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Personality Traits, Self-Efficacy, and Social Interaction Skills of the Office Administration Students Marvelous F. Opina Jenny Ann A. Sabanal Berdandino.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality Traits, Self-Efficacy, and Social Interaction Skills of the Office Administration Students Marvelous F. Opina Jenny Ann A. Sabanal Berdandino."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality Traits, Self-Efficacy, and Social Interaction Skills of the Office Administration Students Marvelous F. Opina Jenny Ann A. Sabanal Berdandino N. Handoc Ronalyn V. Lazaro Joan F. Andres Lowena De Ocampo

2 Objectives The study determined the level of self-efficacy, social interaction skills of the office administration students. Moreover, determine the level of personality traits of the students in terms of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. In addition, determine the relationship of personality traits to self-efficacy and to social interaction skills.

3 Statement of the Problem
What is the level of self-efficacy of respondents? What is the level of social interaction skills of respondents? What is the personality traits of respondents? Is there any relationship between (a) Self-efficacy and Personality traits? (b) Social interaction skills and Personality traits? Is there significant difference in the dimension of Personality traits of the respondents considering moderating variables?

4 Self-efficacy - “Beliefs influence how well people motivate themselves and persevere in the face of difficulties through the goals they set for themselves, their outcome expectations, and causal attributions for their successes and failures” (Bandura, 2011). Self-efficacy refers to (read slide) According to (Lunenburg, 2011) self-efficacy is the Influence over people’s ability to learn, their motivation and performance as people.

5 Social Interaction Skills
The process by which we act and react to those around us. (Gooffman, 2016) According to Gooffman

6 Personality is considered a fairly stable pattern of psychological behavior (thoughts, feelings, and actions) and influences how one will act in response to diverse circumstances (Redmond, 2010)

7 Method The study utilized a descriptive-correlational research design. There were 69 respondents in the study who were students taking office administration program. Out of 69, 40 of them are working students and 49 are female students. Moreover, 41 of the respondents have family income status that are Php 10,000 and below. The study used questionnaires that utilized in previous studies which underwent reliability and validity. The questionnaires measured the personality traits, self-efficacy and social interaction skills. The personality traits were measured in terms of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The data gathered were encoded and SPSS were utilized to treat the data. Mean, standard deviation and pearson-product moment correlation were used to analyze the data.

8 Population The respondents of this study are the office administration students of the Adventist University of the Philippines, enrolled during the first semester August to December of From the estimated population of office administration students enrolled during the first semester, a total of 69 respondents were gathered as sample of the study.

9 Distribution of respondents by Age
FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 18-20 years old 37 54.4 21-23 years old 23 33.8 24-26 years old 6 8.8 27-30 years old TOTAL 2 68 2.9 100.0 Missing item 1 69

10 Distribution of respondents by Gender

11 Distribution of respondents by Students Category

12 Distribution of respondents by Year Level
FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 1ST YEAR 21 30.4 2ND YEAR 19 27.5 3RD YEAR 10 14.5 4TH YEAR TOTAL 69 100.0 Out of 69 respondents

13 Distribution of respondents by Family Income
FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 10K-AND BELOW 41 59.4 10K – 15K 8 11.6 15,001-20K 1 1.5 20,001-25K 4 6.0 25,001- AND ABOVE 13 19.4 TOTAL 67 100.00 MISSING ITEMS 2 2.9 69

14 Instrumentation A 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5 utilized in this questionnaire. A response of 1 means that the statement is never true to the respondents but 5 means the statement is true to the respondents always.

15 Statistical Treatment Data
Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviations were used to describe the sub-problems: the degree of personality factors of the respondents; the degree of the teachers’ social support of respondent; the level of critical thinking of Office Administration students. Pearson-correlation, through PASW-SPSS, was the statistical treatment that was used to answer the problems, the significant relationship of personality factors and the teacher’s support to critical thinking. The T-test and ANOVA identified the difference in the level of respondents’ critical thinking and the moderating variables. Multiple regressions determined the variables that significantly predict the critical thinking of the Office Administration students.

