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Presentation on theme: "OTHER MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS"— Presentation transcript:

(Hydrocarbons) *write down what is in blue

2 Compounds can be categorized into two groups
Inorganic Compounds: compounds lacking carbon atoms. Ex. minerals, rocks etc. Organic Compounds: compounds that are based on carbon. They usually contain carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds. Ex. they make up your hair, skin, fingernails, etc

3 Why is Carbon So Special?
Carbon can form 4 bonds with 4 different molecules.

4 Simple Organic Compounds Called HYDROCARBONS
Made of carbons and hydrogens The first class of simple hydrocarbons are called ALKANES Structure: contain only C –C single bonds Naming: a prefix describes the number of carbon atoms followed by the ending "ane". (formula is CnH2n+2) Uses: Alkanes are flammable and make good fuels

5 Carbon Atoms Prefix Name Formula 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Meth Methane CH 4 C10H22 C9H20 C8H18 C7H16 C6H14 C5H12 C4H10 C3H8 C2H6 Eth Ethane Prop Propane But Butane Pent Pentane Hex Hexane Hept Heptane Oct Octane Non Nonane Dec Decane

6 Your First Chemical Reaction This Year!
The _____________ of methane COMBUSTION Let’s See It!!!

7 Signs of Chemical Reactions
What is a CHEMICAL REACTION? It is a process in which a new substance with new properties is formed. Ex. burning wood, cooking food, iron rusting, Signs of Chemical Reactions There are 6 main signs that indicate a chemical reaction has taken place: change in color change in odor production of new gases or vapor production of light or heat formation of a precipitate difficult to reverse

8 Chemical Equations and Conservation of Mass
Chemical Reaction - Study Questions 1. What is a chemical reaction? 2. What is evidence a reaction has occurred? 3. What is a chemical equation? 4. Define reactants. 5. Define products. 6. Define catalyst. 7. What information is found in an equation? 8. What symbols are used to represent the states of matter? 9. What is the meaning of “aq”? 10. How do you indicate a catalyst is being used in a reaction? 11. What is activation energy? 12. What the three things does conservation of matter require of chemical equations? 13. What is the procedure for balancing a chemical equation? 14. Balance the equation for the reaction of magnesium chloride and silver nitrate to form magnesium nitrate and silver chloride. 15. What is a synthesis reaction? 16. How is a combustion reaction related to a synthesis reaction? 17. What type of reaction is an explosion? 18. Compare decomposition and dissociation. 19. What determines whether one metal will replace another in a single displacement reaction? 20. What is the general form of a double displacement reaction? 21. What type of reaction is each of these? 2Na(s) + Cl2(g)  2NaCl(s) PCl5(s)  PCl3(s) + Cl2(g) 2Al(s) + Fe2O3(s)  2Fe(s) + Al2O3(s) C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g)  6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) BaCl2(aq) + H2SO4(aq)  2HCl(aq) + BaSO4(s) 22. What is the oxidation number of an element? 23. What is the oxidation number of the fluorine ion? 24. What is the sum of the oxidation numbers in a compound? 31. Can a redox reaction form a molecule? Explain your answer.

9 Chemical Equation a representation of what happens to reactants and products during a chemical change I’m hungry - how about a sandwich equation? REACTANTS PRODUCTS + (with some heat) MAKES Reactants – the substances that exist before a chemical change (or reaction) takes place. Products – the new substance(s) that are formed during a chemical change.

10 Word Equations Skeleton Equations
provides information about the reactants and products of the reaction describes a chemical change using the names of the reactants and products. Write the word equation for the combustion reaction Write the skeleton equation for the reaction methane oxygen carbon dioxide water Reactants Products CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O (g) (g) (g) (g) The letters (s), (l), (g) and (aq) are the physical states of compounds. The numbers in the front are called stoichiometric coefficients.

11 Let’s Try Making and Balancing the Chemical Equation with
Molecular Model Kits CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O (g) (g) (g) (g)

12 of matter in a system does not change.
Antoine Lavoisier WHO: French Chemist WHEN: Late 1700’s WHAT: Performed experiments where he measured the mass of the products and then the mass of the reactants and found they were the same! Antoine Lavoisier and his wife in 1788 LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS In a chemical reaction the total mass of the products is equal to the total mass of reactants. The amount of matter in a system does not change.

13 Balancing Chemical Equations
Balanced Equation: one in which the number of atoms of each element in the reactants is equal to the number of atoms of each element in the products. Note: Stoichiometric Coefficients are used to balance the equations! Determine whether the following equation is balanced. Objective: To write balanced chemical equations by inspection. Balanced chemical equation – Provides qualitative information about the identities and physical states of the reactants and products – Provides quantitative information because it tells the relative amounts of reactants and products consumed or produced in the reaction – The number of atoms, molecules, or formula units of a reactant or product in a balanced chemical equation is the coefficient of that species – Mole ratio of two substances in a chemical reaction is the ratio of their coefficients in the balanced chemical equation 2 Na + H2O  2 NaOH + H2 2 Na H2O  2 NaOH + H2

14 Visualizing a Chemical Reaction
2 Na Cl NaCl 2 10 Na atoms 5 Cl2 molecules 10 NaCl compounds Let’s add Stoichiometric Coefficients!

15 Visualizing a Chemical Reaction
2 Na Cl NaCl 2

16 Unbalanced and Balanced Equations
Because of the principle of the conservation of matter, an equation must be balanced. (It must have the same number of atoms of the same kind on both sides). Cl H Cl H H2 + Cl2  HCl (unbalanced) H2 + Cl2  2 HCl (balanced) reactants products H Cl reactants products H Cl 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2

17 Steps for: Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations
Write a word equation for the reaction. Write the correct formulas for all reactants and products. Determine the coefficients to balance the equation (use a chart to help you out). Tip 1: balance compounds first and elements last Tip 2: balance hydrogen and oxygen last Tip 3: if a polyatomic ion appears in both the reactant and product think of it as a single unit. Tip 4: do a final check by counting the atoms on each side Tip 5: if you go back and forth between 2 substances using higher and higher coefficients, double-check each chemical formula.

18 Ex 1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between chlorine
and sodium bromide to produce bromine and sodium chloride. 1) Write a word equation for the reaction. chlorine sodium bromide  bromine + sodium chloride 2) Write the correct formulas for all reactants and products. Cl NaBr  Br NaCl 3) Determine the coefficients that make the equation balance. Cl NaBr  Br NaCl 2 2 ATOMS Cl Na Br Reactants Products 2 BALANCED! 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2

19 Ex 2. Write the balanced equation for the following word equation.
? ? aluminum sulfate + calcium chloride  calcium sulfate + aluminum chloride 2) Write the correct formulas for all reactants and products. Al2(SO4) CaCl  CaSO AlCl3 3) Determine the coefficients that make the equation balance. Al2(SO4) CaCl  CaSO AlCl3 3 3 2 ATOMS Al SO4 Ca Cl Reactants Products 2 1 3 2 3 BALANCED! 3 3 6 6

20 Additional Symbols Used in Chemical Equations
“Yields”; indicates result of reaction Used to indicate a reversible reaction A reactant or product in the solid state; also used to indicate a precipitate A reactant or product in the liquid state A reactant or product in an aqueous solution (dissolved in water) A reactant or product in the gaseous state (s) (l) (aq) (g)


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