game 1 waterhemp plant/A that produced 142,000 seed
142,000 – 90% loss = 14,200 seed 14,200 – 99% control = 142 plants 142 x 33% female = 47 females/A 47 x 142,000 seed = 6,674,000 seed

13 Be proactive – don’t allow a buildup of weeds
432 waterhemp per square meter Herman, MN, 2014

14 Equipment cleanout Clean your tillage and harvest equipment to ensure weed seeds will not be carried between fields Especially important with crops that utilize a platform header. Open trap doors and use compressed air to remove seeds Takes 4 to 5 hours Don’t have time - - consider harvest order; harvest weedy fields last

15 A diversified approach with emphasis on management of the seed bank account
“If it works, do something different next year” Steve Powles - Director of the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative

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