16 Independent Variables Verbal Interpretation Social Interaction Skills
Result Independent Variables Mean SD Scaled Response Verbal Interpretation Self-Efficacy 3.73 0.55 Often Moderate High Social Interaction Skills 3.60 0.52

17 Verbal Interpretation
Table 1 Personality Traits Mean SD Scaled Response Verbal Interpretation Openness 3.70 0.59 Often Moderate High Conscientiousness 3.38 0.53 Sometimes Moderate Extraversion 3.50 0.64 Agreeableness 3.37 0.54 Neuroticism 0.46 Table 1 shows the personality traits of the respondents in terms of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The findings have shown that respondents are high in openness, which implies that respondents are characterized by originality, imagination, Independence, curiosity and broadmindedness. People low in this trait tends to be conventional, down-to-earth and are more likely to choose something familiar over something new and untried. According to Hamilton, people high in openness to experience welcome change and see it as a challenge. The respondents’ score in conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism reveals that their dependability, sociability, amiability and emotional instability are on the average level.

18 Verbal Interpretation
Table 2 Mean SD Verbal Interpretation Social interaction skills 3.60 0.52 Moderate High Self-efficacy 3.73 0.55 Table 2 shows that the level of social interaction skills (M = 3.60; SD = 0.52) and self-efficacy (M = 3.73; SD = 0.55) of the respondents was moderate high. The results imply that the respondents are able to express their ideas to the people they mingle with, they listen to people’s ideas and able to manage changes. According to Schultz – social interaction skills are essential for engaging with others; yet, much of the content in this area is typically learned through casual observation of others. Having social skills enable you to blend in any social situations, start a conversation with anyone anywhere, solve conflicts and problems effectively and calmly, and many more. If also shows, that respondents could manage to solve difficulty problems, find means to accomplish their goals and confident that in handling unexpected events. Self-efficacy is central to a person’s efforts to improve health behaviors. Together with the goals that people set, self-efficacy is one of the most powerful motivational predictors of how well a peers on will perform at almost any endeavor. Self-efficacy is also considered as a strong determinant of person’s effort, persistence, strategizing, subsequent training and job performance.

19 Social Interaction Skills Verbal Interpretation
Table 3 Relationship between personality traits and self-efficacy and social interaction skills Personality Traits Self-Efficacy r p Social Interaction Skills Verbal Interpretation Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Agreeableness Conscientious-ness  .610** .444** .501** .491** .492** .890** .542** .490** .568** .595** Significant Table 3 shows that personality traits have significant positive relationship with self-efficacy and social interpersonal skills. The result implies that the more inclined they are in manifesting personality traits such as neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness, the higher their belief in their ability to attain their goals; and the more able they are in relating with others. Self-efficacy can be influenced by performance accomplishments, which is defined as past successes or failures. Social interaction skills are essential for engaging with others; yet, much of the content in this area is typically learned through casual observation of others. Having good social skills enable you to blend in any social situations, start a conversation with anyone anywhere, solve conflicts and problems effectively and calmly, and many more.

20 Comparison of respondents’ Personality Traits among Ages
Mean SD r-value P-value Verbal Interpretation Neuroticism 18-20 21-23 24-26 27-30 3.62 3.55 3.56 3.72  .49 .47 .38 .55 .182 .908 Not Significant    Extraversion 3.60 3.40 3.50 2.89  .56 .79 .40 1.07 .369 Openness 3.74 3.65 3.94 3.22 .54 .64 .918 .437 Agreeableness 3.41 3.27 3.46 3.67 .51 .73 .16 .546 .653 Conscientiousness 3.25 3.52 3.22  .57 .42 .68 .31 .856 .469

