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Fresh Rules/updates: Theatre
Calendar 2018-2019 August 10 August 15 - Nov 1 October 1 Nov 2 - Feb 1
Dates Task August 10 Deadline to report bi-district information and adjudicators to state offices. August 15 - Nov 1 Window to schedule zone and district OAP Planning Meetings. See the section on Planning Meetings October 1 Deadline to enroll via the UIL Spring Meet Entry System. Nov 2 - Feb 1 Dates to contact and contract the second and third members of a panel for zone and district contests opting to use a panel. November 15 Last day for double representation notification to the League.
Calendar Dates Task December 14 Deadline for requesting permission to produce plays not on the approved lists and scenic elements that are are not permissible under contest rules. February 1, 2019 Deadline to organize your district’s One-Act Play Contest. Deadline to set up One-Act Play Meets in the Spring Meet Entry System. Deadline for executing judging contracts. February 14, 2019 ****NOTE EARLIER THIS YEAR Deadline for registering your title in the UIL Spring Meet Entry System. (System opens 1/1) 10 Days Prior to Your First Contest Deadline for Contestant Entry, Play, Set info and additional directors to be entered via the UIL Spring Meet Entry System. (System opens 2/1) Deadline for submitting the Contestant Entry Form for Zone or District contests March 25-30, 2019 District and Bi District Contests March 28, 2019 District and BI- District Certification Deadline
Calendar 2018-2019 April 1-6, 2019 OAP Area Meets April 12-16, 2019
DATE EVENT April 1-6, 2019 OAP Area Meets April 12-16, 2019 Regional Meets April 23-25, 2019 STATE MEET- 4-6A ROUND ROCK PAC MAY 2-4, 2019 STATE MEET 1-3A
Who Can Direct the high school OAP?
Full-time employees of the school districts the plays represent. A maximum of 4 directors shall be allowed. Student teachers may volunteer to assist during the semester they are assigned to a participant school. Student teachers may be listed as Directors on the Contestant Entry Form and program but they do not count against the allotment of directors. Schools shall not pay student teachers.
Junior High/Middle School
The Fulltime Employee Requirement does not apply to The Jr. High OAP Director does not have to be a fulltime employee of the District.
OAP ETHICS CODE: Section 1034
PLEASE REVIEW (a) ONE-ACT PLAY CONTEST CODE. Section 901, the Academic Meet Code requires participants to: (1) Participate in the OAP contest with the spirit of fairness and sportsmanship, observing all rules both in letter and intent. (2) Direct and sponsor companies and individuals without resorting to tactics which attempt to skirt the rules or distract from sound educational principles.
Music Time Limits Music log still due prior to official rehearsal.
There is no time limit on recorded music. --- ok, you can’t go over 40 minutes. Live music shall not exceed 19 minutes of the total performance time, see new added column on music log for LIVE MUSIC. .
What Makes a Play Ineligible?
Entries may be declared ineligible for advancement or ranking for any of the following violations: The use of ineligible students. Exceeding the number listed in the Contestant Entry Form/Spring Meet Entry System, This includes using crew as actors. Violating the time limits on performance or set-up or strike. The use of firearms, explosives or combustible materials. The use of additional unit set. The director communicating with the company during the performance.
Safety Standing on Properties
Safety for all involved is key. Risky staging shall be avoided at all costs. No scenic effect is worth it. No participants shall be staged on unit set elements elevated over 6 feet in height. No participants shall be staged under unit set elements when elevated over four feet high and other participants are staged on them. Review Handbook on how to elevating unit set elements. Safety Standing on Properties
All weapons and any action where there is a possibility of injury shall be shown to the Contest Manager at each contest. (For example, slaps, punches, gymnastics, falls, sword/dagger fights, etc.)
First time directors Complete the Professional Acknowledgement Form found on UIL website, Indicating you have read and agree to abide by the rules.
1A Reminder: Use of 8th Graders
1A ONLY - Students in Grade 8 from middle/ junior high schools feeding into the high school may participate in One-Act Play at the high school level when the play would be withdrawn from competition due to lack of student interest or eligibility. Complete The "8th grade to High School Substitution Form" (Link) found under "Resources and Forms" .
