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Theme Analysis: By the Author

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1 Theme Analysis: By the Author
-Society, Human Nature, and Morality- Directions: Explain whether or not you think the author was on the right track with his ideas about society, human nature, and morality. (at least ½ page)

2 Role Play: The Naval Officer
Now that the boys have been rescued in Chapter 12, you have an opportunity to pick the story up where the author left off. Continue the saga in your own imagination by assuming the role of the naval officer who finds the boys on the beach. Complete each scenario described in any manner that you feel is consistent with the message of the novel.

3 The Ship’s Log: As the naval officer responsible for finding these boys, it has become your duty to record the events of the next five days in the ship’s log. Each day begins with a few words to help you get started. The rest is up to you. (3-4 sentences each minimum) Day 1: Found pack of British boys on the beach and… Day 2: After a rough night, the boys spent the day… Day 3: Brought the boys into the mess hall to… Day 4: After hearing the dreadful tale yesterday, have decided to… Day 5: Today we reach the home port and… NOW WHAT? Describe/explain what you believe Ralph, Roger, and Jack’s lives are like now. (½ page)

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