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By Sherry S. and Sarzana H.

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1 By Sherry S. and Sarzana H.
Isochorismate synthase is required to synthesize salicylic acid for plant defence Mary C. Wildermuth, Julia Dewdney, Gang Wu & Frederick M. Ausubel NATURE, 2001 By Sherry S. and Sarzana H.

2 Recap on Plant Defence and SAR
Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) = whole-plant resistance response to pathogen exposure Localized exposure of pathogen triggers resistance in distil parts of the plant (SAR) is a "whole-plant" resistance response that occurs following an earlier localized exposure to a pathogen. SAR is analogous to the innate immune system found in animals, and there is evidence that SAR in plants and innate immunity in animals may be evolutionarily conserved.[1]

3 Significance of Salicylic Acid (SA) in SAR
SA level are increased locally and systemically upon SAR induction SA is required for SAR SA

4 SA Biosynthesis: the Shikimic Acid Pathway
The shikimate pathway (shikimic acid pathway) is a seven step metabolic route used by bacteria, fungi, algae, some protozoan parasites and plants for the biosynthesis of folates, carbs, and aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan). The plant shikimate pathway is the entry to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids (C6–C3) and subsequent natural products including lignans and stilbenes

5 SA Biosynthesis in plants
In 2001, SA believed to be critical for HR response SA synthesized from Phenylalanine pathway How can plants still make SA when Phenylalanine pathway knocked down? ?

6 SA Biosynthesis in bacteria
Pseudomonas aeruginosa possess isochorismate synthase (PchA) Chorismate → Isochorismate Do plants have their own ICS? pchA and pchB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which encode isochorismate synthase and isochorismate pyruvate-lyase, respectively Mauch et al. 2001

7 SA Biosynthesis in plants
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria possess isochorismate synthase (ICS) Chorismate → Isochorismate Do plants have their own ICS?

8 SA Biosynthesis in plants
Basal SA levels SA Biosynthesis in plants Huang et al. (2010) made quadruple mutant pal1-4 total SA levels were about 50% of wild-type levels after the pathogen infection in pal1-4 Induced SA levels

9 Some Big-Picture Questions:
Does Arabidopsis putative ICS protein synthesize SA? Which gene encodes ICS1 ? Does ICS1 have a role in SAR? How is ICS1 regulated? Where does Phenylalanine-mediated SA synthesis fit in?

10 Connection between ICS, SA, and SAR
? SA SAR In addition, when Arabidopsis plants were inoculated with an avirulent strain of the Pseudomonas pathovar maculicola, resulting in SA accumulation and SAR in systemic leaves, ICS1 was systemically induced (data not shown).

11 ICS1 co-expression with PR1
A. thaliana infected with virulent Erysiphe orontii and avirulent bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. Maculicola, ICS1 expression induced along with PR1 White = PR1 Black = ICS1 To test the hypothesis that plants use ICS to synthesize SA which os used in SAR, we first examined whether pathogen treatment of Arabidopsis induces either of these ICS genes. Expression of ICS1 occurred in leaves infected with the fungal biotroph Erysiphe orontii or the bacterial necrotroph Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola.

12 ICS1 induced systemically
Inoculation with Pseudomonas pv. maculicola leads to SA accumulation + SAR ICS1 induced systemically White = PR1 Black = ICS1 To test the hypothesis that plants use ICS to synthesize SA which os used in SAR, we first examined whether pathogen treatment of Arabidopsis induces either of these ICS genes. Expression of ICS1 occurred in leaves infected with the fungal biotroph Erysiphe orontii or the bacterial necrotroph Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola.

