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Upgrades and lessons learned Rich Timpa – KC6OBJ D-STAR The Real Thing - Building an Inexpensive D-Star Compatible Repeater.

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Presentation on theme: "Upgrades and lessons learned Rich Timpa – KC6OBJ D-STAR The Real Thing - Building an Inexpensive D-Star Compatible Repeater."— Presentation transcript:

1 Upgrades and lessons learned Rich Timpa – KC6OBJ D-STAR The Real Thing - Building an Inexpensive D-Star Compatible Repeater

2 D-Star G4ULF/NI-Star Update D-Star Solves a Problem Building a new D-Star repeater Lessons learned and upgrades

3 G4ULF/NI-Star Over 45 of Dave Lakes G4ULF/NI-Star Systems on US Trust operating today These systems have full functionality of ICOM However – No simple install scripts for general use – David was the sole support for the system – Each system needed to be manually configured to work – Each directory layout is different from GW to GW – David had to personally perform all upgrades or diagnostics

4 G4ULF/NI-Star Jim McClellan, head of US Trust Team established team to learn code New team now has the code and is learning the software. install scripts and testing allowing easy install need to be generated US Trust will again begin accepting G4ULF/NI-Star systems into the production D-Star US Trust system…

5 Problem… – Geography did not allow any Radio communications while on the lake. – No Cell Phone service on 80% of the lake – Typical analog Linked repeater system not effective or possible – (too close to PAVE PAWS) – 165mi of shoreline = where are you? D-Star problem solving

6 D-Star to the Rescue Local Low level D-Star G4ULF Repeater (Power output ~ 15-20w) G4ULF System covers ~85 % of the lake and ~50mi west Repeater allows full access Worldwide to the D-Star Community via Internet linking Birth of Lake Oroville Amateur Net KJ6LVV Repeater

7 D-Star to the Rescue Callsign Routing allows quiet Lake Time with Cell Phone efficiency. DPRS means Never having to ask Where is are you? Birth of Lake Oroville Amateur Net KJ6LVV Repeater (Thanks to Bidwell Canyon Marina!!)

8 L.O.A.R.N. KJ6LVV Block Diagram eBay Generic Duplexer Maxtrac Tx Units must be true FM not PM Maxtrac Rx Satoshi modem board Centos 5 with G4ULF/NI-Star Software. USB Internet DSL Modem

9 ircDDB Monlink STARnet Digital Sendmail Enhancements to LOARN KJ6LVV

10 certificate Available thru D-Plus Robin Cutshaw Enables status on Dynamic IP address (Like Easy to enable and allows anyone to see status on Gateway repeater

11 Designed, built, and managed by German team – DG8NGN – Jann – DL5DI – Hans-Jürgen – DL1BFF – Michael Team regularly available by email, chat, and VOIP telephony – Redundant server clusters – Europe – North America ircDDB What?

12 Built upon the Internet Relay Chat (irc) protocol Provides near real time updates of callsigns and IP addresses to participating gateways Allows almost instantaneous re-route for callsign routing Another good check for D-Star heartbeat on remote systems Allows connection to Non Trust systems Works with ICOM G2 and G4ULF/NI-Star Systems Benefits of ircDDB

13 ircDDB

14 Only requirement is VIS ON for users – No other user action required Users are automatically added to ircDDB on key-up Almost instantaneous tracking for any ircDDB systems. (Faster Callsign Routing) Allows user to see signal strength and conditions ircDDB for users

15 Allows user to see signal strength and conditions – Fms = number of Data Frames – t = time is Seconds – S% = Silence frames as a percentage – Err% = Bit error rate as a percentage ircDDB for users

16 ircDDB Allows Admin to verify dplus heartbeat is active without logging in to system No delay when roaming from Gateway to Gateway for Callsign Routing. Alternate for Non-Trust server use…..

17 Monlink runs as a service on the DSTAR gateway. – It reads the dplus.log file as input and actively monitors – Status – Preferred Conditions – Activity Benefits of MONLINK

18 Reconnects Gateway if not left in desirable state (Admin Control) Ability to configure general announcements to be played on specified days, times, and modules. Ability to stay linked to a particular reflector (e.g. REF001C) during portions of the day in order to have activity and generate local interest. Easily installable and configurable scripts for admin changes. Benefits of MONLINK

19 Analog system admins only know when things are wrong when users tell them D-Star admins can check to ensure basic system health remotely – Repeater status page allows all to check current activity – G2 gateway status page allows users and admins to check status on the trust server – ircDDB actively monitors dplus heartbeat with one easy glance. G2 status, Heartbeats, status page. Say what?

20 LOARN KJ6LVV Weekly checkout.

21 System monitoring and checks

22 Dsync Status page

23 D-Star and Emcom Possible uses?? Did you know? Channel 14B was selected for ARRL Pacific Division Emcom nets and recovery operations. So with that in mind………

24 Thank You … George KJ6VU – helping us set up Maxtracs and sharing his vast Repeater knowledge. David Lake- For building the G4ULF/NI-Star software. Ken Adkisson – WB4FAY - Monlink Scripts Robin Cutshaw AA4RC – Dplus / Openstar and so much more!

25 Jump on in… the waters fine

26 Reference Links D-Star Repeaters and Reflectors D-Star Setting Calculator Openstar Tools MONlink D-Star Dsync status page ircDDB D-star Query Tool to verify gateway registration – KJ6LVV Repeater

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