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Major Academic Plan (MAP)

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1 Major Academic Plan (MAP)
Associate in Arts & Sciences BA in Urban and Regional Planning (90 credits) Department of Urban Planning, Public and Health Administration College of Business and Public Administration Why study planning? Planning is a problem-solving profession concerned with the forces that influence the quality of life in the neighborhood, city, region, state, nation, and world. Planning is a unique occupational avenue for those who desire a role in shaping a better future. Career Opportunities Planners work in the public sector dealing with comprehensive planning, land use regulation, and transportation management; and in non-profit organizations involved in community problem solving. There is also an expanding need for planners in consulting firms, land development companies, and large corporations. Urban and Regional Planning Advisor Von Astudillo – Cheney Campus Senior Academic Advisor (CBPA/CHSPH) 307 Monroe Hall, Cheney, WA Lane Hopkins – Spokane Campus Academic Advisor (CBPA/CHSPH) 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd, SEWC 101E Spokane, WA Department Chair Dick Winchell 326 Phase 1 Classroom Bldg Riverpoint Campus, Spokane Department Assistant 325 Phase 1 Classroom Bldg Riverpoint Campus, Spokane Sample Careers City, Community, or Urban Planner Land Development Manager Environmental Planner

2 AA – DTA Degree Requirements with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements
WENATCHEE VALLEY COLLEGE COURSE E.W.U. COURSE EQUIVALENT WRITING SKILLS (10 credits) ENGL& 101 Composition: General (5) ENGL 101 College Composition ENGL 201 Comp.: Advanced Essay (5) or ENGL 202 Comp.: Critical Analysis (5) or ENGL 203 Comp.: Research (5) ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) QUANTITATIVE SKILLS (5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. HUMANITIES (15 credits) NATURAL SCIENCES (15 credits) SOCIAL SCIENCES (15 credits) ELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS (30 credits) The courses listed below transfer to satisfy EWU Graduation Requirements and can be taken before or during the major programs: Foreign Language Two full years of high school-level or one full year of college-level credit is required for graduation. Cultural Diversity (one course) ANTH 220 Cross-Cultural Studies (5) CHST 112 Chicano Experience in Contemporary Society (5) HIST& 219 Native American History (5) SOC 135 Sociology of Women (5) SOC 151 Sociology of Race and Ethnic Groups (5) International Studies (one course) HIST 174 Western World History – Latin America (5) HIST 274 Eastern World History – East Asia (5) PHIL 275 Comparative World Religions (5) POLS& 203 International Relations (5) SOC& 201 Social Problems (5)

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