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By: Esteban J. Pérez Sebastián A. Padovani

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1 By: Esteban J. Pérez Sebastián A. Padovani
Skeletal System By: Esteban J. Pérez Sebastián A. Padovani

2 The Skeletal System The skeletal system contains bones as well as other structures that connect and protect the bones and that support other functions in the body. Without bones you would be like gelatine because bones support your body.

3 The Muscle and the Skeletal system
The muscle and the skeletal system work together and move your body.

4 The Skull The skull is a bone, it helps protect the soft, fragile tissue of your brain.

5 Other bones Other bones protect the spinal cord, heart, lungs, and other internal organs. They also produce and store materials needed for your body like Red Blood cells, they are produced inside your bones. Bones also store fat and calcium. Calcium is needed for strong bones. When your body needs calcium it is released from bones to the blood.

6 Two types of bone tissue
The bone is divided into two bone tissues: - Compact - Spongy

7 Compact Bone Tissue A dense web of fiber. The hard, outer portion of bones are made of compact bone tissue.

8 Spongy Bone Tissue The small holes in spongy bone tissue simulate a sponge. That is why spongy bone tissue is less dense that compact bone tissue. An example of a spongy bone tissue is the small bone in your wrist, that bone is mostly made out of spongy bone tissue.

9 Bone Marrow The insides of most bones contain a soft tissue called bone marrow. It is made of two types of bone marrow Red bone marrow are where red blood cells are made Is found in the end of spongy bone and in some flat bones such as the ribs

10 Cartilge A strong flexible tissue that covers the ends of bones.

11 Periosteum A membrane that surrounds bones.

12 Formation of bones

13 Joints Where two or more bones meet. -Immovable Joints -Movable Joints

14 Immovable Joints Some parts of your skeleton are made of bones that connect but do not move. These are immovable joints.

15 Movable Joints You are able to move your hand or bend your body because of movable joints. The bodys movable joints allow a wide range of motion.

16 Ligaments Bones are connected to other bones by tissues called ligaments.

17 Broken Bones A Broken Bone is called a fracture. Broken Bones are able to repair themselfs, but it is a slow process.

18 Arthritis Is a disease in which joints become irritated or inflamed, such as when cartilage in joints is damaged or wears away.

19 Osteoporosis

20 Healthy Bones

21 The skeletal System and Homeostasis
You might recall that homeostasis is an organism’s ability to maintain a stable internal enviroment. Homeostasis requires that all body systems funcion properly together. Because bones supply calcium to your nerves, muscles, and heart, a healthy skeletal system is important in maintaining your body’s homeostasis. Bones also help you respond to unpleasant stimuli, such as a mosquito bite. Working together with muscles, bones enable you to move away from unpleasant stimuli or danger, or even swat a mosquito.

22 Skeletal System Song

23 Activity

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