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Photosynthesis Review

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2 Photosynthesis Review
Definition: process to convert light energy to chemical energy (glucose) that will be used to fuel the organism’s life processes Equation:

3 Plant Characteristics
Multicellular Eukaryote Photosynthetic Roots (to anchor & absorb)

4 Plant Classification Characterized by tissue - Vascular or Nonvascular

5 Vascular Tissue Has transport tissues called xylem & phloem.
Grows larger than nonvascular plants Divided into two categories: Seedless Vascular Vascular Seed

6 Seedless Vascular Usually contain spores
If no spores present, then needs water for reproduction Examples: Ferns Horsetails Club Mosses

7 Club Mosses - Epiphytes
Epiphyte: Plant that lives anchored to another plant (not parasitic)

8 Vascular Seed Uses seeds as mechanism for reproduction  No longer dependent on water for reproduction Examples Gymnosperm Angiosperm

9 Seeds Seed Categories: divided by seed leaves called cotyledons
One seed leaf – monocot Two seed leaves – dicot Adaptations for dispersal Ex) Spikes – cling to fur Ex) Wings – catch the wind

10 Monocot vs Dicot

11 Seed Adaptations for Dispersal

12 Gymnosperm Characteristics
“Naked Seeds” Do not produce flowers or fruit Usually use cones for reproduction Adaptation for land: needle- like leaves to reduce water loss

13 Gymnosperm Examples Conifers (cone bearing plants) Cycads Gingkoes

14 Angiosperm Characteristics
Flowering Plants Produce Fruit Make up 75% of the Plant Kingdom

15 Angiosperm Lifespan Annual – one growing season Biennial – 2 years
Perennial – several years

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