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First appeared 400 million years ago Evolved from green algae

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1 First appeared 400 million years ago Evolved from green algae
KINGDOM PLANTAE First appeared 400 million years ago Evolved from green algae

2 Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotes Autotrophs

3 Alteration of Generations


5 Land vs Water Land Water Advantage Higher [gas] available Higher light
intensities Sufficient moisture No need to preserve water Temp. moderate Support microorg. Disadvantage Dry Requires and internal transport system Greater temp extremes Harsher climate Gases must be dissolved lower [ ] Lower light Danger of freezing


7 PHYLOGENY OF PLANTS 4 Major groups arranged on basis of:
Presence or absence of vascular tissue 2. Presence or absence of seeds

8 NON-VASCULAR PLANTS (Mosses and their relative)
3 phylum: Bryophytes (mosses) Anthocerophyes Hepatophytes (hornworts) (liverworts)

9 Characteristics no vascular tissue
transport nutrients via diffusion and osmosis no roots rhizoids – small root like structure which develop from the lower surface

10 SEEDLESS VASCULAR PLANTS (Ferns and their Relatives
4 Phylum: Psilotophytes Lycopodophytes Sphenophytes (Whisk Fern) (Club Mosses) (Horsetails) Pteriophytes (Ferns)

11 Characteristics Leaves, roots, and stems Vascular tissue

12 Gymnosperms (Conifers and their relative)
4 Phylum Conifers Cycadophytes (pine, fir, spruce, cedars) Gnetophytes Ginkgophytes

13 Characteristics Seeds are exposed on the surface of cone scales (Gymnosperms  “Naked seed”) Vascular system

14 Angiosperms (Flowering Plants)
1 Phylum: Anthophyta Characteristics Seeds protected within a body of fruit Vascular system

15 2 large classes based on the Number of seed leaves or Cotyledons
Monocots Dicots (1 seed leave) (2 seed leave)

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