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ESSA Ready Educators Assuring Assessment Literate Stakeholders in Every State, District, and Classroom Presenters: Kathy Dewsbury-White, Kristin Hamilton,

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Presentation on theme: "ESSA Ready Educators Assuring Assessment Literate Stakeholders in Every State, District, and Classroom Presenters: Kathy Dewsbury-White, Kristin Hamilton,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSA Ready Educators Assuring Assessment Literate Stakeholders in Every State, District, and Classroom Presenters: Kathy Dewsbury-White, Kristin Hamilton, W. James Popham, Rick Stiggins & Melisa Yeoman

2 Welcome! Kristin Hamilton Kathy Dewsbury-White Melisa Yeoman
Jim Popham Rick Stiggins

3 Assessment Literacy: The key to our assessment future
Rick willhave five minutes to introduce the TF Assessment Literacy definition to the audience.

4 Assessment literate educators understand the basic principles of sound assessment practice. Key responsibilities: Develop and use assessments that accurately reflect student learning Use the assessment process and its results to either support or verify achievement, depending on the context

1. Keys to Quality ACCURACY EFFECTIVE USE PURPOSE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION DESIGN STUDENT INVOLVEMENT The explanation for this slide begins with a transition from the discussion you just conducted. “Here are the keys to quality again. As I describe each key, I want you to keep your negative and positive experiences in mind. Which of the keys did your assessor violate in the negative experience and which keys did your assessor honor in the positive experience? Try to relate these keys to your personal experiences.” (Note that we intend to create a short video clip of Rick Stiggins explaining the keys to quality for presenters to use. When that video clip is available, you will not use slides 10 – 25. Your presentation will pick back up on Slide 26.) TARGET 5 © 2010 Pearson Assessment Training Institute, Portland, OR

1. Keys to Quality ACCURACY EFFECTIVE USE PURPOSE (Here you begin a quick review of the five keys. This should be a fast-moving overview. Remember, the rest of the day delves into each key.) “Key 1 is Clear Purpose. Sound classroom assessment requires that both processes and results serve clear and appropriate purposes. A central question for this key is, Who will use the assessment results and how will they be used?” 6 © 2010 Pearson Assessment Training Institute, Portland, OR

7 Key 1: Clear Assessment Purpose
Who’s going to use the information? How will they use it; that is, what decision(s) must they make? Therefore, what information will they need? The assessment must provide that information…

1. Keys to Quality ACCURACY EFFECTIVE USE PURPOSE TARGET “The second key to quality is Clear Targets. Good assessments reflect clear and valued student learning targets.” 8 © 2010 Pearson Assessment Training Institute, Portland, OR

9 Key 2: Clear Learning Targets
Are our targets clear to us? Are they clear to students? Can we identify what kinds of targets we have? Do our assignments and assessments reflect the targets students have had the opportunity to learn?

10 Clarifying Learning Targets
Begin with pre-set standards Ordered in learning progressions Mastered by teachers who are to promote student mastery Deconstruct into scaffolding leading to each standard Communicate the learning targets to learners in advance in language they can understand The assessment tasks and scoring scheme must reflect the intended target(s)

1. Keys to Quality ACCURACY EFFECTIVE USE PURPOSE DESIGN TARGET “So, good assessment begins with Keys 1 and 2, Clear Purpose and Clear Targets. Once those prerequisite decisions are in place, we are ready to take action in Key 3, Sound Assessment Design.” 11 © 2010 Pearson Assessment Training Institute, Portland, OR

12 Key 3: Sound Assessment Design
Select a proper assessment method given the learning target Frame an appropriate sample Build quality items, tasks, and scoring schemes Anticipate and control relevant sources of bias that can distort results

1. Keys to Quality ACCURACY EFFECTIVE USE PURPOSE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION DESIGN TARGET ““Once we have ensured the accuracy of our assessments, we are ready to address their effective use. The fourth key to quality is Effective Communication: Assessment results are managed well and communicated effectively.” 13 © 2010 Pearson Assessment Training Institute, Portland, OR

14 Key 4: Effective Communication
Formative purpose Assessment results function as descriptive feedback to students It focuses on attributes of the student’s work Students engaged in tracking and communicating about their evolving learning Summative purpose Achievement tracked by learning targets and recorded by standard Grades communicate achievement across standards Test scores understood by all users and used well

1. Keys to Quality ACCURACY EFFECTIVE USE PURPOSE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION DESIGN STUDENT INVOLVEMENT TARGET “The fifth key to quality is Student Involvement and it is not a stand-alone key, but rather a part of all of the other keys.” 15 © 2010 Pearson Assessment Training Institute, Portland, OR

16 Key 5: Student Involvement
Key 1: Are students’ information needs planned for and met as they are learning? Key 2: Do students have a clear vision of the intended learning target(s) from the start? Key 3: Are students able to self-assess and set goals on the basis of their assessment results? Key 4: Do students receive and offer effective feedback during the learning? Key 5: Do students track, reflect on, and share their learning progress?

