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Next steps….

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1 Next steps…

2 Next steps… What happens after exams?
You are students of Sweyne Park until you leave us at the end of August. Our help and facilities are available to you throughout most of the summer. You still have access to IT and staff input, no matter what your plans. Your addresses and IT logins are valid until the end of September.

3 Next steps… What about Results Day?
Students’ results will be released at 8.30am on Thursday 16 August. Students will be administered by staff in two cohorts – UCAS and non-UCAS

4 Next steps… What happens to non-UCAS students? Scenario Staff Venue
Student has a firm offer of employment or an apprenticeship, and has met the eligibility requirements. KDi Forum Student has a firm offer of employment or an apprenticeship, but has not met the eligibility requirements. EHa Student has changed their mind about employment or an apprenticeship, and would like to make a first approach to university via Clearing. JCl Sixth Form Office Student has no firm post-18 plans and needs careers guidance. Steve Cooper will be in school on Friday 24 August. Please contact Mr Hawkings to book an appointment.

5 Next steps… What happens to UCAS students?
You will most likely receive a text message in the early hours of Thursday 16 August to tell you whether you have been accepted into university or not. This applies to both your firm and insurance choices. Alternatively, you can log on to UCAS track to find out. At this stage, you still won’t know your A Level results. So on Results Day, we will know your results before you, but you will know the outcome of your university offers before us. The only way to marry up the two halves of the puzzle is by coming into school.

6 Next steps… What happens to UCAS students? Scenario Staff Venue
Student has secured entry to university (either firm or insurance choice). HBa Sixth Form Office Student has secured entry to their insurance choice of university but does not want to accept the offer (i.e. may have to enter Clearing). JCl Maslow Library Student has missed the entry threshold for both their firm or insurance choice of university (i.e. will have to enter Clearing). ARo ARo Office Student is eligible for Adjustment. Student has secured entry to university but has now made other plans to enter employment or training.

7 Next steps… What if I have to enter Clearing? Don’t panic!
You’re in good company. In 2017, 66,865 students (from 699,850 applicants) were placed at university through Clearing. An increasing number of prestigious universities routinely go to Clearing each year to recruit students. Examples in 2017 include Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield. In 2017, only Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial and LSE opted out.

8 Next steps… What if I have to enter Clearing? Don’t panic!
The Marie Curie IT Suite and S02 will be available for students who wish to search for vacancies in Clearing. Teaching rooms S03 through S07 will be made available as quiet spaces for students to make telephone calls to individual universities to enquire about course availability. ARo and JCl will advise students who have missed the terms of their offers but still wish to go to university.

9 Next steps… How many people get in to university? 699,850 applicants
Figures from 2017… 699,850 applicants 533,890 students placed in Higher Education 381,560 students secured their firm choice 37,590 students secured their insurance choice 66,865 students were placed through Clearing

10 Next steps… Can I appeal my exam results?
Where a student wishes to verify an examination grade, they can use the Enquiries About Results (EAR) service. This gives students two options: Option 1 – Priority copy of script Students can request to see a copy of their script to see whether it is worth challenging. There is only a 7-day window in which to do this from A Level Results Day, as the deadline for the Priority Service is Thursday 23 August. This is usually a student’s preferred option, but the input of a member of staff is vital in judging whether the student has a strong case for review. The school needs the candidate’s written consent to use this service.

11 Next steps… Can I appeal my exam results?
Where a student wishes to verify an examination grade, they can use the Enquiries About Results (EAR) service. This gives students two options: Option 2 – Review of marking Students can request a review of marking using the Priority Service until Thursday 24 August (recommended for university applicants), or using the non-Priority Service until Thursday 20 September. Students may still request to see the original script once a paper has been reviewed, but there is no possibility of a further review or a change in grade after this point.

12 Next steps… Remember… You will have staff support for as long as you need it You will be exceptionally well supported on Results Day itself and in the days which follow Clearing and/or needing careers guidance does not have to be daunting!

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