State Judges 2018-2019 1A – Bill Doll, Jim Mammarella, Charlie Hukill
2A –Ezekiel Morgan, Carrie Klypchak, Rachel Mattox 3A – Larry Balfe, Mandy Epley, Jackie deMontmollin 4A – Rick Garcia, Kelly Russell, Omar Leos 5A – Royal Brantley, Rod Caspers, Deb Shaw 6A – Margaret Valenta-Davis, Jill Ludington, Charles Falcon
Your Evaluation on Judges
We need more Evaluations from Directors. We need to learn more about how the contest was managed, about the critique, and this is your chance to nominate judges for Area, Region and State.
Clarification: Failure to participate
Schools that withdraw or fail to show for the contest shall: Contact the Academic Chair, the Contest Manager and the State Office immediately. The Principal of the withdrawing school shall file a written report to the SEC stating their reasons for withdrawal. The deadline is June 1st. The State Executive Committee shall consider each case and inform the school if any penalties have been accessed.
Standards and Play Selection
A Script appearing on the Approved List must be cut to meet the Standards Rule. Use common sense editing. Your community is Texas. Things change . Check the approved lists before committing to a play… Make sure you get approval for contest. Plan ahead. Publishers may ask you to provide your scenes to the playwright/agent. This can take months. Don’t trust Facebook!
Play Selection Procedures
As a policy, anything that is rejected by reader #1 is then sent to a second reader. If both disapprove then it is rejected. If Reader one disapproves and Reader 2 approves, we send to third reader for a tie-breaker. Any script that is disapproved has had anywhere from two to four reads. Most disapprovals are based on procedural issues.
Play Submission Reminders
Send Check Hi-Lite in Yellow Strike-through with pen, but still be visible.
Clinics and Aid in Directing
Make sure you do not create conflicts for judges. Use the Clinic Conflict Form ( Resources and Forms) Make sure no Clinician sees a play that they might judge. Clinics and Aid in Directing Send Clinic Conflict Form to the State Office Violations by Host and School shall be reported to the SEC . Violations by the judge are reported to the TTAO.
How many clinics or festivals can I go to?
No more than 4 per school year. 3 Sessions can occur on school days, HOWEVER, ONLY ONE SESSION is permitted during any one school week. Each Session shall include a performance of the play and may not exceed TWO HOURS.
Clarification: 8 hour rule
Violations on rehearsal times are violations of state law The 8-hour rule is part of HB 72 – Applies to all of your performances and not restricted to OAP. – There is no dress rehearsal/ tech rehearsal exemption. Your play will be made ineligible for a violation of the rehearsal rules. See Handbook for OAP and the Side by Side document. Clarification: 8 hour rule
Damage to the Host facility
Do not damage the facility or endanger the site crew, audience or participants. The Contest Manager and/or host may require you to eliminate, reduce quantities or restage a scene where action or materials used (i.e. blood, water, food, glitter, etc) may damage or endanger the site crew, audience or participants . The performing school shall be responsible for any damages. Damage to the Host facility
Use of Live Musicians Onstage and Offstage
Onstage Musicians is permissible if their presence on stage is dialogue-driven or prescribed by the playwright, and count towards the allotment of cast members and shall play roles in the play. Live musicians or singers used off-stage do not require approval. (must be cast/crew) All music selections used live on or offstage must comply with copyright law. Live music Onstage shall not exceed nineteen (19) minutes of the total performance time. Use of Live Musicians Onstage and Offstage
The use of any walls, flats, platforms, self-supported scenery, other than that which is specifically allowed in the contest rules and handbook, require special approval. Use of Scenery
Live Animals League approval must be requested. Please provide handling details. See Handbook A certificate of good health will be required at each level of competition. The form to request permission can be found at the UIL website under "Resources and Forms."