13 Connecting ICS1 to sid2 mutants
What phenotypes should ics1 mutant have? low/no SA accumulation Decrease in expression levels of pathogenesis-related genes (PR1, etc.) Enhanced disease susceptibility Implications that the ICS1 protein is encoded by sid2 gene: a. They hypothesize that an ics1 mutant would have the following phenotypes: i. Low/no SA accumulating ii. Decreased levels of pathogenensis-related genes expressed iii. Enhanced disease susceptibility

14 Connecting ICS1 to sid2 mutants
Previous studies show sid2 mutants have Low SA accumulation Decrease in PR gene expression levels (PR1) Enhanced susceptibility to disease sid2-1 Nawrath and Métraux 1999 sid2-2 Implications that the ICS1 protein is encoded by sid2 gene: a. They hypothesize that an ics1 mutant would have the following phenotypes: i. Low/no SA accumulating ii. Decreased levels of pathogenensis-related genes expressed iii. Enhanced disease susceptibility Dewdney et al. 2000

15 sid2-2 Fast neutron mutagenesis (deletions)
Northern Blot Analysis Fast neutron mutagenesis (deletions) No ICS1 transcript detected post infection Implications that the ICS1 protein is encoded by sid2 gene: b. Previous studies show that sid2 mutants have all these phenotypes i. And sid2 gene has been mapped to bottom of bottom of chromosome 1 (near ICS1 locus)

16 sid2-1 and sid2-2 mutants sid2-1 and sid2-2 are allelic
Mapped to bottom of chromosome 1, near ICS1 locus sid2-1: point mutation in exon 9 Implications that the ICS1 protein is encoded by sid2 gene: b. Previous studies show that sid2 mutants have all these phenotypes i. And sid2 gene has been mapped to bottom of bottom of chromosome 1 (near ICS1 locus)

17 sid2-1 and sid2-2 mutants sid2-2: at least 50bp deletion in exon 9 (fast neutron mutagenesis) ICS1 primers for exon 9 region shows abnormal PCR product (Southern Blot, fig. b). Implications that the ICS1 protein is encoded by sid2 gene: b. Previous studies show that sid2 mutants have all these phenotypes i. And sid2 gene has been mapped to bottom of bottom of chromosome 1 (near ICS1 locus)

18 What is the structural organization of the Arabidopsis ICS1 protein?
Now that we have looked into

19 Arabidopsis ICS1 protein: N-terminal
Compared Arabidopsis ICS1 mRNA sequence w/ those of other plants Arabidopsis ICS1 had extra N-terminal Sequenced the cDNA from ICS1 mRNA – via RACE PCR Technique allowing for amplification of mRNA ends Found a 66 AA N-terminal (marked by green) Sequence represents a putative chloroplast transit signal Also has a cleavage site (putative)

20 Rapid amplification of cDNA ends – PCR (RACE-PCR)
RT-PCR RACE-PCR Add a phosphotase - which dephosphorylates any uncapped or degraded (non-full length) mRNA Then you add an enzyme to get rid of the 5’ methylated cap This exposes the phosphate the 5’ end 3. Now its time to add an RNA oligotide linker that’s intended to attach on to the 5’ end (with the help of a ligase) The sequence of this linker is known 4. Primers specific to the gene will bind somwehre along the mRNA - Reverse Transcriptase will now make the complimentary DNA stransd (we have our first DNA strand) 4. Then DNA primers representing the linker sequence bind to the 3’ end of this cDNA - giving us the second cDNA strand synthesized up to the region of where the gene specific primer is Yeku and Frohman, 2010 RACE-PCR

21 Arabidopsis ICS genes possibly acquired from prokaryotes
Endosymbiotic theory Plastid organelle derived from cyanobacterium endosymbiont Hypothesized that many genes from the plastid ancestor transferred to the nucleus Partial conservation of PHYLLO locus across plants, algae, and bacteria PHYLLO locus = construct of 4 men genes menF = strong homology to plant ICS1 & ICS2 Support for plant ICS genes being of bacterial origin The Phyllos locus has been studied for investigating vitimin K biosynthesis menF gene is found in plastomes (plastid genome) of the red algae Trichodemium erythraeum is a cyanobacteria Gross et al., 2006 Raven and Allen, 2003

