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A Warhol A

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1 A Warhol
Ahttps:// Warhol ( )

2 Life He was born August 6, 1928 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
He died on February 22, 1987 in NYC from a sudden post cardiac anthemia. He studied at School of Fine Art at Carnegie Institute of technology in PA


4 Eight Elvises

5 Four Aspects Method Style- Use of Bright Colors Repeated images
Pop Icons/ Mass Media

6 Silk Screening Definition: This is a technique that uses a
woven mesh to support and Ink-blocking stencil.

7 Use of Bright Colors Warhol used the primary colors-blue, red and yellow-in many of his pieces. These colors gave his work the feeling of pop culture. These colors were eye catching and exciting making his paintings extremely like and popular


9 Monroe

10 Repetition of Images


12 “I used to have the same lunch every day, for 20 years, I guess, the same thing over and over again.” - Andy Warhol

13 20th Century Icons & Mass Media


15 Your JOB…………. Finish your design of something “popular”
Out line it with sharpie marker. Get a large piece of white drawing paper and begin to trace the image 4 times. Draw and outline your design with sharpie.

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