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Blood Pressure Regulation

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1 Blood Pressure Regulation

2 General Definitions: Blood Flow: the volume of blood flowing through a vessel, organ or the entire circulation in a given period (ml/min) Blood Pressure: the force exerted on a blood vessel by blood (mmHg) Resistance: opposition to blood flow. A measure of friction within blood vessels Blood Viscosity: thickness/ “stickiness” of blood itself, which will provide internal resistance to flow

3 Important Points Blood flow is controlled by changes in pressure
Blood will always flow from areas of high pressure to low pressure Average blood pressure: Right: 24/8 mmHg Left: 120/80 mmHg *Both sides eject the same volume of blood simultaneously

4 Cardiac Output CO= SV x HR
Cardiac Output (CO): the amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in one minute CO= SV x HR Stroke volume (SV): the volume of blood pumped out by each ventricle in each beat Heart rate (HR): the number of heart beats per minute (CO also = EDV- ESV)

5 Regulations of Stroke Volume
1. Preload: amount that the ventricle is stretched when it is full of blood 2. Contractility: the contractile force of cardiac cells 3. Afterload: the pressure exerted by blood in the large arteries back on the heart

6 Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
The pressure that propels blood to the tissues throughout the cardiac cycle Two ways to determine MAP: 1. MAP= diastolic pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure 2. MAP= CO x TPR

7 Total Peripheral Resistance
The total resistance to blood flow in the body Affected mainly by: Arteriolar radius Blood viscosity

8 Blood Pressure Regulation
Short-term mechanisms: Neural controls Vasomotor center in brain Baroreceptor reflexes Chemoreceptor reflexes Chemical controls Sympathetic response (epinephrine) ANP- decreases blood volume ADH- conserves water Angiotensin II- vasoconstriction Inflammatory chemicals- vasodilation Alcohol- inhibits ADH

9 Blood Pressure Regulation
Long-term mechanisms Renal Regulation (kidney) Renin-Angiotensin mechanism Renin angiotensin ADH aldosterone

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