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2016/17 Commissioning Intentions Angela Wright

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1 2016/17 Commissioning Intentions Angela Wright

2 What is the purpose of Commissioning Intentions?
They are a vehicle for communication of the CCG’s strategic direction for the following year. Erewash CCG is producing a short strategic document that sets out: Our Vision Our Strategic Objectives Overarching Principles The Health Needs of the Erewash Population What the priorities are and how the CCG hopes to tackle them

3 The Process Reviewed the Internal & External Environment of the CCG
Reviewed the Strategic Objectives Triangulated available data Formulated Priorites & Key Messages Consultation Amendments CCG Governing Body approval & Publication Planning Delivery

4 Overall Approach to Commissioning
The CCG is striving to: Shift the focus of resources away from hospital care and towards community based preventative services and self-care Improve the quality of care and patient experience for patients and their carers Work collaboratively with all our partners (Providers, NHS England, Public Health, Social Services, Voluntary Sector, Local Council and others) Work to join up services so patients can receive the care they need when they need it, regardless of provider Organise services in such a way as to provide value for money for the taxpayer

5 Shift of resource to deliver our ambitions
2014/15 Hospital services Prescribing (medicines) Mental Health services Community / Rehab services NHS Continuing Healthcare GP services (that NHS Erewash buys*) Other Shifting investment from hospital care to primary and community services, with more integrated services 2020 * Note, NHS England also buy GP services and the money for those services is not shown in this diagram.

6 What are the key messages?
The CCG is continuing with the work detailed in the Commissioning Intentions document but wishes to communicate some key updates: A Coordinated approach focusing on a few Health Outcomes Develop a Multispecialty Community Provider (MCP) Ensure sustainable services for the future Transform Services on a bigger scale Develop Primary Care Co-commissioning

7 Erewash Outliers Public Health Profile PHE Longer Lives
CCG Outcomes Tool Smoking Status at Time of Delivery Hypertension Obese Children Use of Illicit Drugs Smoking Prevalence Dementia Asthma Under 18s alcohol specific hospital stays Emerg admiss for alcohol related liver conditions Prevalence of Learning Disabilites Epilepsy Self Harm Excess weight in Adults Chronic Kidney disease Alcohol dependence harm and liver disease Diabetes Atrial Fibrilation

8 Reorganising the outliers shows How Lifestyle Factors affect the Health of Erewash
Smoking Status at Time of Delivery Hypertension Obese Children Use of Illicit Drugs Smoking Prevalence Dementia Asthma Under 18s alcohol specific hospital stays Emerg admiss for alcohol related liver conditions Prevalence of Learning Disabilites Epilepsy Self Harm Excess weight in Adults Chronic Kidney Disease Diabetes Atrial Fibrilation Alcohol Dependence Harm & Liver dissease ALCOHOL SMOKING OBESITY

9 Health Outcomes The CCG will have a renewed focus on improving the health of the population and reducing pressure on services by: reducing obesity (especially in school age children) reducing smoking (especially in pregnant women) reducing alcohol consumption (especially by teenagers) Please let us know your thoughts & ideas : Are the priorities and target groups the right ones? How would you like to see the priorities delivered? Contact Details: Angela Wright Tel:

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