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‘… where individuals develop their full potential’

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Presentation on theme: "‘… where individuals develop their full potential’"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘… where individuals develop their full potential’

2 FOR OUR SCHOOL We pray to God our Father
for all the people who help make St. James' to be our special family. Father, may our school be a family which offers caring as well as learning which offers safety as well as knowledge; which shares Faith as well as instruction. We make this prayer in Jesus' name. AMEN.

3 MISSION STATEMENT St James’ Catholic High School aims to promote a Christ-centred, caring environment, where individuals develop their full potential, and achievement is celebrated.

4 SCHOOL AIM What do you want? What do we want?
Happy , confident and caring young adults with a broad range of qualifications which ensure they are an asset to society.

5 SCHOOL AIM ‘To make every person in our school community feel supported in their spiritual, personal and academic development.’

6 Executive Headteacher
Mrs C Hogg

7 Pastoral Structure

8 GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT Form Tutors: Mr Wilby Mrs Moss Miss Sweeney
Mr Wheelan Mrs Booth/Mrs Floyd Mrs Grainger Heads of Year: Mrs C Linford and Mr M Brown

9 GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT Assistant Head Pastoral: Mrs E Keenan
Pastoral Manager: Mrs C Chadwick School Chaplain: Mrs E Bennett Attendance Officer: Mrs C Hanley School Nurse: Mrs S Capel Medical needs Co-ordinator: Mrs S Charnock Special Needs Co-ordinator: Mr M Bulfin

10 PASTORAL Support and care for all students
Maintaining high standards of behaviour Providing help when needed Promoting excellent attendance. Encouragement in all aspects of school life Rewarding students

11 Behaviour Expectations
We expect: The telling of truth Respect for the rights and property of others Kindness Recognition that we all unique and have different needs The taking of personal responsibility for our actions

12 Behaviour Expectations
We reject: Bullying Cheating Cruelty Irresponsibility Dishonesty

13 Attendance and punctuality
Students must strive to attain 100% attendance 96% and above is the level pupils should not fall below 90% attendance over the 5 years = ½ a year of missed secondary education. Research suggests this can result in a grade lower than expectations across subjects.

14 Rewards Attitude to Learning (ATL) Ready to Learn (RTL) Subject Awards
Achievement Awards Head of Year rewards Reward assemblies Trips Lunch rewards

15 ICT Awareness Pupils taught through PSHCE/Assemblies
Use of School ICT Resources Online Behaviour Internet Safety Mobile phones are not allowed in school Useful website for pupils and parents

16 How can you support your child further?
Get into great routines Check the planner daily and sign weekly Allocate a space for books/equipment to be kept at home Make a copy of their timetable and stick it in a prominent place Help to pack their bag each evening

17 Routines are vital! Have a separate PE bag
Encourage a good sleeping pattern-No phones/tablets in bedrooms after a certain time! Apps: Show My Homework & MyEd Support HOMEwork

18 INFORMATION Visit the school website at:
(Drop down menu, choose Year 6 transition) Parents’ Guide to Transition New Intake presentation E-Safety booklet Music lessons – expression of interest Weekly Newsletter (we do need an up to date )

19 Key Dates Friday 7th September : Individual School photos
Week commencing 10th September: Year 7 retreat day at Linnet Clough (1 form each day) 18th October: Year 7 Welcome mass 14th November: Year Parent/tutor Information evening

20 EXTRA-CURRICULAR Music Provision PE Clubs and teams
Lunchtime and after-school clubs Trips and residentials Linnet Clough retreats





25 INTAKE DAY Thursday 5th July Arrive at school at 8.40am
Pen, Pencil and lunch (or money for lunch £2.50) Primary school uniform. If you have your ‘Taking the Next Step’ booklet, bring that with you. Finish at 3pm. PARENTS: DO NOT DRIVE ON SITE AT THE END OF THE DAY!

26 ACTIVITIES FOR THE DAY You will have a Year assembly
You will meet your new form group and form teacher and spend time getting to know people. You will go to 3 lessons. You will be given a sticker showing you where you need to go for each lesson. Breaktime is 11:00-11:15 am. Lunchtime is early for Year 6: 12:50- 2:00 pm.

27 SMILE You won’t remember everything you’re told on your first day – it takes time. But ….. there will always be people to help.

28 ‘… where individuals develop their full potential’

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