21 Comparison of the Respondents’ Personality Traits among Gender
Mean SD r-value P-value Mean Difference Verbal Interpretation Neuroticism Male Female 3.59 .55 .43 .076 .068 .209 .940 .009 Not Significant Extraversion 3.50 .71 .62 -.003 -.002 .254 .998 .000 Significant Openness 3.76 3.69 .72 .52 .482 .423 .120 .632 .075 Agreeableness 3.49 3.32 .65 .48 1.17 1.03 .134 .245 .167 Conscientiousness 3.43 3.35 .67 .46 .588 .505 .192 .558 .082

22 Comparison of the Respondents’ Personality Traits among Category
Mean SD r-value P-value Difference Verbal Interpretation Neuroticism Work Scholar Full time Student 3.64 3.51 .47 .46 .741 .261 1.13 .128 Not Significant Extraversion 3.45 3.55 .68 .60 .609 .519 0.64 .102 Openness  Full time 3.75 3.63 .51 .111 .429 0.80 .113 Agreeableness 3.48 3.21 .53 .418 .040 2.09 .268 Conscientiousness 3.38 .54 .676 .969 0.04 .005 Significant

23 Comparison of the Respondents’ Personality Traits among Year Level
Mean SD r-value P-value Verbal Interpretation Neuroticism 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 3.49 3.80 3.62 3.47 .36 .58 .38 .44 2.09 .110 Not Significant Extraversion 3.43 3.51 3.60 .42 .88 .76 .55 0.15 .930 Openness 3.83 3.70 3.66 3.57 .47 .56 .68 .69 0.70 .551 Agreeableness 3.37 3.68 3.50 2.99 .52 .40 6.97 .000 Significant Conscientiousness 3.33 3.54 3.34 3.29 .26 .46 0.88 .454

24 Comparison of the Respondents’ Personality Traits among Family Income
Mean SD r-value P-value Verbal Interpretation Neuroticism 10,000 and below 10,000-15,000 15,001-20,000 20,001-25,000 25,001 and above 3.61 3.83 4.00 3.75 3.38 .47 .38 - .29 .48 1.63 .178 Not Significant Extraversion 3.47 3.52 3.70 .67 .56 .98 .59 0.26 .902 Openness 3.92 4.33 3.69 3.49 .49 1.00 .75 1.04 .390 Agreeableness 3.50 3.51 3.22 3.11 3.02 .50 .78 .39 2.57 .046 Conscientiousness 3.36 3.58 3.78 3.33 .51 .77 .45 0.53 .710

25 Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the office administration students’ self- efficacy, social interaction skills and the five dimension of personality traits. The participants of the study were 69 office administration students out of 82 who was enrolled during first semester of , their ages ranging from years old.

26 Conclusion An individual’s personality traits plays a role in one’s belief in their ability to perform tasks assigned and one’s action on how to deal with others. The more inclined they are in manifesting personality traits such as neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, the higher their belief in their ability to attain their goals; and the more able they are in relating with others. Moreover, the respondents self-efficacy and social interaction skills are in average range and that the respondents are more open to new experiences. Based on the result of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:

27 Recommendation To the Office Administration Students
To continually develop their personality to enhance learning. It is recommended that they make an effort in gaining more awareness of themselves, their limitations, and what they are capable of doing. They should engage in activities such as workshops or seminars that would enhance their coping ability and personality Based on the findings of this study and its conclusions, it is recommended for the

28 To the school counselors
School counselors must work with the teachers and students in insuring that the needs of the students are attended. They should provide programs, seminars, and workshops that cover personality enhancement, coping strategies, relationship, and health that would further develop positive attitude, personalities, and views that would equip students in the battle of life.

29 For Future Research A replicate study is recommended that would further explore the result of this study. A study focusing on out of school youth is also recommended using the same instrument but more modified to fit the respondents and would consider other factors such as family system and practices, religious beliefs and practices, school environment, teacher’s attitude and beliefs and other similar factors. 

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