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OOD - Principles Design Class Diagrams

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1 OOD - Principles Design Class Diagrams
Chapter 12

2 Domain Class vs. Design Class

3 Design Class: Things to Know
Attributes Elaborate attributes Methods Method types Method Signatures Instance Level & Class Level (attributes & methods)

4 Elaborating Attributes
visibility attributeName: dataType {property} Visibility Public or Private Data type Numbers: integer, double Text: string True/False: boolean Dates: dateTime Property key

5 Method Types 3 Method types Constructor methods Accessor methods
Get Set Processing methods

6 visibility methodName(parameterList) : returnType
Method Signatures visibility methodName(parameterList) : returnType Visibility Public or Private Method name Verb phrase Parameter List Inputs Return Type Output Typical data type: integer, string, etc Object (e.g. Student) Collection of objects: StudentArray

7 Instance-Level vs. Class-Level Attributes & Methods
Pertains to an individual object/instance Attribute  name Method  getName(), calcGPA() Class-Level Does not pertain to an individual object/instance Attribute  tuitionPerHour Method  findAboveHours() -tuitionPerHour: integer

8 Exercise Design a Design Class for: Vehicle Attributes Method
Primary Key Instance attribute Class Attribute Method Constructor method Instance Method Accessor methods (2) Processing method Class Method

9 Design Class Diagram Overridden Method How many attributes are
there in a MailOrder object?

10 A Design Class (coded in VB)

11 Fundamental Design Principles
Object Responsibility Separation of Responsibilities Protection from Variations Indirection Coupling - low Cohesion - high

12 Fundamental Design Principles
Object Responsibility - objects are responsible for carrying out system processing “Knowing” - attributes & associations “Doing” - carrying out methods (i.e. doing what they are asked to do)

13 Fundamental Design Principles
Separation of Responsibilities - Separation of Concerns Segregate classes into groups Protection from Variations - parts of a system unlikely to change are separated (protected) from those that will surely change e.g. Separate UI forms that are likely to change from application logic e.g. Put DB connection & SQL statements that are likely to change in a separate classes from application logic 3-Layer Design

14 Fundamental Design Principles
Coupling - how closely related classes are linked (tightly or loosely coupled) Two classes are tightly coupled if: there are lots of associations with another class there are lots of messages to another class e.g. a customer object can access a Sale object  this coupling is necessary e.g. a customer object can access a SaleItem object  this coupling is not Cohesion – a measure of the focus or unity of purpose within a single class A class has high cohesiveness if: all of its responsibilities are consistent & make sense for purpose of the class e.g. a customer object carries out responsibilities that naturally apply to customers A class has low cohesiveness if: its responsibilities are broad e.g. a customer object requests a new order but also requests that inventory be updated.

15 Fundamental Design Principles
Indirection - an intermediate class should be placed between 2 classes to decouple them but still link them e.g. Add a controller class between UI classes and problem domain classes

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