22 Arabidopsis ICS1 protein: C-terminal
Carboxyl end = highly conserved chorismate-binding domain Homology with known ICS proteins in other bacterial & plant species Alignment of chorismate-binding domains across of 5 proteins Comparison of complete AA sequence of Arabidopsis ICS to other ICS This domain = about 200 amino acids long Blue asterisk = residues deemed vital for ICS activity Black boxes = identical across the different Grey boxes = conserved AA in some proteins

23 ICS proteins of Catharanthus roseus confirmed to make Isochorismate
Purified ICS from Madagascar periwinkle - showed in vitro acvitity of converting chorismate to isochorismate => and followed typical Michaelis-Menton enzyme kinetics Has over 50% AA similarity to Arabidopsis ICS1 = good sign for actual biochemical acitivty of A. thaliana ICS1

24 Where does ICS fit in the model for SAR response?

25 Evidence supporting SA produced via ICS1 is necessary for SAR
nahG mutants = deficient SAR upon pathogen infection Decreased levels of SA sid2 mutants: Reduced ICS1 expression SA levels 5-10% that of WT PR-1 gene expression 1-10% that of WT 17 dpi with E. orintii Systemic leaves show susceptibility to infection after local leaves inoculated w/ fungal pathogen (previous studies) Reduced ICS1 expression Reduced SA levels Reduced PR-1 expression RNA of ICS and PR1 detected via Norther blot Susceptibility of systemic leaves to fungal pathogen infection (whereas WT is resistant to its growth on systemic leaves) - published in Dewdney et al. ‘s previous paper (2000) /sid2 Dewdney et al., 2000

26 Evidence supporting SA produced via ICS1 is necessary for SAR
cpr mutants Constitutively PR-1 expression and SA levels Constitutively active SAR Check for ICS1 expression in cpr mutants Positive correlation: Constitutive SAR coincides with constitutive ICS1 expression + high SA levels Constitutive expression of ICS1 Legend = 1/10 of WT levels = 1/2 of WT levels WT = WT level of expression + = 2x WT levels ++ = 10x WT levels Constitutive (and elevated levels) of ICS1 expression Correlation between constitutive SAR induction and constitutive ICS1 expression

27 Where does ICS1 act relative to NPR1?
npr1 mutants = deficient SAR response to pathogen infection NPR1 found to work downstream of SA Works in concert with TFs to regulate PR gene expression Measure ICS1 expression in npr1 background: Legend = 1/10 of WT levels = 1/2 of WT levels WT = WT level of expression + = 2x WT levels ++ = 10x WT levels ICS1 is likely functioning upstream of NPR1 Ask audience what this suggests - about NPR1 activity

28 Is NPR1 a negative regulator of ICS1 expression?
Results support NPR1 negatively regulating ICS1 expression If NPR1 was a negative regulator, in the absence of NPR1 we expect: Higher levels of ICS1 expression and consequently SA levels upon infection of plant ICS1 expression and SA levels relative to WT in npr1 mutant: Legend = 1/10 of WT levels = 1/2 of WT levels WT = WT level of expression + = 2x WT levels ++ = 10x WT levels Supports hypothesis that the NPR1 acting downstream - has a repressive regulatory function on ICS1 upstream

29 Does SA autoregulate expression of ICS1?
Hypothesis: SA affects the gene expression of ICS1 To test this hypothesis: Measured ICS1 expression in the nahG mutant background SA alone does not induce or repress ICS1 expression Legend = 1/10 of WT levels = 1/2 of WT levels WT = WT level of expression + = 2x WT levels ++ = 10x WT levels Since nahG has diminished levels of SA and compromised SAR (as noted by much lower expression of PR1 genes) Absence of SA - does not change ICS1 expression in nahG plants Ask audience what this suggests about SA regulating ICS1 expression They conclude that SA alone is not sufficient to impact/regulate ICS1 expression

30 Predicted Chain of Action for SAR Response
In absence of functional ICS1 - do not get PR1 expression or elevated levels post pathogen infection We know NPR1 is downstream ICS1 activity NPR1 is likely a negative regulator of ICS1 (come work upstream) SA likely does not go back and affect ICS1 expression in an autoregulatory In constitutively active SAR mutants - ICS1 is also consitutively turned on