Reminder: Community Standards & Copyright Compliance
Have your administrator sign the "Community Standards and Copyright Compliance Form." The form can be downloaded from the UIL website HOME PAGE/OVERVIEW This form shall NOT be signed until the administrator signing has seen the production as it is to be performed at contest. Reminder: Community Standards & Copyright Compliance
New rules
Time Limits and Fresh new warnings
NEW TIME WARNINGS Time Limits and Fresh new warnings Time Allowed Element WARNINGS 7 Minutes Setup and Strike Countdown warnings at 1 minute intervals starting at 5 minutes left. A warning at 30 seconds and 15 seconds remaining. 1 Minute Time allowed to start the performance after declaration of end of setup You shall be told when 60 seconds start. An official timekeeper backstage shall give the company audible warnings at 10 second intervals beginning at 60 seconds. ( i.e. “ you have 10 seconds remaining.”) 40 Minutes Performance Time (minimum of 18 and maximum of 40)* Warning when 15 minutes and 35 minutes have elapsed. A warning will be given at 5 minutes, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min, 30 seconds and 15 seconds remaining. You will be asked to confirm. No other warnings given. .
Please Review New Warnings at
Official UIL Rehearsals- with your students and stage crew. Official Directors meeting. Remind your CM’s to review with official timekeepers.
NEW Scenic Elements and Properties changes
Special doors, entrances And windows- added dimension Two special 4’ wide X 8’ tall X 6" thick lightweight, non-metallic and non- wooden doors, entryways or windows (i.e. constructed from soft good or foam) may be used. They shall be supported by or suspended between unit set elements using standard "store-bought" devices They may be hinged. They may be used as two consecutive pieces. (side by side)
PROJECTORS – Clarification Dimension
Video monitors/ television sets, not to exceed feet in width are considered projection devices.
NEW Fabric and Other Soft Goods RULE
It is permissible to use unframed scenic fabric or projection material in any way you choose but under the following limitations: The material, without limit, shall be easily transported and stored. It may be rolled on a tube(s) or a batten, not to exceed 12' in length or may be folded into a 4X4 square,
NEW Fabric and Other Soft Goods RULE But, Can you…?
Drape it across floor to make an ocean…NO. No Adhesive materials may be used to secure or attach the fabric or soft goods. For safety reasons, the fabric shall not be used on the stage floor or unit set where actors will walk on it. Poles and Batten size remain the same. NEW Fabric and Other Soft Goods RULE But, Can you…?
Set and Strike may be accomplished with a closed or open curtain. The director shall declare that choice during the official rehearsal period. The Contest Manager or Host may rule that either one of these setups may endanger the cast, crew or audience. The Contest Manager's decision shall be final. Any laws applicable to local fire codes shall be enforced.
Prompting Your actors shall not be prompted for lines by anyone offstage, backstage or out of the acting area during the performance.
Lighting-NEW At the Contest Site- NEW
■ Lighting areas do not have to be numbered L-R. Many sites cannot do this.
They shall be provided and controlled by the performing company.
They shall be portable. Please review the Handbook on the permissible height of light stands upstage and downstage of the curtain line. Projections
They may be used to project static images or animated images
They may be used to project static images or animated images. They shall not contain actors or models. The use of these images shall be in compliance with copyright law. Video monitors/ television sets, not to exceed 4 feet in diagonal and width are considered projection devices. The director and the Contest Manager shall insure that they are stable and properly weighted. Projections
Contest Managers November 1 - Contest Manager Certification Modules and test will be open. February 1- Deadline for Contest Managers to certify online. This must be done annually. Membership in TTAO for Contest Managers is not mandatory.
UIL Theatrical Design 2019
Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
An Adventure in Pure Imagination UIL Theatrical Design Contest 2019 Deadline is February 9, 2019
What’s New? Target your inspiration on the original source… Roald Dahl
What stays the same? Areas of Design Costume Set Design Hair/Makeup Design Marketing
The Complete Theatrical Design Handbook will be available soon.
Questions? Contact Rachael Gomez, State Contest Director
Intent to Participate Form AVAILABLE NOW online
Important Dates Intent to Participate Form AVAILABLE NOW online January 10- Deadline for Entries State Festival-TBA Late Feb- Early March
Entries and Time limits
Each school may submit 3 FILMS in EACH CATEGORY. Narrative- 3-7 minutes Documentary- 3-7 minutes Computer/Digital Animation- 30 seconds – 3minutes Traditional Animation- Claymation, hand- drawn, stop motion…-30 seconds- 3minutes
Films go through preliminary round Advancing Films go to Second Round Advancing Films go to State Qualifying Round State Finalists will be awarded 1st through 6th Place medals.
Judging rubrics Coming in October!
Paula Rodriguez 512-471-4517
Break-a-leg !!! Paula Rodriguez
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