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Appomattox Court House

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1 Appomattox Court House

2 Appomattox Court House
Virginia town that was the site of the Confederate surrender in 1865.

3 Battle of Vicksburg


5 Battle of Vicksburg Union Victory in which the Mississippi River was captured cutting the Confederacy in two. Turning Point of the Civil War

6 Clara Barton

7 Clara Barton Union nurse that founded the Red Cross.

8 William T. Sherman

9 William T. Sherman

10 William T. Sherman Union General who had orders to destroy everything from Atlanta to Savannah that was useful to the South. Total War

11 Ulysses S. Grant

12 Ulysses S. Grant Union General in charge of all the military.

13 Ft. Sumter

14 Ft. Sumter Fort in Charlston Harbor in N.C. First shots of the Civil War fired there in 1861.

15 Jefferson Davis

16 Jefferson Davis President of the Confederacy.

17 Fredrick Douglas

18 Fredrick Douglas Former Slave who became a great speaker for the abolishionist movement. Advisor to Lincoln

19 Abraham Lincoln Union President during the Civil War.

20 John C. Calhoun

21 John C. Calhoun Power Senator from South Carolina. Trouble Maker
1832 – Nullification Act

22 Battle of Gettysburg

23 Battle of Gettysburg Bloodiest battle in American History
Turning point for the Union.

24 Robert E. Lee

25 Robert E. Lee Confederate General during the Civil War.

26 William Carney

27 William Carney First African American to receive the Congressional Metal of Honor 54th Massachusetts Regiment.

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