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Empowering Nurses to Provide Life-Saving Services (Task Shifting)

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1 Empowering Nurses to Provide Life-Saving Services (Task Shifting)
Kelly Curran 9 June 2010 MC Country Update Arusha, Tanzania

2 Antiretroviral Therapy
A nurse initiates ART in South Africa.

3 Cryotherapy A Tanzanian nurse provides the single visit approach to cervical cancer prevention combines visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) with immediate cryotherapy for women with aceto-white lesions. Women with large lesions or suspected cancers are referred.

4 Neonatal Resuscitation
A nursing student resuscitates a newborn in Afghanistan.

5 Cesarean Section Birth of a Surgeon: Mozambique trains nurse-midwives to provide cesarean sections and hysterectomies Five African countries allow non-physician clinicians (usually clinical officers). to perform operative deliveries including cesarean sections. Mozambique has also embarked on a program to train nurse-midwives to perform C/S. Data from Malawi show that there is no difference in outcomes for C/S performed by clinical officers as compared to medical doctors.

6 Post-Placental IUD A Rwandan nurse provides immediate post-placental IUD insertion using the no-touch technique.

7 Male Circumcision Nurses provide adult MC at Livingstone General Hospital, Zambia. The only countries which have performed tens of thousands of MCs to date are Kenya and Zambia, both of which allow nurses to perform adult MC. Adverse events rates are similar to the RCTs and to doctor-led MC programs.

8 Thank You Nurses and patients celebrate the arrival of nurse-initiated and managed ART in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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