31 How is ICS1 expression regulated?
Clueing into the ICS1 promoter region Check promoter sequence for cis-regulating elements Found many W-box elements W-box elements = sequence recognized by WRKY (TF) Found in PR1 promoter Also in promoter of CM1 (encodes chorismate) = W-box elements CM1 protein encodes a protein that bind chorismate (substrate)

32 Role of WRKY in Response Regulation
Family of plant-specific TF Involved in BOTH abiotic and biotic stress responses Evidence for different WRKY factors acting as + or - regulators WRKY domain + C/H residues (making up the zinc finger-like motif) = high affinity binding to W-box elements Bakshi and Oelmuller, 2014

33 Role of WRKY in Response Regulation
A general diagram showing the network of signal transductioin induced by abiotic or biotic stressors There’s Calmodulin and MAPKinases using phosphorylatio activation to pass on signal This results in promoting expression of WRKY genes or activation of their function (phosphorylating = activation) Some WRKYs behave as a repressor of physiological processes (marked by X) Bakshi and Oelmuller, 2014

34 Hypotheses of how WRKY regulates genes in SAR response
Different WRKY factors act on ICS1 and downstream genes Early and late-acting WRKY factors activated by SA, pathogens, and other elicitors regulate ICS1 and PR1 Shared WRKY factors may act on both ICS1 and PR1 One potential explanation consistent with an enrichment of W-box elements in both the promoters of ICS1 and downstream genes (for example, PR1) is that different WRKY factors regulate these responses. Reports of a variety of early- and late-acting WRKY factors activated by SA, elicitors and/or pathogens25 support this view. Alternatively, shared WRKY factor(s) may suppress both ICS1 and PR1 expression.

35 Hypotheses of how WRKY regulates genes in SAR response
LS4 = a negatively regulated domain in a W-box element LS7 =bZIP transcription factor binding domain

36 How is ICS1 expression regulated?
Clueing into the ICS1 promoter region ICS1 promoter has Myb-binding domains Also found on CM1 and ASA1 (proteins which also bind chorismate) Myb = TFs that help regulate pathogen response 2 metabolism ASA1 CM1 MYB factors - unlike WRKYs - is found in all eukaryotes MYB factors are represented in all eukaryotes - contribute to a whole variety of functions Organized into classes based on the number of MYB repeats they have in the MYB DNA-binding domain Plants most abundantly have the R2R3 class of MYB factors - responsible for all these processes including responses to pathogen threats Also mentioned that ASA1 and CM1 have these MYB-binding domains (not on PR1) Unique to chorismate using enzymes ASA1 and CM1 go involved in the immune response needed to make antimicrobials such as phytoalexins + alkaloid compounds Hu et al., 2009 Ambawat et al., 2013

37 PAL possibly makes background SA
At the time, thought SA required for cell death sid2 mutants still show cell death, and sid2 are a large contributor of SA Perhaps PAL pathway produces SA facilitating necrosis?

38 Alternatively ICS2 gene possibly involved in low constitutive levels of SA
ICS2 could express constitutively low levels of SA In sid2 mutants In parallel - we see low constitutive levels of anthranilate in ASA1 mutants Attributed to ASA2 protein

39 Conclusions ICS1 shows levels of expression upon pathogen infection
During SAR induction sid2 background - see mutations in ICS1 gene Consistent with the mutagenesis to obtain sid2 mutants Support for sid2 gene encoding ICS1 SA produced by ICS1 - needed for SAR Sid2 mutants = PR1 expression & SA levels & ICS1 expression after infection w/ pathogen Constitutively active SAR = constitutively expressed ICS

40 Conclusions N-terminal = putative chloroplast transit sequence
ICS genes speculated to be of prokaryotic ancestry C-terminal = conserved chorismate-binding domain Promoter region has W-box elements MYB-binding sequence PAL produced Isochorismate likely has a lower contribution to SA biosynthesis than the ICS genes ICS2 predicted to produce low levels of SA in absence of ICS1 activity (sid2 mutants)

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