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12/9/15 Warm-Up ( Write Q &A) What is the Arab-Israeli Conflict?

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1 12/9/15 Warm-Up ( Write Q &A) What is the Arab-Israeli Conflict?
What caused the collapse of Communism? Describe the changes in China caused by the Chinese Revolution


3 Unit 7 Test Review. 10 Minutes of Reviewing.

4 Policies and Organization
Cold War Summary U.S. ( Capitalist) vs .U.S.S.R. ( Communism) Never directly fight because of Mutually Assured Destruction ( Both would be destroyed) Both are trying to Spread it’s influence. “Iron Curtain” splits Europe into East and West This is physically manifested in Berlin Wall. Major Events Berlin Blockade/Berlin Airlift: USSR tries to stop Western Germans from getting allied supplies. The Democracies airlifts Supplies. Cuban Missiles Crisis: U.S. finds nuclear Missiles in Cuba from USSR. Nuclear war almost happened. Nations negotiated to move missiles and open lines of communication. Wars Korean War/Vietnam War: Communism North tries to take over democratic south and U.S. is involved in each of these wars. Policies and Organization NATO: Organization of Western Democracies Warsaw Pact: USSR and Communist Eastern European Nations. Containment: The policy that the U.S. must stop the spread of Communism.

5 Collapse of Communism USSR Collapsed in 1989 due to several reasons.
Life in USSR and Eastern Satellite States was harsh due to inefficient economic system. Perestroika and Glasnot ( openness) allowed for more economic and political freedom for Soviet citizens. USSR failure to stop revolutions against communism in Eastern Europe.

6 Chinese Revolution Summary
China changed from being ruled by dynasty to becoming a Communist Nation. Major Events in China Tinanmen Square Massacre: Chinese protester rallied for more individual freedom and economic reforms. Government shot into crowds of protesters and killed hundreds of demonstrators. Mao Zedong Communist Leader Gained control due to peasant support during revolution Two Policies Great Leap Forward: Program to modernize China and collectivize farming ( huge failure and caused people to starve) Cultural Revolution: Attempted to support communist ideology while purging traditional Chinese beliefs.

7 Collapse of European Imperialism
Decolonization is a time period when colonized areas fight for independence from European countries. After World War II Common Ideas of Leaders of these movements was liberty, justice, equality, and self-determination of their nations. Key Individuals and Groups Mahandis Gandhi: Helped India gain independence; famous for passive resistance Nelson Mandela: First black South African president who fought against Apartheid Apartheid: System of racial segregation in South Africa from Khmer Rouge: A communist group that ruled after Cambodia gained independence Pol Pot: Leader of the Khmer Rouge, brutal dictator of Cambodia

8 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Conflict between Israeli ( Jewish) and Arab ( Muslim) over the land historically known as the holy land. Jews want to go back to their homeland. This belief that Jews should go to their homeland is Zionism. British promised Jews Palestine after World War I. Britain had control over Palestine at the time.

9 World Economies Market Economies Command Economies
What is Produce and how it is produced is decided by private citizens Associated with democracies Lots of economic Freedom Inequality What is Produce and how it is produced is decided by government Associated with totalitarian regimes ( communist) Lacks economic Freedom Economic Equality

10 Study-Guide Work Time Complete the Study Guide using your notes/ Packet on the internet. More Unit 7 Unit 7 Reading. Study Guide needs to be complete before you leave class today.

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