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Practical Biochemistry1 Lab BIOCA2101

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1 Practical Biochemistry1 Lab BIOCA2101
IUG, Spring 2018 Dr. Tarek M Zaida

2 Instructor Info Dr. Tarek M. Zaida C631 Contant info. Phone: Office: Mobile: Office hours: Sat: 9-10 & Mon:9- 10 Wed:9-10 & 11-12

3 Course Description Introduction of students majoring in Biochemistry to some of the most widely used experimental procedures in biochemistry. During this course students will become familiar with the principles of basic biochemistry through the very carefully selected lab activities that will focus on the fundamental biomolecules of the living system such as: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, and vitamins

4 This lab will focus mainly on:
Qualitative tests of Carbs., Lipids, Amino acids, Proteins, and Vitamins Using different widely applied methods in biochemistry labs.

5 Prerequisite: Practical Analytical Chemistry CHEM 2110 Biochemistry I BIOCA2301

6 Course Objectives By the end of this course students will be:
Ready to explain the different roles of the very important biomolecules in the living system, through understanding the biochemical properties of such compounds. More self-confident in conducting experiments with their own hands.

7 Able to handle the different lab equipments with confidence.
Familiar with the different methods applied in basic biochemistry labs. Students will: Improve their communication skills Get used to a team-work.

8 Textbook Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry1 ( by Dr. Tarek M Zaida, Feb. 2016)

9 Preparing the lab report..
Title of Lab session e.g., Carbohydrates Experiment 1, 2, 3 Aim of the experiment Principle of the method used in achieving the experiment Results (including pic., calculations) Comments

10 Evaluation There will be different types of evaluation that will include: Answering the pre-lab questions during lab session; each lab session 2 mrks Quizzes (3) through the whole term Writing Lab reports Active engagement in the actual lab work & completing the lab journal. Participation in the discussion with classmates through the electronic learning tools actively and on time

11 Course Policy Attendance all lab sessions is a mandatory.
Zero tolerance for not following given instructions during lab sessions. Wearing the lab coat as soon as you step in the lab. Acting responsibly during the entire lab session. Team work is a must, including communication with group partners. Giving up reports from the previous lab session must be electronically and before the day of the next lab. No make ups are allowed.

12 Grading 100 24 18 36 16 6 Total grades Pre-lab quizzes (12)
Activity Points Pre-lab quizzes (12) Quizzes (3) 24 18 Lab Reports 36 Active Engagement during lab Session and keeping a lab journal updated 16 Practical Exam (in-lab) 6 Total grades 100

13 Following up with the Course
Students may reach the course materials through moodle system anytime. In case of anticipating any type of problems, student may contact me at my mobile or via . How to use moodle system Students may go through the moodle system using guide found on the website of electronic learning , under educational resources for students. Students may also ask for assistance from the electronic learning center found in the IT building I400, phone 1573.

14 Reactions of Reducing Sugars Phenyl Hydrazine Reaction
Course Timing Activity Lab Activity 1 Carbohydrates Lab Activity 2 Reactions of Reducing Sugars Lab Activity 3 Phenyl Hydrazine Reaction Lab Activity 4 Polysaccharides Lab Activity 5(Quiz 1) Lipids I Lab Activity 6 Lipids II Lab Activity 7 Proteins I Lab Activity 8 Proteins II Lab Activity 9 (Quiz 2) Proteins III Lab Activity 10 Enzymes Lab Activity 11 Lab Activity 12(Quiz 3) Metabolism Vitamins

15 How to protect yourself in the laboratory ?

16 Every experiment is designed to minimize hazards, but the following rules are a necessary adjust to that design…

17 1- Wear safety glasses all times when you are in the laboratory.

18 2- Learn the exact locations of eyewash fountains, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire blankets, and other safety features in your laboratory, as well as how to use these devices. sketch the laboratory and indicate their location.

19 3- Work only during the scheduled laboratory periods and perform only authorized experiments.

20 4- If you feel faint, sit down right away

21 5- If you burned and require the attention of a doctor, has someone accompany you to the doctor's office. Do not apply salves or ointments on the burned areas, let the doctor decide the treatment. Prompt cooling of a burned area with cold water markedly reduces subsequent pain and facilitates heating of the area.

22 6- Some accidents happen when labels are not read carefully.
Get in the habit of reading out loud (but softly) the label of bottle you intend to use.

23 7- To avoid contamination;
(a)Discard unused chemicals : do not return them to reagent bottles ;clean up anything you spilled..

24 (b)Never put a medicine cropper or a pipette from your desk into a reagent bottle but, instead pour a very small amount of the reagent quantities.

25 (c)Try to keep inner walls of bottle stoppers or corks from touching tops of desks or shelves where they might pick up dust or other chemicals.

26 8-Your shoes should cover your feet to protect them from spilled chemicals or dropped objects….

27 9. Watch out while you work around benzene burner flame

28 10- Food and beverage are not allowed in the laboratory!!

29 11-Every time you select a flask, cylinder, or test tube for some experiment, examine it for cracks and broken edges.

30 12-Never taste chemicals
Check odors only very cautiously.

31 13-Always pour concentrated acid into water (never water into acid)

32 14. Mobile phones should be turned off during all lab sessions!!

33 …have fun working biochemistry
…Now Let’s get started.. …have fun working biochemistry

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