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PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Largest phylum of the animal kingdom

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1 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Largest phylum of the animal kingdom
Arthropod species account for ~ 75% of all animal species Evolved ~ 600 mya

2 Taxonomy

3 General Characteristics
All arthropods share three general characteristics: Jointed appendages such as jointed legs and antennae arthropod actually means “jointed foot”

4 General Characteristics
Exoskeleton external skeleton that helps protect and support has three layers outer = wax to repel water and prevent from desiccating (drying out) middle = protein + chitin + calcium carbonate for protection (like armour plating) inner = protein + chitin, flexible protection (like chain mail) limits maximum size of arthropods as exoskeletons become very heavy as the animal gets bigger does not grow, must be molted and then re-grown

5 General Characteristics
Segmented Body Each segment generally contains at least 1 pair of appendages Arthropod success is explained, in part, due to the diversity of their appendages Legs Antennae Pincers and claws Stingers Wings Jaws Paddles Gills Spinnerets (for spinning webs)

6 General Characteristics
Segmented Body Sometimes different segments are fused together to form tagmata which may be specialized for Feeding Locomotion Reproduction Body structure often includes (especially all insects): Head: arthropods are highly cephalized Thorax Abdomen

7 Other Common Characteristics
Open Circulatory System Have a hemocoel = cavity containing internal organs Hemolymph (essentially blood) is not contained in vessels, simply bathes the organs within the hemocoel Well Developed Nervous System ladder-like 2 ventral nerve cords (rails) linked by cross nerves (rungs) Well Developed Respiratory System Terrestrial arthropods have lungs or air sacs Aquatic arthropods have gills

8 Taxonomy

9 Taxonomy –Subphylum Trilobita
An extinct subphylum characterized by: very long antennae many segments hard exoskeleton

10 Taxonomy –Subphylum Uniramia
An extant (currently living) subphylum characterized by: one-branched (or non-branched) appendages have antennae and mandibles (jaws) appear to have evolved on land Three Main Classes Class Chilopoda Centipedes with flattened body and 1 pair of legs per segment Class Diplopoda Millipedes with rounded body and 2 pairs of legs per segment Class Insecta Flies, grasshoppers, bees, wasps, ants, buttlerflies, moths and beetles that have madibles, antennae, unbranches appendages, 6 legs, and often one or two pairs of wings

11 Taxonomy –Subphylum Chelicerata
An extant (currently living) subphylum characterized by: lack of antennae Presence of pincer-like mouthparts called chelicerae Three Main Classes Class Xiphosura Horseshoe crabs Class Arachnida Spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks that have a cephalothorax and abdomen and 8 legs

12 Taxonomy –Subphylum Crustacea
An extant (currently living) subphylum characterized by: two pairs of “feelers” on head have branched appendages mostly aquatic including copepods, water fleas, barnacles, crab, shrimp, crayfish, lobster terrestrial exception – pill bugs/rolly-pollies

13 Insects-Chapter 39

14 Classification of Insects
Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Uniramia Class Insecta Entomology = the study of insects Entomologist = scientists that study insects

15 Characteristics of Insects
Segmented body divided into three tagmata: Head Thorax Abdomen Jointed appendages Exoskeleton

16 Characteristics of Insects
Most insects are small They have jaws = mandibles One pair of antennae on head Thorax has three pairs of jointed legs Many species one or two pairs of wings Abdomen composed of 9-11 segments

17 INSECT DOMINATION! = 80% of all organisms that scientists have classified and named inhabit almost every imaginable niche and ecosystem on the planet including the Arctic

18 WHY INSECT DOMINATION? exoskeleton diverse jointed appendages small
rapid and numerous reproduction incomplete and complete metamorphosis

19 Insects and People The Negative Effects crop damage
spread disease via bites some fleas carry plague damage buildings (Termites) allergies to bites

20 Insects and People The Positive Effects
Insects play vital role in almost all terrestrial and freshwater environments Serve as food for many other animals Cross pollinate plants Estimated that insects pollinate 40% of worlds flowering plants Provide us with: honey wax silk

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