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Positive and Enthusiastic

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1 Positive and Enthusiastic
Hiring for Attitude Positive and Enthusiastic Attitude

2 A bad attitude is like a flat tire
A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You aren’t going to get anywhere until you change it.  ~ Author Unknown Attitude

3 What is a positive and enthusiastic attitude?
when a person shows good feelings or excitement about doing something. feels favorable or good about things and outcomes. Attitude

4 Why is a positive and enthusiastic attitude important?
Essential for: 1. obtaining a job. 2. succeeding at work. Attitude

5 Do employers really hire for attitude?
Employers carefully look for candidates who demonstrate enthusiasm. They want workers that are excited to work, upbeat, and cooperative. FACT: Attitude is so important to employers that they would rather hire a less experienced or less skilled person who has a positive attitude over a more skilled worker with a poor attitude. Attitude

6 Why is attitude often more important for employers than skills?
employers understand that an attitude is a way of thinking and a habit that is very difficult to change It takes time and intensive work to change a person attitude Former Southwest Airlines CEO said, “we can change skill levels through training, but we can’t change attitude.” Attitude

7 Why do many of the most desirable companies to work for hire for attitude?
Are aware that employees that have a positive attitude are responsible for making them successful. Workers with a good attitude are more productive and do a better a job. A good attitude spreads and is contagious It lifts energy and spirit. Attitude Employees that struggle to maintain a positive attitude in these and similar companies are often FIRED.

8 What does a positive and enthusiastic attitude stimulate success?
Enthusiasm acts as a fuel for an inner fire that brings about success. People enjoy being and working with people with a positive attitude The key reason why half of all new employees fail in the first 18 month is because of a bad attitude “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” The Great American Writer and Philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson Attitude

9 How is a positive and enthusiastic attitude shown at work?
happy to be working and proud of their job. greets people with a smile and compliment others. don’t complain even when things become tough or difficult. takes the initiative. a team player. motives others with positive encouragement. Attitude ***When problems arises, a positive person doesn’t dwell on the problem or waste time complaining about it. Instead, they find ways to solve or fix it.

10 How does one develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude at work?
It is a choice. Every day, you will need to make a decision, are going to be an employee that is positive and enthusiastic or are going to be an employee that doesn’t care and is negative. When you make the right choice, you will be developing a healthy habit and will be heading down the path of success Attitude

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