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Customer Retention Deb CB, Garret, Jonathan, Rob, Pratima, Heather

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Presentation on theme: "Customer Retention Deb CB, Garret, Jonathan, Rob, Pratima, Heather"— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer Retention Deb CB, Garret, Jonathan, Rob, Pratima, Heather
Idea Jam 1.0 Customer Retention Deb CB, Garret, Jonathan, Rob, Pratima, Heather

2 Problem: LEAKY BUCKET Business Level Issue/Pain: Why Revenue to CRE
Credibility/Word of Mouth Leaving SAGE Family Why Economy/Environment Long-Term Product Vision (roadmap) M&S Renewal (Cost v. Perceived Value) Software Relinquishments Customer TLC Long-Term Product Vision: Communicating “we’re on-it!” / Customer Confidence in our Vision M&S Renewals: Cost v. Perceived Value Software Relinquishments: Perceived “forcing customers to relinquish software.” Customer TLC: Relationship with our Customers, our best reps don’t just call for money… Sage is always selling…

3 Solution: Sage Customer Retention Program Sage Milestone Program
Sage Hardship Program Sage Referral Program Sage Feedback Program Sage Construction Network Sage Milestone: Rewarding customer for years of loyalty. Sage Hardship: Bridging Customers through difficult economic times. Sage Referral: Current Customers Being Rewarded for Selling Sage. Discount Coupon, Training, Pizza? Sage Feedback: What our customers really want/need: “Witty Ideas…” Info Center for Customers w/ auto response from Jon Witty! Sage Construction Network: Referrals from within customer base.

4 Benefits Barriers Improved Revenue Short Term Mentality
Building Entanglements Lack of Resources Improved Word of Mouth Out of Touch with Customers Establishing Brand Credibility Bombs/Communication Supports ECE CRE Internal Communication Affordable Program Building Entanglement: Making it harder for customers to leave Improved Word of Mouth: Losing Customers, Referral, and contractor network Establishing Brand Credibility: Sage Brand w/in our construction/real estate community Short Term Mentality: Development: Enayet saying “go slow so we can go fast”

5 Underlying Magic/Technology:
Putting Arms Around Our Customers Walk the Talk Long term ROI Our secret sauce is not applied technology it’s sheer brilliance. Passion, work smarter, becoming part of our customer’s businesses.

6 Key Next Steps: Recognize Customer Milestones Sage Contractor Network
Plaques for key anniversaries (5/10/15/20 years) Who is our oldest customer? Incentive based on years of product tenure Get them behind the velvet rope Sage Contractor Network Hard Hat stickers Linking Sage Contractors Dedicated Customer Account Manager Benefit we don’t currently sell Witty Button Referral Program This is your call to action – what has to happen next for your idea to Rock CRE

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