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Presentation on theme: "GOAL SETTING Y10 ADP."— Presentation transcript:


2 S.M.A.R.T Principle When setting goals we base it around the SMART principal. Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time lined

3 SPECIFIC Goals need to be specific. When you set your goals you need to set them for each session, what you hope to achieve during that session, and by doing what.

4 measurable Goals need to be measurable. This means you need to be able to see improvement, whether it be how many times you hit the wickets at the end of the session compared to the start. Or a 2 week comparison.

5 achievable Goals should be able to achieved. Make your goals challenging but not unrealistic. Achievable goals could be set with different times in mind.

6 relevant Goals should be relevant. There is no point having soccer activities when you are meant to be training for cricket.

7 Time Lined You should have some sort of a target time for your goals. It might be at the end of the session, it might be at the end of all your sessions. 

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