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Visual Unit English 1201.

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1 Visual Unit English 1201

2 Types of Visuals Painting Drawing Cartoon Editorial Cartoon
Advertisement Poster Collage Photograph

3 Balance The way shapes are arranged. When shapes are balanced they create a feeling of order and harmony; when shapes are not balanced they create tension.

4 Harmony The quality that binds the parts of a visual image into a whole. It is often created through simplicity and definition.

5 Imbalance creates tension

6 Balance

7 Colour Made up of hue, intensity, and value.
Hue (tint) refers to the name of the colour (green or red or blue) Intensity is the purity and strength of a colour (dull red or bright blue) Value means the lightness or darkness of a colour.

8 Colour Intensity The purity and strength of colour

9 Colour Intensity The purity and strength of a colour.

10 Colour Value means the lightness or darkness of a colour

11 Contrast The placing of two elements in close proximity so as to highlight their differences.

12 Contrast Light and Dark Pablo Picasso, 1937

13 Juxtaposition two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect

14 Juxtaposition

15 Focal Point The main element, or area of interest, of a composition; what your eye is drawn to.

16 Focal Point

17 Focal Point

18 Foregrounding Giving unusual prominence to one element or property of a text or visual.

19 Emphasis Drawing attention to something by use of colour, size or placement.

20 Emphasis

21 Emphasis Which elements are used for the cartoon to stress the dangers of using cell phones while driving?

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