17 Who must be assessment literate?
Teachers District and school leaders Policy makers & policy influencers Students Measurement comm & tests pubs Parents and communities News media Faculties of higher education

18 What does assessment literacy look like at a high level?
Kathy Dewsbury-White President and CEO of the Michigan Assessment Consortium Kathy DW will have 10 minutes and slides to talk about what AL looks like at a high level and will share what it looks like via her MAC work.

19 Developing Assessment Literacy from One State’s Perspective

20 Assessment Literacy Standards
MAC developed, state board of education, endorsed

21 State-wide Assessment Learning Network
ALN Theory of Action

22 If Education is an ecosystem each stakeholder group must be considered and supported
ALS developed for role groups and opportunities to learn custom built

23 Illustration of stakeholder group – Assessment Literate Building Administrator
“Principals need to familiarize themselves with the ways in which teachers learn about quality instruction so they can help teachers see the connection between assessment processes and quality teaching practice.” Cara Jackson, Amelia Wenk Gotwals, Beth Tarasawa Implementing Assessment Literacy A Principal’s Guide May 2017

24 Credentialing System would offer awareness OTL -- through demonstration of proficiency (certification) Sample foundational topics

25 Illustration Balanced Assessment System Module – Built from AL Standards
Standards emphasized in Module Module Concepts & Outcomes Key Concepts Outcomes Assessment Design Identify uses of assessment by different users Distinguish between assessment of and for learning and describe the uses of each Elements of a Balanced Assessment System Explain the uses of summative, interim & formative assessment in a balanced assessment system. Criteria for a Quality Balanced Assessment System Identify examples of criteria of comprehensive, coherent and continuous in a balanced assessment system. Developing a District Assessment Plan Begin development of an assessment plan

26 ESSA Guidance developed by National Task
Explicitly states SHOULD incorporate training and professional development that supports AL into ESSA applications

27 To become assessment literate we will have to redirect public resources to invest in capacity of work force Currently, disproportionate amount of public resources fund large scale, accountability efforts

28 Q&A for Kathy Dewsbury-White
5 minutes.

29 What does assessment literacy look like from a teacher’s perspective
Kristin will have 10 minutes to talk about what AL looks like from her perspective and work with NBPTS/NBCT. Kristin Hamilton Senior Director of Standards National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

30 Standards-Based Professional Continuum

31 The Five Core Propositions
Teachers… Are committed to students and their learning. Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. Are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Are members of learning communities. WATSK… first out 1989, revised By Ts. Backbone of continuum Activity/Discussion with WATSK...

32 Four Components for Board Certification
Differentiated by certificate area Component Name Evidence 1 Content Knowledge Assessment Center 2 Differentiation in Instruction Student Work 3 Teaching Practices and Learning Video 4 Effective and Reflective Practitioner Assessment & Collaboration



35 Q&A for Kristin Hamilton
5 minutes.

36 What does a parent need to know to be assessment literate?
Melisa will have 10 min. to talk about this question and the work PTA has done, state by state, for parents. Melisa Yeoman Regional Advocacy Specialist National PTA

37 Assessment Work in the States
Timing Grant Initiatives Targeted States Accomplishments Concerns

38 Best Practices • PTA Events/Meetings • Webinars • Social Media
• Parent Nights • PTA Events/Meetings • Webinars • Social Media • Twitter Town Halls • Websites – National/State/Local • Communications – National/State/Local

39 PTA Resources Fact Sheet – Moving Beyond the Bubble
5 Pillars of Successful Implementation State Assessment Guides Materials: Tool Kits, PPTs, Videos, Handouts

40 Partnerships/Collaborations
State Departments of Education School Officials Data Quality Campaign Achieve Learning Heroes Great Schools PARCC/Smarter Balanced Hunt Institute Military

41 Assessment Literate Parents
Disposition Parents should believe: Children learn from taking quality assessments Children learn from effective feedback provided on their work from teachers Assessment results should be used to make instructional decisions to improve student learning Multiple measures can provide a more balanced picture of a student or a school When assessment is done correctly, the resulting data can be used to make sound educational decisions

42 Assessment Literate Parents
Knowledge Parents should know: Assessment purposes Types of assessments Assessment tools and methods Scoring tools Meaning of results Data interpretation

43 Assessment Literate Parents
Performance Parents should be able to: Use feedback and results to help improve their children’s learning Use multiple sources of data over time to identify trends in their children’s learning Provide a learning environment at home Communicate with teachers and administrators about their children’s assessment results Advocate for their child/school/district Ensure necessary interventions are implemented and executed based on needs of their child Hold school/district/state accountable for implementing high quality assessments Assist and engage in developing district level assessment policies and practices Meaningfully engage on a local, district, state level per state ESSA plan

44 Q&A for Melisa Yeoman 5 minutes.

45 Discussing information presented
James Popham Provocative/essential questions here. Discussing information presented

46 Q&A/Discussion Moderator Rick Stiggins James Popham
Jim Popham, moderated by Rick Stiggins. 15 minutes. Moderator Rick Stiggins James Popham

47 Wrap-Up Rick will thank guests and presenters and wrap it up. 5-6 minutes.

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